THE HERALD Wednesday August 23 1989 Page Martial art expert says women should fight back Robert of Simply Defense teaches Joan of Georgetown what to do if attacked with a knife Mr Pel le tier leaches women how to defend themselves against attackers during his four to fiveweek defense course Herald photo Rape centre changes name Sexual Assault Services of Halton will get a new name and a new location in later this year SASH will change its name to the Halton Rape Crisis Centre where volunteers will counsel women in person and over the phone SASH presently works out of Halton Womens Place The new home for SASH will be located in OakviHe SASH deals with hundreds of women who are sexually assaulted in the Region each year said chairperson Vicky Henderson Interested volunteers can call 842 SASH soon to be the Rape Crisis Centre needs volunteers for September DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC TH METTLER Denture Therapist Mill St Georgetown 8778974 102 East Dr Bramalea Comer Bramalea East Or 7912314 FINANCING PULSAR SENTRA STANZA Pickup Trucks LIMITED TIME OFFER SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS NOW OPEN SA TURDA YS COME ON DOWN TO MILTON Were Just South ol The on 25 NORTH END NISSAN 610 MARTIN ST MILTON 8784137 By DONNA KELL Herald Staff Women in their ivory lowen pretending rape or sexual assault could never happen lo them should come down to earth said a local martial arts expert Robert who runs the Rock wood business Simply Defense aims to guard women against attackers who are usually males There were reported cases of sexual assault Halton last year according to Halton Regional Police statistics But experts say anywhere from 60 to per cent of rapes and sexual assaults are not reported Sexual assault can be defined as any form of unwanted sexual touching or could be as as forced sexual intercourse It a substantial percentage that are not reported said Vicky Henderson chairperson of Sexual Assault Services of Halton SASH In most cases are sex assaulted by people they know That i one of the reasons it difficult for people to report Attackers have the upper hand Mr Pelletier said Not on ly with strength and in lmidation but they have he element of sur prise He said cent of attacks are by surprise And 60 per cent of assaults are premeditated The attacker could be the boy next door the postman or the doc tor as easily as it could be a stranger There are danger areas women should avoid the martial arts expert said Danger zones in elude underground parking garages where a recent rash of rapes took place in and Metropolitan Toronto laun dry rooms bus shelters and buses at night elevators stair wells and surprisingly someone s own home in broad daylight Women feel safe in their homes during the day and might leave the doors unlocked This could allow an attacker to rape a woman and ransack her home Mr Pelletier said And women are often attacked near their homes he said so defense is important even if you don travel often Women should take the time to learn effective techniques It like a recipe book You could have all those ingredients but you don make the recipe There are many passive women who take Mr Pelletier month long course Thev begin by think the best defense i- to submit to an attacker demands I teach women how to fight back how to survive Mr said I IlI them you re not a victim You don t havp to be Every day there are stones real and fictitious of women being at tacked Women are portrayed as victims attacked by men who have been trained to defend themselves and be aggressive Mr Pelletier since childhook says When women are with an attacker they fear the worst Why Because the media always on the worst In movies and in the media women are being mutilated This is called subliminal Mr said It is a concept referred to in his self defense course But only a few choice maneuvers are requind to stop wouldbe at My techniques are very simple and effective and they have stopp ing power I dont complicate them with all kinds of complicated techniques J Rape and other forms of sexual assault can happen to females anywhere from six months of age to 90years of age It a very sick society out there Mr said If I could help just one woman that would be worth it wouldn it But he hopes to change this society through instruction to groups of women at a time He wants to change woman sub missive roles as a victim and stop attackers in their tracks Groups interested in attending Mr Pelletier s Simply Defense course in Acton or in Georgetown this fall can write Simply Defense P O Box N0B2KO NISSAN ODD Km Tra Unlimited Pin THE NEW ENVIRONMENTAL PARTNERS FUND TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE ADffFERENCE Created by the Government of Canada the Partners Fund will make million available over the next five years for projects to help local groups protect pre serve enhance and restore our environment Anyone can get involved If you re a member of service club community organization tal group or a school or youth group discuss the Partners Fund with your leaders If you have a good idea organize your own group and apply to Partners Fund soon How much can a Partner receive Partners can receive up to over three years depending on the size of the project In keep ing with the idea of partner ship the federal contnbu is limited to per cent of the total cost Qnimmeiial Canada Many ways to be effective Clean up local parks lakes or streams Develop new community or office recy cling programs Use your imagination and get involved Apply soon The first deadline for appli cations is September 1st with awards to be announced in early autumn Beginning in there will be three deadlines each year March 1st June 1st and September 1st For more information or for an application kit to get your ideas into action please wnte or call the Environment Canada office in your province or territory Ontano Environmental Partners Fund Environment Canada St Clair Avenue East Toronto M4T1M2 Phone