Ir Will Be Great For fat CONTEST RULES 1 Contest is open to all children Aged 9 and Under 2 Colour The Clown Picture and bring it to the Fair on Childrens Day Sunday September 1 1 1 988 Drop it in the box at the 2 pm show of the Sphere Clown Band 3 A draw will be made for 1st 2nd and 3rd prizes at 3 pm on Sunday September 111 988 Name Address Telephone Age Firm bond unites Halton Hills Out for a drive along country miles one wouldnt expect the communities rolling by have much In common other than meeting the essential needs of their citizens But In Halton Hill regional government has bonded a of disparate communities together in one large town striking among them a balance of entwined em path and good rivalries Its a heady mixture that Isnt lost on visitors who Head for the Hills In spite of any lack or knowledge about the town on their port they find themselves feeling right at home here Predominant among Hi 111 communities Is Georgetown the largest urban centre with 16 residents and a host of op portunities fon sightseeing shopp ing and recreation Just ten miles west on Highway Is Acton whose citizens see their numbers swell by thousands each weekend thanks to the retail magnet of the Hide House Canada largest leather store Between Acton and Georgetown Is named for the lime- producing industry on which the villages welfare once rested The towering lime kilns remain to relate their remarkable story Equally proud of Its industrial heritage is Glen Williams just out side Georgetown Here paper and textile mills met the growing demands of a large portion of southern Ontario In the late lBOOs The village today Is no longer an industrial hub but he local tourism Industry has fostered a number of interesting attractions North of Georgetown Is so named by an Irish settler who took a shine to the ad Joining township of Erin The historic Credit River along which Indians once traded with French winds through Hills on Its way to Lake On I a no linking Georgetown and Glen Williams with Terra Cotta to the north and to the south Again the two tillages are as But for the cense of pride and community that villagers share in their fine old churches has largely relinquished Its ties with I he past opting Instead for the at tractions of modem commerce which blossoms here In Interesting shops a long established boat building business and the ever popular Hollywood House Tavern Terra by contrast clings tenaciously to the same scenic village character it has always had The Credit meanders idyllically post the Englishstyle Terra Cotta Inn and the always welcoming general store varian Canada Inc Georgetown Ontario River Drive Georgetown Ontario 8770161 332 ST Georgetown Ontario L7G Dunlop Insurance Limited FARM HUE BUSINESS AUTOMOBILE MARINE 51 5 Guelph St Norval Ontario 8775101