Wednesday March J Page Sharp increase in building permits issued YOUR CARS INTERLORn SHOWING ITS AGE ByBENDUMMETT the Herald Halton Hills experienced an in crease of more than 100 per cent in building activity in 1989 over the previous year the largest Jump in Halton Region according to a Regional report on construction Oakville had the second largest percentage increase in building ac tivity among the Regions four municipalities after construction jumped by 14 per cent in Just over 88 million worth of building permits were issued for construction in Hills last year the report says And the Regions executive director for business development Brent Kearse expects future increases in construction m Halton Hills say ing the town has madly been try ing to get development off the ground in Georgetown and Ac ton The greatest increase in con in the town happened the institutional sector the building of schools and govern buildings which jumped by per cent last year The growth is attributed to the new civic tre said Mr the author of the report The next two largest percentage Increases were in the miscellaneous and residential sec tors he said Miscellaneous con struction such as the building of additions or renovations ed by per cent And the town issued million worth of house building permits in an in crease of just over 146 per cent over Residential building per nuts accounted by far for the greatest number of building per nuts issued Halton Hills last year Mr Kearse attributed the large number of residential building permits to the housing developments in Georgetown west Brent and Georgetown south From a business point of view meaning the number of jobs created by one form of building over another the Region ranks the industrial and commercial sector number one the institutional sec tor ranks number two the tial number three and miscellaneous number four said Kearse Mr said the develop ment firm Enterac that firm behind the major leasing developments in Halton Hills has plans to add to Georgetown in dustrial and commercial sectors in the coming years and the Canada Packers owners of the Beardmore lands same in Acton in the future Construction in the industrial sector increased by 73 per cent last year About 7 million worth of industrial sector permits were issued in The commercial sector was the only one of the four sectors in Halton Hills to drop in construction activity between 1988 and 1989 It decreased by just over 30 per cent The growth of overall construe tion in Halton Hills last year reflects that of the Region which grew by 10 per cent in A total of million worth of building permits were issued in Halton in 1989 Although the provincial economy isnt expected to be as healthy in 1990 as it was last year Halton s excellent location advantage should buffer it from any economic downturn said Mr Kearse Peo ple wdl always want to move into the Golden Horseshoe area he said Milton was the only municipality in the Region to experience a decrease in overall construction in It dropped by 36 per cent last year the report says Only homebuilding in Milton in creased last year Just over million worth of residential per nuts were issued an increase of 6 percent Construction activity in Milton in all other sectors last year fell mainly because servicing con straints water limited develop ment said Mr Kearse Burlington and Oakville ex perienced increases in overall con in and 3 per cent and 2 per cent respectively Burlingtons commercial sector had the largest increase 182 1 per cent of any of the other mun cipahties commercial sectors And Oakville experienced the largest percentage increase 135 percent in the industrial sector Tidy Cars UphotsteryGard 2 STAINPROOFING Tidy Cars Upholstery protection is guaranteed to protect your automobiles upholstery against stains and spills for as long as you own the car PURCHASE A COMPLETE INTERIOR DRY CLEANING AND DETAILING PACKAGE AT THE REGULAR PRICE AND GET OUR UPHOLSTERY GARD 2 PROTECTION FOR ONLY Interior Packages From IV FREE RUNNING BOARDS installation A Full Line of Custom Cat Truck Accessories VINYL ROOF REVITALIZING TOUCH UP PAINT CAR COVERS PRESERV A SHINE PIN STRIPING SUNROOFS SPLASH GUARDS RUST PROOFING WINDOW TINTING YOUR ONESTOP CAR CARE CENTRE 8730570 265GuetphSt Georgetown OPEN Thursday 8am 6pm Frtday Bairn 9pm Saturday 1 A oil Mn J SPECTACULAR WALLPAPER BLOW OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WALLPAPER AT ONE LOW PRICE SOLID VINYLS EXPANDED FROM EUROPE COUNTRY PRINTS CONTEMPORARY PRINTS SINGLE ROLL FIRST COME FIRST SERVED 1Q95 SPECIAL ENDS MARCH 2490 UK IU I SR OR WHILE QUANTITIES LASTI nBr WALLCOVERINGS BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS 30 ALL SUNWORTHY BOOK ORDERS INCLUDING BORDER FLAT LATEX A VELVET EGGSHELL LATEX fc LTR VELVET EGGSHELL 26 LTR Serving the decorating needs of Hills for over years BERGSMAS paint wallpaper HaIon Hills Biggest Independent Paint Wallpaper Outlet GEO MARKETPLACE