Pag 10 THE OUTLOOK Friday June 1991 Editorial People need help That we are in a recession is a given It took former federal Finance Minister Michael Wilson so Idng to say the dreaded word in public that some suspected he was suffering from a speech impediment Not so say some of my erstwhile friends who consider themselves experts in health related problems as they pertain to politicians Brain warp they say sets in as soon as the neophyte politician escapes from the real world into the hallowed halls of the respective parliaments and legislatures that dit and dot our land Apparently it has something to do with either the air conditioning or the clones who clop around mouthing the same party line over and over ad nauseum while vainly searching for lost memos or secretaries According to press reports on the Mohamm fiasco the Iraqi envoy who fast tracked his way through the immigration process the search for lost secretaries takes precedence over lost memos Be that as it may a recession or severe economic downturn does indeed take its toll on an in dividual s health It is a confusing time for the or working man the factory laborer the construction worker who had been content put in his hours without complaint so his or her can have food on the table and a decent place to live For the most pari politics means nothing to these people the backbone of the country til suddenly the ma of is yanked from under their feet with the news service is no longer required and they don have a job It is a traumatic experience to be told vou are no longer wanted for someone with familial responsibilities Pride suffers the first then others follow Researchers at Ontario s Ad diction Research Foundation have estimated that almost thirds of people left unemployed recession maintain or in their consumption of alcohol and manj increase their use of other drugs as v ell The use of these sometimes ad dictivc emotional crutches became a of relieving anx lety caused by the economic recession The report concludes We cannot blame the unemployed for not having a job when we haven t got jobs for them The report suggests that business and policy makers tread governments know economic and business cycles change and should plan for economic strain so that it causes as little damage as possible to displaced workers All well and good one might add but I the horse already left the barn Our Made in Canada reces can be rightfully laid at the feet of the federal government because of the bungling economic policies emanating from the finance ministry It should also be noted however as it has been in various reports that Canadian workers on the whole are overpaid and under productive Surely some sort of com promise can be worked out bet ween labor and gov eminent where a certain percentage of the monies collected from union dues and matched up government could be put aside up a counselling serv ice bureau with personnel available either through a telephone net work or on location visits to help out companies and individuals fected recession deal with the situation on both a personal and professional lev el The economy is a mess but it will eventually straighten itself out It is people who are suffering nghl now from problems related to the economic downturn and thev need immediate help As I see it Peels never saw a happier Memories of School Days bunch hi eating such a lovclv The snow blew around the hot lunch house sort or day We hockey out in yard beast tree limbs and a puck so At home w as the place to stay hard With a that And as we sat there the fire hockev Smashed 111 rough Ihe window We spent the hour Crash into the And forgot about the Tht Tom thoughts went back l days What hullabaloo the door smile crept across his face he recalled the in roomed school house with lh events there took prise place a look of was in our S window II ill Miss Peacock was the teacher She was small but mighty firm have And when we got her dander up 1 you re ri no Mew 1h1j I In spring she taught us garden It was cared for by all And when the vegetables were There once was a guy named ripe Kevin We learned to can them in the Who held up a seveneleven fall He made lots of money Now that wasnt funny On cold days like this with And now be wont be going to heaven She the bow to Kevin Kammlnga akea stew Acton The Halton Hills HERALD Home Newspaper ol Halton Hills Established A Division of Canadian Newspaper Company Limited Guelph Street Georgetown Ontario 3Z6 K ROBERT Publisher and General Manager 8772201 COLIN GIBSON HOB PRODUCTION DAVE HASTINGS MANAGER account SUBSCRIPTION RATES FtaglllitdNo On Tha Hatikj on nam and malarial by Ha amplotaaa and bill had In nawisapar Adrarllilne Tha ad ran aai lha If pubdihar all not ba paid lor atlualhr which ganca an nit RePROTN Dealing with the Real Man I d actually been having quite a good day until I picked up the newspaper and read about the lat est scientific revelation Apparently a neurological study has just determined that men brains deteriorate more rapidly with age than women s do Well One hates to overreact But it s things like this that make you realize how much damage science does in the world Instead of doing something use this reprehensible group of re searchers has actually conducted a study aimed at reinforcing a tain lamentable theory already much too prevalent in female cles Which is that men are born stu and go straight downhill from there The study leaves a host of un answered questions of course Just for starters nobody seems to know just why the male brain dete more rapidly Possibly men are vulnerable to a sort of cerebral and what we re witnessing is the tragedy of inadequate mental flossing But my own suspicion is that male mental decay is a symptom of a more general problem a problem which society must find some way to come to grips with Clearly men brains are being worn down by the sheer difficulty of being male It goes without saying that it s getting harder and harder to be a man This is why more and more guys are getting involved in the Men Movement and going off on weekend retreats to find The Real Man Deep Inside Each One Of Us As far as I know the rationale for such retreats is that men should get together to talk openly and sensitively and to share all of their deepest fear and apart from the nagging fear that only a pack of weenies would do this In the first place Weirs World by Ian Weir Thomion News Service It was so much simpler in the old days when a guy could simply say to himself I fear I am losing touch with the Real Man Deep In side So I shall go buy some new power tools Still dealing with The Real Man Deep Inside t the biggest prob lem For most guys the true brain cell killer is dealing with The Real Woman Sitting Across The Table This is not good heavens to ply that women are by nature diffi cult It s just that an awful lot of of the 1990s have developed a certain way of looking at a guy especially when there s just one of him and several of them Way back in the mists of time it conceivable that a man got looked upon as a Brave Provider Today he increasingly gets looked upon as Exhibit A The Representative of The Male Spe Lord Help Him I had a particularly gruelling ex penence with this last weekend when The Love of My life hosted one of those in home women clothing parties Naturally a guy knows what to do on such occasions He finds a quiet pub with sports on the big screen and a wise bartender who will remind him not even to dream of going home until all the women have left I returned home too soon There was a sudden dead silence apart from the Bob Dylan song on the stereo Twelve flinty female eyes upon me and the desig spokesperson began the con versation by demanding Why do men write love songs when they dont have a clue what love is in the first place I could feel the braincells dete as I flailed about for an answer Well I ventured feebly I guess we just have to get those songs out there so we can be told what wrong with them There was a dreadful silence Ah said the designated spokesperson Typically male re sponse Why DO men have to try to avoid the issue This is the point at which I con ceived a desperate desire to take refuge in the hardware section at Canadian Tire Hardware sections can be ing But they never make your head hurt Write us a letter The Herald wants to hear from you If you have an opi nion you want to express or a comment make send us a letter or drop by the office Our address is Guelph Street Georgetown Ontario IZG All letters must be signed Please include your ad dress and telephone number for verification The Herald reserves the right to edit letters due to space limitations