THE HERALD OUTLOOK Saturday November I Outlook FRANK i Bob I IF ANYTHING GOES Just pay i Vl it i y UJ n BUGS by Warner Bros iMfc -sts- SSEiV HAVE CHOCOLATE CHIP GRI7ZWH by Bill Schorr AIKTMER b Dick WITH POSSIBLE J SUN- MINE SOME ION V RES TV t change will the ahead where you work or Is concerned There I you may citing possibilities SCORPIO 22 Don It as a personal affront today I In complete mis individual dislikes you as a person Know where to look tor romance and you find It The Astro Graph Matchmaker Inslantly re veals which signs are romantically par feet lor you to Matchmaker I his newspaper Bo Clove land SAGITTARIUS Nov Try not to be impulsive the management your financial today you got reckless you do somelhlng that II prove 1o be costly CAPRICORN Dae In order to operate at your best todoy you will have to bo nlerforonco by AQUARIUS Jan 19 You ore not I keiy to work loo wall under pros sure today so don 1 leave Important as gnmenta until the last mlnuto Stay on schedule and d montal traffic jams PISCES Friends will find you an enjoyable companion today but not necessarily a generous one It you must with them ARIES March April There a possibility today thai you might prema tip your hand and derail some thing good which you should be keeping secret SI lance Is golden TAURUS April 20 Don I lei an old grudge Influence your thinking to day If you have to deal with person you crossed with In the past GEMINI May Jun 20 Sometimes wo can gel a belter business deal from a si ranger than we can from a friend This could be true In your Instance to day so shop around CANCER June July 22 Today you seek co from friends you might get conflicting op thai WW only contuse you To bo on the sofa ids make your own LEO July Don I make It comfortable for workers by lotting know how greatly you a en cod by do what you have to do Their 0bs am nol pushovers VIROO Aug Sapl against towards being too possessive or demanding of those you love Insload Of gelt your way you LIBRA Sept Oct must bo very loday to bo certain you Iroat you equally you piny you On courting hurt BORN LOSER by CELEBRITY CIPHER I B G GPNGF R U JMCDFNBPC IVSKGMS ERNPERVHH M