Page 10 MONEY MANAGEMENT 89 Wednesday February Make way for the Loonie July 1 Canadas new 1 coin the Loonie Anally comes into its own July 1 1989- Thats when the Bank of Canada will cease distribu tion of new 1 bills The has been around since July and 112000000 were distributed in that year alone But it has been issued in conjunction with new 1 bills and Canadians have tended to hoard the goodlooking new coin so not too many Loonies have been seen in general circula tion But from mid- onwards well see the bill begin to disappear as the Loonie comes into its own Its con sidered a special benefit for users and operators of coin merchandis ing machines and is supposed to ease the perennial shortage of quarters Its In case youve been wondering the is officially hen- decagonal or sided to you S truck by the Royal Canadian Mint the Loonie is golden in color and utilizes Canadas finest natural resources the Bank of Canada says It is produced from nickel electroplated with bronze which makes it both light and durable and of the finest quality In selecting this composition for the new currency Canada further enhances her excel lent reputation as the worlds foremost nickel producer The design like those of Canadas nickel and quarter is inspired by our fauna It depicts the common loon that true and lasting symbol of the Canadian wilderness in a magnificent design created by Canadian artist Car- It is therefore with much pride that the new Canadian dollar coin makes its historical entrance the central Bank said ones for 50 Meanwhile if youre a collector or just sentimental about the old green bill the bank has a special deal You can buy SI bills for 50 plus tax in single uncut sheets suitable for framing The full sheet of notes measures approximately by The Gold Maple Leaf precious medal investment coin produced and marketed by the Royal Canadian Mint is considered one of the premier investment coins in the world Theres gold in them there coins The Royal Canadian Mint can chalk up one of Canadas most outstanding marketing success stories of the decade with its Gold Maple Leaf bul lion investment coins Now available in four sizes one ounce of pure gold half an ounce a quarter of an ounce and one- tenth of an ounce respectively they offer bullion investors the purest most liquid and technically su perior in the world Since their introduction in to the end of 1987 some coins have been sold to investors atound Ihe world representing about half of all Canadian gold production in the period and worth some billion in export sales Bullish investment coins like the Maple Leaf are bought for the intrinsic value of the metal they con- lain Produced in relatively large numbers and traded regularly the Maple Leaf is purchased with a small handling charge entirely for the value of its gold content unlike numismatic coins which are struck in limited quantity and sold ata significant premium to the metal value because of potential rarity Sales are direct to 20 worldwide distributors in cluding the Bank of Nova Scotia Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and Guardian Trust Co in Canada and are available to the public through most major banks brokerage firms and coin dealers Prices vary day to day according to the current in ternational trading price established in London plus a small markup for the seller Additional information is available from John Gltnnu Ad Gold Maple Leaf at the Royal Canadian Mini Ot tawa The telephone number is 613 9930792 Build your with even more options Royal Bank Retirement Savings Plans now offer you more investment options Which means more flexibility Choose between guaranteed high interest rate deposits daily interest savings with higher rates paid on higher balances or redeemable and nonredeemable term deposits With more options and more ways to combine them you can pick an RSP thats exactly right for you Our interest rates are truly competi tive And we offer you the convenience of instant tax receipts specialists are on hand to help you at every Royal Bank branch Come in today and pick the option that best suits your needs ROYAL BANK STREET 877224 inches 762 by centimeters and is on sale across counter at Bank of Canadas nine agen cies The price is 50 per sheet plus provincial sales tax and each sheet will have been inspected rollcdand placed in a protective lube Premium explained Why the 10 premium for 40 worth of bills Spokesman Gordon May explained the bank wont make a profit because the cost of individually and packaging the sheets works out to just over 10 each But youll always be able to get the face value of bills that is if you ever run short the spokesman promises The Loonie will replace the dollar bill completely after June 30 Canadians tax bite was bigger in 88 Canadians direct and indirect tax bills are continuing their upward spiral according to the In stitute an independent research group The Institute calculated the average Canadian familys gross in come for would be 39500 of which more than half or 524 percent would be needed to pay income taxes sales taxes ex cise and property taxes and tions for pension programs Surprisingly perhaps the group said Albertans tax load is the highest in Canada at 608 per cent despite the fact Alberta has no retail sales tax Quebecs taxes ranked second at 529 per cent and Ontarios third at 514 per cent Other provinces rates were 506 per cent in British Columbia 505 per cent in Sas katchewan 479 per cent in Manitoba 439 per cent in New Brunswick 419 per cent in Nova Scotia 39 per cent in New foundland and 36 percent in Prince Edward Island Industrial Growth Fund When it comes to RRSP investing one word says it all Results There are many ways to invest your RRSP dollars And each alternative claims its the best for one reason or another But none of these claims hold water unless one thing is there to back them up a record of performance There are many things we could say to attempt to establish the credentials of The Industrial Group of Funds that we manage more than billion for more than Canadian investors that we pursue growth but never at the expense of consistency and that our record of anticipating developments in the market has been excellent But only hard numbers count And we urge you to make your decision on the strength of comparison of results 5yr 10 Industrial Growth Fund 130 16 For more information on this and other exceptional investments contact me Today John Brown RB Dominion Int ni-rii-r- Unarm IdV SECURITIES The Industrial Group of Funds iced in Mackenzie Financial Corporation All figures to December I 1988 are average annual compound returns based on net income invested and including reinvestment Pad performance not necessarily indicative of future results Any offers made by prospectus when contains complete details of all charges Please read it before making a purchase and retain it for future reference