THE HERALD Page BUGS BUNNY by Warner Bros FRANK ERNEST by Bob op THE Fop OF TH GRIZZWELLS by Bill Schorr TO IVWHOU SNEAK by Dick Cavalh BOY THAT WAS WE HAD THIS 1 wow BORN LOSER by Ait and Chip Sansom HOLD OF THESE ID HEAP THE by Jimmy Johnson J Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer South South West North Pan NT All pass Opening lead 2 East Pass Desperate measures By James Norths jump to five notrump was the grandslam force asking partner to bid a grand slam if he had two of the top three heart honors Although South opened with a weak twobid North de cided that the play for grand slam would be good if partner had KQ of hearts For his bid to be sensible he also needed the spade jack Still ac cording to instructions South bid sev en hearts and he now had to give him self his best chance to make it In fact there was no realistic play for seven since setting up the spade suit by ruffing would still leave de clarer short one trick But declarer did see a slim chance If either of the de fenders held both minorsuit kings as well as four or more spades the con tract could be made So declarer won the ace of hearts and cashed both mi norsuit aces Then he ran bis trump tricks throwing small minorsuit cards from dummy and keeping the KQ52 of spades intact When the last trump was cashed East bad to come down to five cards To keep both mi nor lungs be would have to throw a spade and that suit would run for the rest of the tricks But what if he threw away a king Then declarer would cash the queen of that suit and East would be squeezed once again Although a trump lead is considered best against a confidently bid grand slam in this instance a spade lead would nave scuttled the communica tion needed for this unusual progres sive squeeze book Jacob Bridge too on Cart Gmti with the lata Oswald an now available at bookstore Both by Book Youre going to be more vated in the year ahead because youll not only be working for yourself but also for those you lave This will make you a capable contender CANCER June 22 You could do well for yourself and others In the role of a middle person today You should be very good at arbitrating ne gotiating peace making conciliating or facilitating Cancer treat yourself to a birthday gift Send for your Astro- Graph predictions for the year ahead by mailing 1 to co this newspaper 0 Box Cleveland OH Be sure to stale your zodiac sign LEO July 23Aug 22 In spite of being plagued with severe selfdoubts today it looks like you will handle a large Issue that is personally Important to you In a most effective manner VIRGO Aug As long as you are active and involved today youll be happy However If the pace sub stantially slows down you could be come a trifle moody depressed or lethargic LIBRA Finances ca reer or household matters youre apt to dispatch with relative ease today Oddly enough the area where you may show a lack of skills could be in your social life SCORPIO Oct 22 If youre entering into some type of special ar rangement with another today make sure you have all the facts and even double check those you think you have SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec Er rors are likely today If your mind is not focused on your work If there is a criti cal tasks to which you must attend get a competent helpmate who can serve as backup CAPRICORN Dec You could be a bit fortunate today in that you be the recipient of an opportunity that will give you a chance to earn a little extra You might need it It your extrava gance continues AQUARIUS Jan 19 Youre apt to be a big hit today everyone except your mate This could be espe cially true if you stay out longer than you said you would PISCES Feb 20 Imple menting your plans in a piecemeal fash ion could severely dilute your effective ness today Try to keep your overall elms In your vision at all times ARIES March 21April Youll have to concentrate in order to get your act together in the business world today Move swiftly when you feel sharp be cause sessions late in the day could find you duller TAURUS April 20 You should be rather good at figuring things out for yourself today so try toward off outside input Involvements fn lengthy discus sions could confuse you GEMINI 20 Your feelings could be hurt today when you are told of something another said about you be hind your back You can effectively neu tralize this persons attack ft you re spond with kindness CELEBRITY CIPHER cnMad tram quotations by Mopts and Each taCMr lit In stands tor rod aqua U K B J F CVTTUPUSEU J U I U U FMMC KMMSC PUBKMSK Q R KMMSC JMPQMS WO IPOOO- pus auoaaoxj poos laaaMiaq OUOJOHplqAu8lUBeJqi