THE WEEKEND OUTLOOK Friday May IHl Page Zl Maybe You Cant Count On the Weather But You Can Count On The Halton Hills Herald PLUMBING SUPPLIES Acrylic Bath S Shower Unite Whirlpools Spas Pedestals Vanities S Medicine Cabinets 8772293 4538911 IS L PLUMBING SHOWROOM Georgetown HERMANS SIDING SOFFITS FASCIA Aluminum and Vinyl Inch Seamless Eavestrough Replacement Windows and Doors 4572134 OR 8731951 AND SPAS NOT JUST ANOTHER HOLE IN THE GROUND Custom Dos gnod Pools Pool Cop Pa Pool Spo Ma Phone 7937665 or first lefel 1S38 ft second level ft Breakfast area with bay window overlooking family room CURTIS EVANS PAINTING W1UPAPINNO phone 8730707 TUGA FORMING LTD Concrete Foundations Custom Homes Our Spec OMNOEVILU Archie Duiker 9419965 VICTORS GLASS ENCLOSURES Sunrooms Pool Enclosures Entrances ovimu LANDSCAPING SINCE Driveways Polios Decks Pruning Interlocking Stone And Much More MOBILE No LANGILLE WELL DRILLING 5 6 Cable Drilling Pump Sales 8778329 or ROBERT FREESTONE CONSTRUCTION LTD Residential Commerc To Your Spec cations or Ours 8772698 lie FINISH CARPENTER 1 FIN RIMir Interior Exterior Renovations Custom Trim M CALL DALE AT res WATER PUMP Sales Service BOYES PLUMBING 8554232 CoifR Mounting Monthly Planning Improvement To Your Home Call Us For All Your Mortgage Needs CORES WELL DRILLING Working Generation COMPLETE WATEfl SYSTEMS INSTALLED 8784515 KBROOFING AND REPAIRS Interior Exterior Repairs Re Roofs Siding Shingling Soffit Fascia ESTIMATES AMLY CUSTOM HOMES All Phases of Genual Contracting Complete Homes or Basement Frame Package Labour All Material Supplied 8736104 HIKE LEAVE MESSAGE Representing kitchens A Touch KITCHEN INC t mile south of ACTON 8534577 Vintage aircraft feature The aircraft that scored major victories for the coalition forces during Desert Storm will put on a major flying display in Hamilton Father s Day Weekend Four A will per form a highly skilled tactical demonstration during the an nual Big V Drug Stores Hamilton International Air Show The A are from the Pennsylvania Air National Guard Canada s 18 fighter will stage a flying demonstration as well as be on ground display The CF was Canada s major contribution to the Coalition Forces A Tribute Flypast to the Coalition Forces of Desert Storm will be part of the flying pro gram The unique tribute will in volve aircraft from the famous collection of the Canadian Heritage Museum in eluding the Lancaster Bomber and Douglas A 26 Invader The Canadian Forces nine plane jet demonstration team the Snowbirds will fly a breath taking show both days Clint McHenry of Pompano Beach Florida will put his Russian Sukhoi through the paces as will glider acrobatic pilot Manfred Radius Air Show General Manager Al described the event as a tremendous opportunity to see fighters bombers and trainers that made history from WW to the Persian Gulf Aircraft ground displays are a major part of the air show and will be open starting at 30 a m both days said the flying display will be the same for Saturday and Sunday A pre show display by the Royal Canadian Air Cadets will involve a unique launch and recovery of gliders The tion is in recognition of the anniversary of the Air Cadet organization Wedding under Lancaster Lutchin said a wedding will be part of the Saturday Air Show Eileen of Toronto and Major Terry Hobbs have decided to exchange the holy vows of matrimony under the wing of the CWH Lancaster Bomber Satur day morning said Lutchin Hobbs of Delaware is with the Perm sylvama Air National Guard and will be one of the pilots flying with the A 10 demonstration team works for Boe ing DeHavilland of Downsview is also a pilot Traffic flow will be faster this year by using more and better positioned Hamilton Regional Police and alternate routing Parking has been ex to accommodate the growing audience Major performers for the world famous Include Canadian Forces Snowbirds Jet Team CF Hornet Pennsylvania Air National Guard A 10 Tactical Demonstration Lancaster Bomber Hawker Hurricane Clint s Russian built Sukhoi acrobatic aircraft Toronto Manfred Radius with North America s fastest glider Hamilton Sport Parachute Team Sea Fury Trio Flypast Douglas A Invader