June IB IMS Outlook Its a building boom at Acton High School R Acton High By Leaky McOyUI The building cons ruction clou members at have completed heir Jobs for the year Students started working In March prefabricating wails and the roof for a 12 ft by 12 ft tool shed in Eden Mills a ft by ft tool shed in the area and a ft by 30 ft threecar Karage in Acton Included in ihe class are John Dave Eaton Dave Brian Jamie Mil John Steve Parker Steven Sheppard Greg Smith Den Swinamcr Joe John White Kevin Logon Jeff Scott and Tony The senior drama class have Just recently finished their Inst project The project was putting together a children a theatre Students in groups of about five people put together story skits to perform In front of day care children On Wednesday June the students did their performances In front of children aged years at the Acton Day Care Some children got a bit scared when meeting a few wick witches dragons and tome ugly creatures But the good guys the friendly animals and the funny clowns put smiles back on the kids Students who were involved in put ting together such great per are as follows Saman- tha Angel Karen Case Nicole Charles Cathy Karl Jenny ah ike Amanda Deforest Tanya Jong Angela Dunn Steve Ellis Michelle Heaps Mollis Marilyn Lesley McCrystall Br end a McMillan Beverly McPhedron Mary Moore Lisa Lyn Wade Tcna Peters Patricia Reynolds Tammy Walnwright Laura Warrington and Kevin Quinn School is coming to end as ex started June IT Unfortunately this means that this is my last want everyone to know that vc really enjoyed writing for the Outlook about a school very proud of This Is AHS and I leave with a memories 1 hope everyone has a Exams mark the final days GEORGETOWN HIGH I ByTREOH BANKS Its Yet gone by As all a this means one another year has us students know ams While to some exams mean nothing to others this week means a rise in the number of ulcers At one time or another we will all glance study or memorize our notes or text books For some this started two weeks This very small minority of students then have already discovered a process in which to study review notes Yet here arc a few handy tips everyone might not know when preparing for an exam We start off with the night before an exam It Is recommended that you get a good night I sleep Cramming will only wear your mind down ana although not scientifically proven you will not be able to think straight The morning of the exam do not wake up late then proceed to study something new over a large breakfast This Is not recommended for many various reasons Once at school try not to talk to anyone about to write the same ex am you are Speaking from personal experience these people only con fuse you with their different enter of the same material you studied This only proceeds to get you nervous Don forget to br Dig an extra pen or pencil Once in side the examination room try to relax Also try to get away from the snifflers Are they ever ting Getting this next bit from the book read the whole exam before you start to write t you kick yourself if the lust question read sign name here and do not write paper Don forget to pro ofread Actually this is a note to myself because otherwise this word exist In my cocabulary Now that the torturous experience Is over don t use your notes as firewood Recycle that paper Final ly check and rccheck your exam schedule From personal ex penence there is nothing worse than showing up for an exam Good luck you all probably need It The Inst for Of i for others the paper met with what I would say great respect from all students and teachers Well almost all the teachers Proving Its success the paper sold out before the end of the day This was one of three records that The Press set with this Issue The other two were biggest issue and best issue ASK KATHY fort lira el with most of the papers editors graduating the question will It continue next year arises I m sure it will However it will most likely undergo a drastic change in format probably It should be in teres ting For senior students the hot topic of conversation was the mail At homes everywhere arrived or will be Iwe hope pieces of paper stating come to our university While this brought an air of tension and excite ment or most it also brought the realization that High School is over for good This post Wednesday saw students rummage through their lockers cleaning them out This means finding lost papers pictures and pens etc Besides that all else that students appeared to do was throw around a or baseball or head to someone pool All In all another tough week Finally besides saying goodbye to everyone I know and thanking Chuck I d Just like to say Chris I still have your albums REGULAR TIME CLEANING SILVER POLISHING CLOSETS CUPBOARDS LAUNDRY WINDOWS ETC REFERENCES We Tailor Our Services To Suit Your Needs GIFTCERT1QCATES FREE ESTIMATES BONDED Dear KATHY I have been on a diet for six weeks and suddenly I have quit losing weight Will I have to lower my 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