THE HERALD Wednesday March IRS Page 21 BUGS BUNNY by Warner Bros I THINK ITS ABOUT TIME I LEARNED SOME STEPS Comic Birthday by Dick TOUR HOROSCOPE IF tOU WERE BORN ON THIS THBJ PRESENTS JUNE BORN LOSER by Art Sansorn by Bill Schorr EEK MEEK by Howie Schneider THE WIFE HAD FRANK ERNEST by Bob SoPW PBcxDEP TO fiMP IT ALL j I We have recently been examining cases in which It Is right to avoid tak ing a finesse or to postpone it until the appropriate time Todays deal has a slightly different theme that of count- tricks needed to make your con tract and then taking the best play to make the required number of tricks When South opened two notrump North knew he was going to play a slam but he bid three clubs the Stay man convention to see if South had a fourcard spade suit After Souths three hearts North simply bid six no- trump His 13 highcard points oppo site 20 or 21 In Souths hand would cer tainly provide a good play for tricks Unfortunately North failed to consider that South might mangle the play of the hand Declarer won the ace of diamonds played four rounds of spades Iscarding a diamond and then played ace of hearts and a heart to the jack West won the queen of hearts East who was left with the 109 of hearts later took the setting trick Declarers line of play would be correct only If the contract had been seven notrump Since he needed only tricks it was right to first play the king and ace of hearts and then lead up to the jack In this deal the queen would drop and the jack would become declarer s 12th trick This play sacrifices the chance to make all the tricks when hearts are 33 and East holds the queen but it in creases the chances of making tricks because it guards against West holding specifically James book Bridge and JtcobyoaCtrdatmea written the Oswald are now available at bookstores Both an published by Pharos Books lilt NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE NORTH K 10 K7 K6 WEST EAST 10 J Q3 10 3 SOUTH AQJ A85 AQ5 Vulnerable Both Dealer South Welt North East Soatb Pass Pass Pass NT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead J March Don t despair if your financial affairs ap pear to Improve rather slowly In the year ahead You are now in an upward trend that will gain momentum and begin to accelerate quicker than you think PISCES Feb 20March 20 You re presently In a cycle where good things could happen for you through people you know socially You see some concrete evidence of this today to patch up a broken romance The As troGraph Matchmaker can help you to understand what to do to make the rela tionship work Mall to Matchmaker O Box Cleveland OH 44101- 3428 ARIES March April 19 In situations today involving old friends let your compassionate Instinct overrule your selfserving Impulses What you give or do now will have a direct bearing on fu ture happenings TAURUS April 20May Someone you like but had a recent difference with is very eager to start mending fences However It will be up to you to make the initial moves Do so today GEMINI May 21June 20 A career de velopment that t work out too well for you recently can be rectified and put back on track today Do not resurrect the reasons for its failure or attempt to blame another CANCER June 21July 22 Try to sub due your personal feelings in order to placate your mate today If peace exists between you both will have a much more rewarding day LEO July 22 If a worker does something worthy of praise today be certain you acknowledge it Pats on the back from you are Important and it will help the association VIRGO Aug 23Spt 23 Today you may have dealings with someone about whom you had a preconceived nega tive opinion As you get to know this person better you II be glad you write this person off without a trial LIBRA 23 Under conviv ial conditions today you may find your self in the company of one who can help your career Use it as an opening to make your ambitions known to this person SCORPIO Oct 24Nov Today you might receive some news that could Ini tially disappoint you However after you thought it through you realize It is bright not bleak SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Oec 21 You could be rather fortunate today In mat ters that have a direct effect upon your material well being This may be be cause Lady Luck could be greasing the skids tor you CAPRICORN 19 In situa tions where firmness Is required today be but do not be overbearing Be sure to cloak the mall fist In a velvet glove AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 You might be called upon today to do a favor for a friend that may cost you a bit out of pocket Consider the expense and In vestment in the good will It will generate mi NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE CELEBRITY CIPHER Catabrlty Cipher cryplograma ara craatad from by and Each WW tar moth Todays due Q aqua W C H G A C S H LGJ CYZMCQ8YCFA DM CI CYZMC FHJYA I MCDLM8J oi ueui Asm