THE HERALD OUTLOOK Saturday August II Page 19 Book Review A look at Canadian television displays short sightedness Given the Canadian appetite for the kind of navelcontemplation that sometimes passes for social history it was probably inevitable that somebody would do a book about the first years of televi sion in Canada The someone turns out to be a University of Toronto history pro fessor and the book is called When Television Was Young Canada 1952 by Paul ford University of Toronto Press hardcover 637 pages illustrated Prof Rutherford background in this case is germane to any praisal of his work Born in 1944 he was 14 when Ins family bought its first TV set in 1958 The 15year period covered in the book was already one third gone Still assuming the youth applied himself assiduously for the next decade he could surely have seen a good many of the Canadian pro grams available But apparently not By his own admission he was at least as much interested in the various American programs on the air as in Canadian shows He was certainly not alone in this preference but he is after all the one who wrote this book NECESSARY So if he didn watch that many Canadian programs when they were on from to 1067 he must have hid to do a lot of catching up when he began to research this volume right again Walchinf thousands of noun of programs just wasn t neccssarv Prof Rutherford blithely tells us The author grateful ly acknowledges the goodwill and support of two deans of arts and sciences at the University of Toronto who were generous enough to grant him an allotment of monies to aid his research ef forts in each of his five years as chairman of the department of Beneath the Veneer women in public service cooperation with the Canadian presents the publication titled Treasury Board of Canada Government Publishing Centre Beneath the Veneer This series of volumes result of a study b the Task Force which was appointed to tackle of mtn in tlit public service The Task Force created in the Honourable Pal then President of the Treasury Board was commissioned to identif and rank the barriers to the advancement of wc men in the federal public service to pay particular attention to the profession groups to ex amine the experience of pioneers and to report tht President of he Treasur Board on their findings The Task Force members received a deal help from mam departments and organizations in order to carry out their study Thc met women of all organizational levels and in all parts of the count They interviewed 70 pioneers and 223 women of the public service They undertook 15 case studies compiled 12 questionnaires filled out by public servants and received briefs from departments public service unions and private organizations In short they conducted an exhaustive inquiry into the subject Beneath the veneer is the result of this major inquiry describes the real place of women in the 1990s federal public sen tec Const the women s message is clear to must be broken down fair and equitable policies must be est iblished at titudes must change and equal it of opportunities must be m How To Kill A Business In Ten Easy Steps Don advertise Just pretend everybody what you have Co of fer Don advertise yourself you Just don t have time to spend thinking about promoting your business 3 Don advertise Just assume everybody knows what you sell Don t advertise Convince yourself thai been In business so long customers wilt automatically come to you Don advertise Forget that there are new potential customers who would do business with you they were urged to do so Don advertise Forget that you have com petition trying to attract you customers away from you I Don advertise Tell yourself it costs too much to advertise and that you don get enough out of It Don advertise Overlook the fad that ad is an Investment in selling not an expense Don t advertise Be sure not to provide an adequate advertising budget for business Dontadvertise Forget that you have to keep reminding your established customers that you appreciate f you Jilt your i b Id ro J j display rs ng for profess the HERALD tit I J history These monies were sup plemented by grants from a hand of other magnanimous arts organizations Much of this research money he informs us went into hiring a bevy of research assistants He even lists the names of these talented souls who worked very hard to uncover research material of one kind or another But they like him seem not to have bothered much with watching many of the programs in question time looking it a Rem brand when vou can read wh it some his contemporaries thought of his work Why bother listening to Beethoven when you can have someone describe the music Instead Rutherford and his bevy of talented souls uncovered research material of one kind or another At one point he denigrates television criticism the press citing Sandra Gwynn not otherwise identified as say that all too often the television beat was regarded as a kind of graveyard somewhere between the obituary column and the vice clubs and decrying the dearth of intelligent criticism Yet the couse of his book he quotes some dozen or so of these same critics for a total of more than 120 times Generously sprinkled throughout this weighty tome are words like highborw and culture always sneered in the way that far right American conservatives sneer the word liberal It is also Rutherford s view that television never had any Golden Age but that this is a rooted in nostalgia I if he and his researchers had not been so busy tracking down research material they might have taken the trouble to look at a few memorable programs as for example The Discoverers by Gorge 1956 Socrates writ ten by Lister Sinclair produced by Mario Pnztk The Crucible by Arthur Miller directed by Harvey Hart 1959 The Prisoner directed by Leo Orenstein The Black Bonsptel of Wiflie Mac Cnmmon by O Mitchell The Brass Pounder From Illinois by Tommy Tweed The Hill written and produced by Paul Almond Galileo adapted by Lister Sinclair from the Bertold Brecht play 1965 and Mother Courage by Brecht directed by George McGown 1965 No one of these programs is even mentioned anywhere in Ruther ford lengthy book To be sure he gives us a focus on a handful of programs in eluding Front Page Challenge Wo jeck This Hour Has Seven Days and Tabloid Heaven help us he even gives us a focus on a Wayne and Shuster Hour complete with samples of dialogue accompanied by reerences to a number of camera shots as if this kind of arid analysis could hope to capture the soul of comedy And he gratuitously includes the claim nowhere substantiated that the was about to cancel Wayne and Shuster when their big break came along on the Ed Sullivan Show DID YOU KNOW The Halton Hills Herald is distributed to over 14000 homes in Georgetown Acton and surrounding areas When it comes to Halton Hills weve got it covered Our weekly service checks ensure that your newspaper is delivered properly and on time THE HERALD Home 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