REGIONAL REFRIGERATION Sales Service Installations Walk and reiich in coolers and Deli display produce display display indusltul shelving DISTRIBUTOR FOR MAJOR REFRIGERATION MFRS Financing available on request 87334160 or 1955 ZOO ELMORE DRIVE ACTON 173900 area near Fairy Lake landscaped and treed Large kitchen Full storey 4 bed air 5198530794 Sun pi US Mill St E Hwy House Antiques ANTIQUE WORK BENCH or bestoffcr 877 4524 OLD MILK CAN good Shape 30 4524 DOUBLE stainless steel dairy sink good lion 75 877 FRIDGE AND STOVE frosl free fridge both excellent condition bo alter 4 RlM5andt1rIis flls Capri or Mustang Call Mike 1987 SINGLE BED solid oak with drawers In eluding FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL BLUE PROM DRESS petite very reasonable 877 7614 es GENERAL ELECTRIC frost free fridge and stove green lor the set feet 877 7034 TABLE modern ABOVE GROUND 8773812 POOL oval with healer WHEELER HAULAGE LTD FOR SALE TOP SOIL Mini load or 8770683 ON SALE will wild Furniture Ltd REPLACE VINYL Casement eluding 200 1400 877 modem plus more Call AIR CONDITIO PIANO English Turn Century Needs WHITE METAL TABLE and umbrella as new lest LARGE ELECTRONIC BUG KILLER Cost 139 Soil for OS 1 HOME AFGHAN 853 1197 MADE SO square Call CONDITIONER rod a T 877 SMALL fridge and stove suitable lor col 100 6817 GENORON BABY CARRIAGE I 877 58 COSMETIC TABLE oil cooler Extend the Itfe of yourself installation New 1 00 ENLARGER 3 and W OMEGA Mil etc Like now price Hotpomt heavy duty electric Only 4 years old leaving BLACK Heavy Duty like new be sized new asking OUTDOOR SO round wooden redwood 140 SANYO BETA VCR dial BROWN COUCH win match ng chair good lor rec room or collage While Stove in good working order S60 COM GAS STOVE white VST 150 B77 SEAT FOR Ford good on Its AUTO FOR SALE JIMMY wheel drive s am frr cassette running needs 1500 31B8 FORD with Cap as i call before 1976 CADILLAC 4 door as Is or lor pons Runn 877 COUGAR 4door s 1977 HONDA CIVIC good lor parts new 3859 MAZOA speed good body rough best Offer 877 6898 or 1980 FORD MUSTANG MONTE 877 1981MALIBU CLASSIC FIREBIRD as Is or best offer or B77 3909 after 1980 MAZDA GLC speed Sport certified 1639altor6p m A MINI needs lilllc work or or AUTOS FOR SALE 1982 HORIZON cylinder new poinl 877 Loaded good condltl SI 500 4394 FURY ASPENCADE mint or ly I 900 kms CUTLASS SUPREME or t Offer ihed 3 877 lest KING CAB certified 3410 or DODGE OMNI 4 door 130000km nights or days op TOYOTA COROLLA SR5 Hatchback ex cellent condition tory km certified 000 1757 nights Or WHITE AUSTIN MINI Professional sunroof glass FORD RANGER cyl over drive Tans km HONDA ACCORD low on best 112 CLASSIC rusl bo 877 7589 00 OMEGA OLOSMOBILE kms certified 4444 With support can be AUTOS FOR SALE cassette low miles I owner certified 8512696 VOLKSWAGON RABBIT Diesel good condition as a Ring 1981 DODGE LONG VAN factory seats and bed air most no rust History wbllls mi Obo HONDA Mechanically sound asking Call after 5 CROWN PERIAL 4 door hard bad brake lines standard good condition 877 aft 6 CORVETTE Silver Anniversary Edition 113 certified 877 435 HORIZON SPORTS last certified April good condition km Leaving country 1102 after 6 SN SNOWMOBILE and trailer 300 853 REC VEHICLES TERRY TAURUS full sleeps ex TRAILER ft Master Coach sleeps 4 FT CORSAIR Trailer very good on room sleeps 7 comes complete with a sunronm and an outdoor fridge Asking 00 or best offer Phono days 1358 evenings 3084 SUZUKI Temp for tone blue lion Stored In or ail fes YAMAHA 105 Ex Excellent low mileage 700 HELMET 100 wilh retractable shield new Sin goggles or offer RM 80 Suzuki dirt very good running condition new Tune up 400obo Call m 1975 I almost new miles Trail bike low mileage perleet condition ex tires your cancer beaten