THE HERALD Wednesday March 21 Casting adds chills to Bad Influence In Movie Theaters BAD INFLUENCE If you dont like thrillers that play with you that take a tricky highly charged pre mise then work It and you into a frenzy then you probably wont want to bother with Curtis Hansons latest If on the other hand you love who scandalized everybody with his of f screen but on video sexual hi- jinks And James Spader the equally softspoken actor who played his sex lies and videotape for the movies Together these two are an inspired Miring with Lowe playing a charac ter whose behavior Is surprisingly close to what ho become known as the Rob Lowe videosex scandal In fact for the literalminded viewer this thriller will probably reinforce the impression of Lowe as a sexual scamp Whatever its secondary effect Bad Influence works on the most primal level as a per verse nasty thriller Direc tor Hanson Is the guy who gave us the suggestive if The Bedroom Window a few years ago He also wrote the script for the sleeper ROB LOWE left plays an unpredictable drifter who befriends a bored market analyst James Spader right the thriller Bad Influence to be creeped by the right movie then hurry to see this tale of per sonality transfer between a hand some sociopathic drifter Rob Lowe and a somewhat stodgy overworked yuppie James SpaderjT Contemplate the canny casting Rob Lowe the softspoken bratpack The Silent Partner about the strange kinship between a psycho pathic department store Santa Claus and a bank teller Here tak ing a cue from Hitchcocks Strangers on a Train Hanson continues the psychic kinship theme as the Lowe character introduces Spader to the Georgetown gets a Second City darker excesses of LA nightlife This is the kind of thriller that de pends upon the buildup of suspense and surprise so we wont spoil it by revealing thf plot Suffice it to say that the pieces of David Koepps script fit together tily creating an eroticismtinged puzzle of innocence in conflict with corruption And wait till you see what Lowe does in the role of a seductive stinker That narcissis tic smile of Lowes has never seemed so chilling Fans of movies like Dressed to Kill Dead Ringers and The Fourth Man consider this review an alert GRADE MOUNTAINS OF THE MOON R Bob the man who once gave us the minor classic Five Easy Pieces hasnt been heard from much in recent years He directed the thriller Black Widow a few years ago So Its with some expectation that one comes to his new film a big picturesque movie about 19th century English explorers Sir Rich ard Burton Patrick and John Hannlng Iain Glen whose search for the source of the Nile end ed in a feud that is still debated Is not the kind of filmmak er to do a straight epic His sensibility is too offbeat Indeed the movie has strange currents running through it There are traces of homoeroticism in the relationship between the two ex plorers as well as an emphasis on odd and sometimes brutal and disturbing customs among the Africans that Burton and Speke come in contact with According to the film slavery didnt need white imperialists to in troduce It- It already existed among some of the black tribes themselves Al0Rgthe way there are also mo ments of simple horror including a sequence when a bug crawls in Spekes ear while he sleeps Yet its the more basic moviespectacular el ements that work best the wonder ful African vistas the animals and the natives exotic costumes of feather fur and bone Why isnt the film totally satisfy ing This viewers hunch is that felson brought an innate ambivalence about Hollywood epics to the project and that this ambivalence when ap plied to the already complex saga of Burton and muddied the mov ie But see it anyway GRADE W The Second City is returning to Georgetown on Saturday March 31 after two successful engagements in recent years The group has a fabulous reputation and tickets are in heavy demand The Second City Touring Com pany was formed in in order to replenish the supply of qualified talent and act as the first step to becoming a member of The Second City They have successfully toured across Canada and they performed for six months at Van couvers Expo The touring company is compris ed of three women and five men They present zany sometimes outrageous skits guaranteed to tickle your funny bone The touring company presents a pro gram of The Best of Second Ci ty a sample of their hilarious rehearsed skits Following a 20- minute intermission the actors take Ideas thrown out by the au dience and improvise for minutes Sometimes the im provisations are polished and sometimes not but clearly you have to admire their creativity and nerve Time Magazine calls it a temple of satire The Second City is being brought to Georgetown by the Arts Alive Committee a group of volunteers VIDEO PLUS Wast of Marital BRING HOME A STAR THIS WEEK- Innocent Man Casualties of War Stop Father II Shocker Apartment Xero Academy 134filldAStUnlt8 fc Home of The Country Music For I 900 100 am MondaySaturday MARCH 1924 Scotty Wells Wed Sat MARCH 2831 Cheatin Hearts 226 Queen St E Brampton 4516000 Choral society will celebrate Beatrice in tour of Holland By DONNA Georgetown Choral Society The April 26 departure date for the Georgetown and Achill choral societies tour of Holland is rapidly approaching The 10day tour will include four concert performances in all one in Etten celebrating the birthday of Queen Beatrice and the remaining three dedicated to the commemoration of Dutch libera tion in Amersfoort Hengelo and Abcoude Several day trips are also plann ed so that between rehearsals and concerts choir members will have the opportunity to visit such places as the tulip fields and an openair museum in Amhem A boat trip along the canal in Amsterdam is planned as well as an excursion to castles and tours through quaint towns like and Groenlo The combined choir consisting of 100 voices is being hosted in Holland by the Etten Manenkoor male choir a popular Dutch choir of about members The choir is from the small village of Etten in the province of Gelderland a mere five kilometres from the German border The Et ten Mannenkoor was formed in and has made successful con cert tours through Austria Ger many Belgium and Canada Their music repertoire of some 300 pieces includes classical works folksongs negro spirituals and sacred music of which recordings have been made on record tape and compact disc The Georgetown choir will have the opportunity of performing in concerts with the Etten choir during their stay in Holland and will also be making a recording of then own An allday recording session has been planned for Wednesday May 2 in St Joriskerk church in This church was originally built in and after various structural changes and ex tensions in gained its present day appearance The church boasts three organs the first built In and the second in the century A third organ built a century later and was fully up dated and renovated in This beautiful instrument consists of 2460 pipes and 38 stops divided among three manuals and pedals Doing a professional recording in St is sure to be a tremendous experience for choral society members and being ac companied by such a marvelous in strument will certainly add an im pressive sound to the repertoire be ing performed This same repertoire will be featured in four concerts being performed locally on April 8 at Georgetown District High School April 20 at Holland Christian Homes in Brampton McLaughlin and Steeles April 21 at Westminster United in Orangeville and April 22 at Knox Church in Alliston Performances begin at 8 pm and tickets are now available at for adults for seniors and students from Oxbow Books and all choir members Plan to attend what is sure to be an ex citing performance and at the same time lend your support the choral societies as they repre sent Canada in Holland GINOS GINOS THUS WINGS SOLD BY THE POUND Ask For PIZZA Detail FREE DELIVERY Alter 400 pm 1 84 Gualph St Georgetown 8734499 dedicated to bringing top notch entertainment and cultural events to Halton Hills For those of you who like to laugh on a full stomach there is a fabulous hip of beef din ner being served in the gallery at All tickets for the show are reserved so you can relax dur ing dinner The prices are for the dinner and for the show Tickets are available at Royal Real Estate 170 Guelph Street and at the Georgetown and Acton Public Libraries CLUB 2000 Announces Friday Night Live MARCH 23- SCARECROW Tribute To John Cougar MARCH 30 KATMANDU Bob Tribute lis APRIL OVER THE GARDEN WALL The of Genesis