THE HALTON HILLS April Page 9 PLUMBING SUPPLIES Acrylic Bath ft Shower Units Whirlpools Spas Pedestals Vanities ft Medicine Cabinet 7987786 JKOOSCLL PLUMBING LIUIUD PLUMBING SHOWROOM Armstrong Georgetown SOFFITS FASCIA ALUMINUM VINYL a INCH SEAMLESS MVESTTWUQHMCt SHUTTERS WINDOWS DOORS ASPHALT JO YEAR WRlTTEfioUAHANTEE OR 8731951 Jain the new genera Hon in home anew Central Vacuum System can be easily totaled Into new and existing homes mare infotmition alb first level 1332 square feet second level 1206 square feet CUSTOM HOMES All Phases of General Contracting Complete Homes or Basement Frame Package Labour All Material Supplied 8736104 PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGE TUGA FORMING LTD COMHERCtURESIDCHTUU Con ere to Foundation Custom Homes Our Specialty CURTIS EVANS PAINTING WALLPAPERING Ctwrmwclal liiuitrlal phone 8730707 VICTORS GLASS ENCLOSURES Solariums Sunrooms Pool Enclosures Entrances LANGILLE WELL DRILLING Diameter Coble Drilling Pump Sales Service 8778329 DID YOU MISS OUR INVITATION TO HAVE YOUR AD INCLUDED IN THIS WEEKLY FEATURE IF SO AND YOU WOULD LIKE TO PLACE AN ADVERTISEMENT CALL at HERWYNEN SAWMiLL Bruce RED WESTERN CEDAR 1 LANDSCAPING SINCE Driveways Polios Decks Pruning Interlocking Stone And Much More 8779591 MOBILE Ho ROBERT FREESTONE CONSTRUCTION LTD Residential Commercial Projects To Your Specifications or Outs Pkksiick Fabrication MODULAR STAIR SYSTEMS DESIGNED FOR THE DO ITYOURSELF ENTHUSIAST EXPERT I TERRY ROWLEY MECHANICAL INC SI Milton 8781979 WATER PUMP Sales Service gcoutiiiniTimir BOYES PLUMBING Mountini Monthly Dibti Planning To Tour fell Ut For Tour Mortgift CORES WELL DRILLING A Working Generation COMPLETE WATER SVSTEMS INSTALLED 8784515 guvs CUSTOM Mirror Wall Ceilings Mirror Closet Doors Sliding consult CwrufhanM 8731230 Bobcat st TRENCHING POST HOLES GRADING DRIVEWAYS I Representing A Touch KITCHEN SHOWROOM INC I mile south of ACTON acorn Planning gardens This article Is provided by local Realtors and the Ontario Real Estate Association for the benefit of consumers In the real estate market Once youve raked cleaned up and prepared your garden and flower beds its time to decide what to put In them Planting time varies across On tario Gardeners the southern part of the province can usually plant earlier than those in central and northern regions Start with selfgrown or purchased vegetable plants that can withstand a bit of frost such as broccoli Also sow seeds of vegetables that ger minate in cool soils such as peas and many root crops Many such as peas beans carrots lettuce spinach corn and potato are best sown directly into the ground Others like broccoli cauliflower tomatoes and peppers are best planted as seedlings In small gardens select vegetables that yield a lot of limited space such as lettuce onions and snap beans You can make the most of your garden space by planting let tuce seeds between slowgrowing vegetables such as broccoli and cab bage You can also increase productivity by planting fruits and vegetables among flowers Herbs such as chives and parsley and fruits such as strawberries make neat borders for flower beds Carrots and asparagus mix in well with perennials To ward off insects that may at tack your garden vegetables plant mangolds among your beans spinach tomatoes celery and other crops The roots of mangolds pro duce a chemical that can kill some garden insects FLOWERBEDS Flower beds are most effective when located along the edge of a law alongside a house or driveway or as islands in a lawn Borders should feature tall plants in the background mediumsized plants in the middle and dwarf plants at the front Island beds are most attractive with tall plants in the middle mediumsized plants on both sides and dwarf plants at the edges Con tainers such as large flower pots and wooden barrels also make good flowerbeds These should all have drainage holes at the bottom which are covered with stones to prevent soil from washing out Even If you dont have a green thumb your flower beds will flourish including some hardy an nuals Most popular are impatiens geraniums marigolds petunias and begonias Remember to consider how well the plants you select tolerate shade or sun If your garden gets six or more hours of sun a day selected sun loving plants Otherwise stick to shade dwellers are by far the most popular shadeloving annuals Marigolds and petunias are great for dry sunnier spots Known as sur vivor plants these do well almost anvwhere and require practically no care Most annuals are available in tall and forms and a variety of sizes in between You can combine annuals and perennials together to produce beautiful blooms each season year after year But because perennials only put on a flower display for part of a season these gardens require a little more planning and care