TOE HERALD Wednesday MaKA UN Page 29 AKLO by Jimmy Johnson BORN LOSER by Ait and Chip Sansom PIPBT www we in the 1 if FRANK ERNEST by Bob Thaves IF GO by Dick Cavalli REAL MAO AT ME KNOW WHAT TO CO GRIZZWELLS by Bill Schorr In the year ahead you are likely to es tabllsh more ambitious objectives for yourself than you have in the past This is all well and good provided you do not take on more than you can handle ARIES March 21April Action tak en upon the advice of a could lead you to a dead end street to day Less mistakes are likely if you give credence to your own Insights and per ceptions Arte treat yourself to a birth day flltt TAURUS April 20 Focusing on the frailties of others today could cause them to take a look at you When youre put under the magnifying glass it might make you squirm with discomfort GEMINI May 21June Be very se lective today regarding friends with whom you socialize if you link up with someone who likes to Impress others It might spoil your day CANCER Aim 21Juty 22 Consider yourself equal to anyone with whom you re involved today but not superior Snobbish behavior on your behalf will cause others to lose respect for you LEO July 23Aug 22 Guard against inclinations today to think you can per well when you have only sketches information with which to work Self ception could lead to your downfall VIRGO Aug 22 A well tioned friend might tout you onto some thing today that this person feels will be good for you financially Before jumping in youdbettergetafewmoreoplnlons LIBRA 23 Without even trying the attention of others will be fo cused on you today This is welt and good provided you keep in mind that all who will be watching might not sarily be your admirers SCORPIO Oct 22 In Ing subordinates today be neither too harsh nor loo wishy washy Above all don t ask them to do things you won do yourself SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 Busi ness matters should be treated ently today A failure to do everything that s required could turn a potentially profitable venture into bummer CAPRICORN Oec 22 Jan 19 Your mettle may be tested one to one re latlonahlps today There is a possibility you might have to with you usually make an to avoid AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Today you might be a much better talker than you will be a producer In the final tally it not what you say you re going to do that counts but what you actually do PISCES 20March 20 It best not to try to mastermind the financial affairs of a friend today unless know what you redoing If you make an error It could result in mutual losses K10 3 EAST 2 10 SOUTH Vulnerable Both Dealer South South Weil North Pass NT All pass Opening lead Even the rich have problems By James Since the bidding system has not yet been invented that can inquire wheth er partner has the spade queen or club king South had a difficult bidding problem At rubber bridge we should all have such problems South jumped to six notrump since he felt he might make it even if his partner held noth ing at all Even with 35 high card points in the combined hands 12 tricks were in jeopardy A KQ of hearts disclosed that that suit was splitting badly West showed out on the second spade throwing a small club It would now be easy for declarer to overtake the jack of spades and take a club finesse Since all the suits had broken badly perhaps a simple finesse would work But there was an even better way Re member West had shown four hearts five diamonds and only one spade So declarer played out his high diamonds throwing clubs from dummy and then he cashed the ace of clubs If you think that strange consider he defenders remaining cards held a high heart and diamond and after declar er plays the club ice one club perhaps the king Declarer now plays the jack of spades If West throws a red card away bit makes the corre sponding red card jood for the declar er If he throw the club king away de clarer will score the club queen If he throws a club other than the king away suppose he started with J of clubs declarer holds the trick with the spade jack and now plays the club queen East must win the king and give up the last trick to dummys spade queen James Jacoby boots Jacoby on Bridge and Card Games mitten with bis lather the late Oswald are now available at Both are by Hum Boots vtftWiHil CELEBRITY CIPHER Calabrlty cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by famous past and Each letter In tha stands for another Today l a a a J x b a B S a o N Z J O K c Z v l x a J X O N o z J TO B K M C Z N O F C O T B a R Z N C O N M Z Z O BUI on us NOIimoS