Page THE HERALD Wednesday March 20 1991 Community Proper diet may reduce risk of some cancers By BARBARA Halloo Hills Unit Canadian Cancer Society March is Nutrition Month and the Canadian Cancer Society would like to take the opportunity to remind you that certain dietary alterations may reduce your risk of developing a variety of types of cancer The dietary alterations are minimal and for those of you who already eat in a healthy manner may be un necessary For the first time since its inception the C C S has placed dietary education as its no 1 priority in the educational field Empirical evidence is now available that links certain dietary habits to an increased risk of developing cancer and the CCS would like to make the public aware of Its findings so they can be more proactive in cancer prevention Scientists estimate that as much as 80 of cancers in the world are caused by environmen and lifestyle factors and are therefore theoretically preven table One of the most important of is diet which is thought account for at least 35 of all the cancers except those of the skin which means it may play an even greater role in cancer rates than does smoking est at 30 Causes of cancer cases in Canada associated with diet sunlight Tobacco 16 family history cupation Causes of cancer deaths associated with diet 32 tobac co occupation 9 family history 8 Researchers have thought for decades that diet had something to do with cancer but only in the last few years have they zeroed In on this area in an effort to cover the exact relationship It seems that some things we eat such as fats may increase our cancer risks especially of the breast and colon where others fibre may have a protective ef feet especially for cancer of the stomach and colon Much research is still needed before we can say there is a direct casual effect in the cancerdiet connection We are where we were years ago with smoking but the CCS has determined that there is enough information to justify warning the public about potential dangers DIETARY RECOMMENDATION Reduce your total fat intake Of all the dietary elements studied so far high total fat in take seems to be the most lnipor tant in increasing cancer risk Diets high in fat like that of the typical Canadian are being link ed to cancers of the bowel rec tum breast endometrium lin ing of the uterus prostate and possibly cancer of the pancreas and kidney Presently in most Canadians diets of the calories consumed are from fats The CCS recommends that you reduce that to which is thought to be low enough to reduce cancer risk while moderate enough to be realistic For example if a man consumes 2500 calories a and of that is fat then he is eating 113 grams of fat a day fat supplies To reduce that fat to 30 he would have to cut back to gm of fat per day or in more tangible terms cut out 2 pats of butter and a piece of pie Cutting down on fat has other benefits You might lower your blood cholesterol level and consequent reduce your risk of heart disease Dieters who reduce their fat intake and don replae it with other foods will lose weight DIETARY RECOMMENDATION Eat more fibre containing foods Among the dietary elements that seem to protect against cancer fibre is the most important particularly against cancers of the colon and rectum and possibly the stomach as well Dietary fibre is the part of the food which is not digested and is frequently called roughage How much fibre do we need No one seems to know for sure but at the present time the CCS is recom mending grams per day It is recommended that you in crease your fibre content slowly and also increase your fluid con sumption at the same time Foods high in fibre include beans corn peas lentils raisins almonds bran cereals cauliflower and blueberries just to name a few DIETARY RECOMMENDATION Have several servings of fruit and vegetables each day There is nothing new to this dation except that there is an em on certain fruits and vegetables which may have some cancer protective properties One of the surprises in the dietcancer research has been the lowly cabbage it and its relatives appear to help protect against some cancers of the gastrointestinal tract Broccoli cabbage cauliflower and turnip all members of the family may reduce the in cidence of cancers of the colon stomach and the esophagus As a bonus most are a good dietary source of fibre and contain vitamins Several studies have suggested that cancer is less frequent in groups of people whose diets are rich in foods containing Vitamin A The cancers studied include lung mouth larynx bladder and esophagus Foods contain Vitamin A in one or two forms preformed retinol A in milk and liver Beta carotene a com pound converted into Vit A in the body found in green and yellow vegetables Most of the research to date has related carotene con taining foods to cancer preven tion It is not known whether it is the vitamin itself or another com ponent of carotene containig foods that is the active com pound Therefore the CCS recommends frequent use of those fruits and vegetables that are good sources of carotene carrots broccoli spinach squash mangos and cantaloupe It does not recommend Vitamin A supplements or pills Studies have also shown that eating Vitamin C containing foods may lower the risk of gastric and esophageal car cinomas In the laboratory Vitamin C inhibits the formation of compounds that are carcinogenic Foods that are high in Vitamin C are citrus fruits vitamized fruit juices broccoli sprouts potatoes strawberries and cauliflower Masons elect officers Officers of Halton Chapter of Royal Arch Masons Peter Barrow Rod Taylor Brian Alder No for 1991 Front row left tq right John Back row left to right Ron Bill Nipper EUacott 2nd Principle Goodman 1st Principle Jim Bingham and Dick Photo submit Ray Clarke 3rd Principle Talbot Peyton Grand Saperintendant Second row left to right Elmer Mystery Madness activity Sisters Sarah left and Laura Kobsa had their fingerprints taken on an actual police fingerprint sheet Friday at the Acton Public Library But the two weren in any trouble with the police they were just tak ing part in one of the many Mystery Madness activities the Acton and Georgetown Libraries put on during the March Break Herald photo Cancer Society needs your help The Cancer Research Society desperately needs your help The Cancer Research Society announces its Spring 1991 Cam Extensive research is the only means by which cancer can be controlled For mis reason it is the sole objective of the Cancer Research Society Since it s establishment in 1945 the Cancer Research Society has dedicated itself to the task of ing money which is devoted to financing researchers in their quest to control this frightening disease Over the last six years the Society has channelled over million dollars in fellowships and grants to some laboratories in hospitals universities and scien tific institutions across Canada At the present moment the Cancer Research Society allocates grants to all Canadian medical schools Mrs Flora Caplan president of the Cancer Research Society has announced that the Societys 1991 objective is to collect in donations A strong volunteer system has been the backbone of the Cancer Research Society since the day it was founded and the generous assistance of thousands of volunteers will aid the Society in its goal to gather these donations throughout Canada The Cancer Research Society is the only national organization that devotes the donations it receives exclusively to cancer research Owing to discoveries made possible by research donations some of the deadliest forms of cancer such as childhood leukaemia Hodgkins disease and testicular tumors are presently curable in many cases Support however is still greatly needed to help finance present and future projects and to hasten the day when all cancer will be controlled More than ever the Cancer Research Society desperately needs your support in Ail donations are taxdeductible and may be sent to The Cancer Research Society P O Box Place Bonaventure Mon Canada H5A1H1 For information contact Flora at Toll Free or Gaston De at 514861 FAX 514861 Christines focHafa- 8734027 318 Guelph km Georgetown PHQT0 SPECIAL SAME DAY NEXT DAY t SERVICE Passport Photos I WE RENT In Mir I VIDEO CAMERAS Oil 3HJ 73 MAIN ST S DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN John 8774313 est Jewellers