I THE HERALD OUTLOOK Saturday February 18 Ml Page Outlook Lifestyle Research takes on killer COLD ri The condition of chronic bron and emphysema called COLD Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease is one of the leading causes of death and disability in Canada For many patients a dominant factor in this disability is a chronically low level of oxygen in the blood All body tissues require high levels of oxygen to function proper says Richard a respirologlst at the Ottawa Civic Hospital and a member of the Ex Committee of the Ontario Thoracic Society the medical sec tion of the Ontario Lung Associa tion When chronic lung disease lowers the blood oxygen below a certain critical level the body starts to malfunction This can lead to increased breathlessness heart failure abnormal brain and even suddenJeath Over the past years several studies have explored the concept that long term oxygen could reverse many of these harmful consequences and thus improve the quality and duration of life for patients with chronic lung disease Important also is the fact that many patients feel their self image is improved Those patients who have been selected by the physician by deter of the arterial oxygen level will benefit from home ox ygen therapy Intense cooperation is needed from patients and families embarking on this treat ment Not all patients will be able to fulfill the dedication required for continuous wearing of the oxygen apparatus Rodder cites a patient who is a walking example of how some of the new oxygen conserving technology can improve mobility for people on home oxygen The pa tient has bronchiectasis and re quires regular postural drainage to keep his lungs clear He has been on home oxygen for five years During this past year he has had a tube placed the front of his Breathing club If you or someone you know from chronic shortness of breath the Lung Association s Bet Breathing Club can help The club is led by a qualified physiotherapist under the tttrec tion of RWT medical advisor to the Lung Association Weekly meetings of thte club pro vide information about lung disease such as how to control episodes of how to correctly use medication and what causes shortness of breath In addition a part of each program is devoted to improving physical fitness with exercise programs which are tailored to the needs and abilities of the participants All the winter sessions of the Bet Breathing Club have openings available now The meetings take place in the physiotherapy gym of the local hospital The Lung Association offers this program free of charge as it is sup ported by the community through donations to the Christmas Seal Campaign To register contact the Lung Association of Halton Region Water testing Region will test the drink ing water quality of some public buildings in Halton Hills Last year two schools were found to have high levels of lead in the drinking water The schools were ordered to run their fountains for five minutes each morning to drain the lead from the water which accumulated in the water as it sat in the pipes over night Halton Hills Coun Rick is worried that some wellused public buildings such as the com munity centra in Acton may have the same problem will teat the water quality and report to councillors neck which carries oxygen to the lungs from a portable oxygen system This has allowed him in creased mobility plus a longer time away from the liquid oxygen source in his home Since less oxygen is used via the transtracheal route he has been able to use a much smaller and lighter liquid portable pack which he cames on his back It seems that by using the transtracheal system the patients lungs are clearer than when he was on the nasal cannulae states Hod He also feels less breathless and less bloated Hodder s patients are benefitting from the new techni developed to their quality of life Medical research is the key to finding the cure and developing new treatments to fight lung disease Your gift to the Christmas Seal Campaign will ensure that medical researchers can continue the work to help patients who must use ox therapy to survive and to ad vance research into the cause and cure of lung cancer emphysema asthma and chronic bronchitis fabric forum Prepared by the International Fabrcare Institute IFI the on of profess Somewhere Over The Rainbow You don wear your raincoat every day so you may forget to include it in your regular tnp the drycleaner But dan gleet it Raincoats often show evidence of wear around the edges of the collar and cuffs while other portions of the garments are virtually This is because rainwear and other outerwear are often stained with perspiration and body oils especially in the areas around the collar and underarms These staining sub stances are known weaken most fibers If you re gleet to clean the garment larly ground in soils can also degrade the fabric Get set for wet Have your foul weather gear cleaned and treated with water repellent at your member professional drycleaner now BARRAGERS CLEANERS LAUNDROMAT Four Locations To Serve You Better Barrigerc Cleaners Cleaners Shamrock Cleaners Mm Fart ton CM SI Ertn 2279 873 4B6B 1834 519 ii in ijiiTirf Hill id 1 ALL PEOPLES CHURCH DELIVERANCE CENTRE Blvd Located at SW corner Highway 7 PASTOR GEORGE A ROY 792 2178 1030 AM MORTGAGE BURNING SERVICE DR ISAAC COOPER Founder and Director of The Christian Fertility Institute Easton Pa Chapter President F B F Convention Speaker Author One Flesh Special Music Indonesian Christian Centre Youth Almighty Warrior Through Praise Soloist Debbie Lynn Bible Study Worship Deliverance SUNDAY- 10 30 AM PM WEDNESDAY 800 PM WE Church EngMumtatatninJatln To God Be The Things Ha Done SYNDROME The Flu Season is here REYES A Threat to Healthy Children WHAT IS SYNDROME RS RS is called a syndrome because it is a collection of symptoms and signs rather than a specific disease Its cause is unknown and may be multiple It attacks pr manly healthy children ages 18 and under although it has been reported n adults affects both boys and girls in equal numbers usually occurs towards the end of a viral illness such as flu or chicken pox RS can be fatal or leave the patient with varying degrees of motor or learn ng sab I ties attacks pnmanly the liver and brain but may also affect other organs KEEP THIS SHEET HANDY FOR YOUR REFERENCE RECOGNIZE REYES THE PROGRESSION OF REYE S SYNDROME VIRAL DISORDER The majority of cases of Reyes Syndrome are preceded by a viral disorder such as the flu or ch cken pox the effects of which last from a few days to one week RECOVERY PERIOD There is a brief period of recovery from the original viral disorder lasting from a few hours to several days During this time the child is not usually ck but not well either VOMITING Severe relentless vomiting is almost always the first serious sign of except in infants The hands and feet may be cold and clammy temperature may be normal and even subnormal The pupils that is the dark part of the eye remains expanded even in br ght I ght BEHAVIOUR CHANGE The ch Id becomes irritable and negative wanting to be left alone and is usually annoyed if anyone speaks to him or touches him He may want to sleep all of the time feeling very fatigued or simply washed out He may be glassy eyed with prolonged staring Dunne this period the child may become combative and also deveop tching and jerk movements zures DISORIENTATION The child becomes generally confused seemingly lost in time and space For example he may find his way into the bathroom but will not f nd h s way out This period can last a few minutes or several hours HOSTILITY The child becomes generally hostile and unable to recognize ly members and familiar surroundings He is frequently combative kicking lashing out and biting He may moan and scream incessantly and abnor mally and no measure reassurance quiet him He may demonstrate unusual strength It may take several adults to restrain him COMA The Id enters the semi comatose state responding sluggishly and on after gorous Soon deep coma develops with no response to pain or the environment Death if it is to occur follows usually as a result of swelling of brain tissue This brain swelling may occur s with the changes in behaviour and thus needs to be look for and f possible treated Transfer of your ch Id to another hospital to treat such a problem may then be necessary Specific blood teste may also be necessary including estimation of blood ammonia blood sugar and liver function Average time from the period of vomiting to death is 3 to days The above is the usual progression in cases of s However symptoms time intervals and sequence may vary FOR INFORMATION CONTACT L DO NOT GIVE ANY DRUGS CONTAINING ASA PRODUCTS TO ANY CHILDREN OR TEENAGERS a Syndrom Foundation of Canada Chlldrtna HoaplUl of Western Ontario co Department Pediatric PO BoiS375 London Ontario