Feature ItlffiHERALDOUTLOOK UN PeS Police RIDE program The onset of the Christmas season also signals the beginning of the Halton Regional Police Ser vice s Christmas RIDE Pro gram RIDE is a drinking driving countermeasure that is aimed at deterring the large sector of the population who are potential drinking drivers as well as detecting and apprehending drinking drivers who are already on the road before they have an accident To achieve these aims it Is necessary to increase not on ly the actual chance of being caught but also peoples belief that they will in fact be caught if they drink and drive The major obstacle in the path of efficient enforcement of drink ing driving offences is the fact that detection of the drinking driver is really a chance event Detection is such that only the worst cases are likely to come to the attention of the police In general drinking drivers are stopped because of some ab normal drinking behaviour or in volvement in an accident yet other drinking drivers potential ly just as dangerous are disregarded because they do not conform to this pattern Thus the need for rotation of spot checks such as I E The program is based on the concept of general deterrence and involves two components en forcement by means of random spot checks and roadside breath testing and education It is not the goal of the program to pro duce a massive increase in the arrest rate Rather it is felt that it Is more beneficial to contact as many motorists as possible so that a large sector of these poten drinking drivers might be deterred from combining these two activities in the future The program makes them aware of the offences in addition to im paired driving such as Impaired Driving causing bodily harm paired Driving causing death driving a motor vehicle with more than 80 refuse to company a Police Officer for test refuse roadside test and refuse breathalyzer test RIDE has since been adopted by most Ontario police Services and operates year round with special emphasis on the Christmas Season and holiday weekends CHRISTIHASRIDE This year the Halton Regional Police Services plan to stop vehicles at RIDE this Christmas season The will be con ducted in every town every night 1989 Christmas E District Hills Vehicles Stopped Hour Suspension 8 Drink and Drive Charges District Oakville Vehicles Stopped Hour Suspension 12 Drink and Drive Charges District Burlington Vehicles Stopped 12 Hour Suspension Drink and Drive Charges 6 TOTALS Vehicles Stopped 17 12 Hour Suspensions Drink and Dnve Charges 16 PROCEDURE AT I E 1 Motorist Stops Officer ex plains purpose of stop and asks motorist if heshe has had any alcoholic beverages to drink prior to driving The Officer checks to make sure the have their on 2 If motorist says NO and Officer doesn t smell alcohol the motorist will be thanked for stop ping and given a SPOTCHE Coupon Book If motorist says YES or Officer smells alcohol on driver s breath the Officer will ask the driver to step from the car and will demand that the driver blow into a roadside testing device A Driver can at this point to a Blow into the machine or Refuse to blow into the machine If he refuses the driver will be charged with refusing to provide a breath sample and will be released with a court date His or hers drivers license will be suspended for hours and the car will be impounded or can be driven by a sober friend If the driver blows into the machine the test will result in PASS Driver is free to go on his way WARN BloodAlcohol is bet ween ml blood Driver s licence is suspended for 12 hours no charges laid FAIL Driver is taken into custody for a Breathalyser Test at the station His car is impound ed If the Breathalyser confirms the drivers bloodalcohol is over ml blood the driver is charged criminally with a ing and Driving Offence THANKYOU RIDE SPOT CHEQUES As a thankyou gesture to motorists who don drink and dnve a coupon booklet will be handed out to drivers stopped at all I D E checkpoints The coupons offer valuable counts on various products and services Sponsors of the RIDE spot cheques program have generated toward the million sunshine pool at Vanety Village TIE ONE ON FOR SAFETY As part of the PRIDE ADD PRIDE Parents Reducing Impaired Driving Everywhere MADD Mothers Against Drinking and Driving organizations public awareness campaign tie one on for safety members of the public are invited to display red ribbon bows on the rear view mirrors of their cars These bows will be displayed on Halton Police Service cruisers and can be pick up at Shoppers Drug Mart stores or Allstate Insurance Agents OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE VESSEL OR AIR CRAFT WHILE IMPAIRED OR WITH MORE THAN MG ALCOHOL IN BLOOD 253 Every one commits an of fence who operates a motor vehi cle or vessel or operates or assists in the operation of an air craft or has the care or control of a motor vehicle vessel or air craft whether it is in motion or not a while his ability to operate the vehicle vessel or aircraft is impaired by alcohol or a drug or having consumed alcohol in such a quantity that the concen tration thereof in his blood ex ceeds eighty milligrams of alcohol one hundred millihtres of blood RSC c 27 1st Supp S 36 PUNISHMENT Impaired driving causing bodily harm paired driving causing death Previous convictions Condi tional discharge Every one who com mits an offence under section 253 or 254 Is guilty of an indictable of fence or an offence punishable on summary conviction and is liable a whether the offence is pro secuted by indictmnt or punishable on summary to the following minimum punishment namely 1 for a first offence to a fine of not less than three hundred dollars u for a second offence to for a term not not less than fourteen days and ill for each subsequent of fence to imprisonment for a term not exceeding not less than ninety days where the offence is pro secuted by indictment to im pnsonment for a term not ex five years and where the offence is punishable on summary tion to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months Every one who commits an offence under paragraph 253a and thereby causes bodily harm to any other person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not ex ten years 3 Every one who commits an offence under paragraph and thereby causes the death of any other person is guilty of an in dictable offence and liable to prisonment for a term not ex fourteen years 4 Where a person is convicted of an offence committed under paragraph or or subsection 2545 that person shall for the purposes of this Act be deemed to be convicted for a second or subsequent offence as the case may be if the person has previously been convicted of a an offence committed under any of those provisions an offence under subsection 2 or 3 or an offence under section 252 252 253 259 or 260 or subsection 2584 of this Act as this Act read immediately before the coming into force of this subsection Notwithstanding subsection a court may instead of convicting a person of an offence committed under section 253 after hearing medical or other evidence if it considers that the person is in need of curative treatment in relation to his con sumption of alcohol or drugs and that it would not be contrary to the public interest by order direct that the person be discharged under section 736 on the conditions prescribed in a probation order including a con dition respecting the person s at tendance for curative treatment in relation to that consumption of alcohol or drugs RSC 1985 1st STATISTICS AND TRENDS IN DRINKING AND DRIVING The information below comes from a number of sources in eluding the Traffic Injury Research Foundation Transport Canada Statistics Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Transpor tation Information is based on 1987 statistics the latest year for which data is available Figures reflect national trends except as noted Dnnking are involved in approximately per cent of all reportable over damage traffic crashes Dnnking dnvers account for about 27 per cent of fatal crashes According to data from seven provinces for the years December January and February have the lowest totals of drinking related crashes followed by March Apnl and November study conducted by May through October have the highest drinking driving accident rates about per cent of annual total August averaged twice as many impaired dnver fatalities as December based on seven province six year study by TIRF 43 per cent of fatally injured drivers were impaired by alcohol Young men aged 25 to 34 counted for the largest percen of impaired drivers per cent the next largest is young men aged to years old per cent and then men to vears old 18 per cent Most accidents occur in daylight per cent and fatal accidents occur almost equally in daylight per cent or darkness 51 per cent However most single car crashes which are statistically most likely to in volve an impaired dnver occur in darkness Friday between p and a m accounts for per cent of all accidents more than half of fatal accidents per cent take place between Thursday and Sun day GoldStar The brightest star in electronics GoldStar REMOTE CONTROL 20 COLOUR TV 181 channel tuner On screen display channel volume sleep time picture adjustment Automatic channel programming Automatic picture control Quickview last channel flashback GoldStar Random access remote control REMOTE CONTROL channel capability F S tuning system VCR 8 event14 day timer WWII Full auto function power play rewind H Q circuitry A GoldStar 20 STEREO MONITOR COLOUR TV Remote Control On Screen Display AudioVideo Jacks NOW ONLY OO GoldStar remote control STEREO ONSCREEN PROGRAMMING VCR 8 Event1 Year Auto Play Power and Rewind Dolby Noise Reduction GoldStar REMOTE CONTROL STEREO SYSTEM WITH CD PLAYER random memory programming CD play random prsHt memory NOW ONLY hi Many More Systems With CD Player Similar To Above From MICROWAVE OVENS From 16800