RUSS MILLER REELECTED By BEN The Herald Hills residents will have incumbent Mayor Miller as their Town leader for another three- year term unofficial election results showed Tuesday night Mr Miller had 337 votes com pared with mayoralty challenger Rob Barlow who had 3 votes with unofficial results from all polls reported Miller An obviously happy Mr Miller arrived to the applause of many at the Hills Civic Centre at ap proximately 15 on election night to accept early congratulations for his apparent election victory and on celebrating his 59th birthday the same day The victorious Mr Miller and the defeated mayoralty candidate Mr Barlow apparently cross paths on this night of obviously mixed emotions After mingling among his many well wishers Mr Miller took time to voice some strong words about some of the more vocal Town ratepayer groups and the way they conducted themselves during the last few months leading up to the elections He pointed to one group in par- Furiously Opposed to Acton Dumping FOAD saying I don t plan to listen to them anymore During recent council meetings O A members have attacked councillors for not doing all they could to stop the Acton dump proposal from proceeding any fur ther in the approval process Special interest groups such as O A represent the vocal minority well the silent majority spoke tonight said Mr Miller Becoming increasingly more con he continued This is my Town and these are my people and 1 will continue to be mayor of all of the people all of the time and not for some of the people some of the time SECTION A 2B Region Notes School Newt 4B Forum 8 Legion Urns SB MoneyMatters 9 Community FocuifiB Editorial 10 Entertainment 10 12B Comnuinrty Forum 10 Arts Meat peoples Forum 10 rlsltonHifs Forum Hotline BenDummett 11 Jade B 17B Carlo Teste 11 13 Home the 1B Election Coverage 14 Week 20B Election BanrurfadNews finds 13B Sports 1923 CbssrBed 27 For Meat That Does More Than Compete That means said Mdyor Miller I will continue to listen to all of the people very carefully dun the next three years Questioned on what will be the first item on his agenda during the new term Mr Miller said It s business as usual Mr Miller said he wasn sur prised at being reelected nor did he think it was a difficult election campaign A campaign is never tough when you have good workers he said However he did say some of the challengers ran a dirty cam paign Referring to those other than his competition Mr Miller said It was terrible what some of the challengers did to some in cumbents Although he would nt name names Mr Miller accused some of the challengers of trying to smear the characters of some incumbents including Marilyn Serjeantson Joe Hewitt and Rick The mayor was especially upset that some candidates campaigned this past Sunday I ve never campaigned on Sun days he said Bob Barlow He left his final comments for Mr Bartow and Regional councillor candidate Linda Walton Pointing out they have only lived in Hills for four months and two years respectively Mr Miller said they wanted to take over the Town and operate it for their own self interest but the silent majority spoke out against this idea Mr Barlow who showed up at the Civic Centre about an hour after Miller arrived took his defeat in stride I m not unpleased with the results said a relatively upbeat Mr Barlow We did considerably well con I only started to campaign four weeks ago he continued Commenting on the election cam paign in general Mr Barlow said tned to focus on the issues and there are lot of issues including the Acton dump proposal and develop ment He was disappointed however at the relatively low voter turnout Approximately 33 per cent of the total eligible voters caBt their ballots compared to approximately per cent who voted during the last municipal election Mr Barlow said he will continue as a private citizen of the com to fight the Acton dump proposal As for running again Mr Barlow said he will have to wait and see how well his consulting business is doing at the time It takes a lot effort to run a cam said Mr Barlow 1 YEAR NO PAGES SINGLE COPY GST HALTON HILLS ONTARIO WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13th 1891 Remembrance Day honor guard Cpl Martin of the Lome Scots was a member of the honor guard at the Acton Cenotaph at Trinity United Church during Remembrance Day services Sunday morning He stands guard among the wreaths laid to honor Acton war dead Herald Photo by Steven For more election coverage turn to pages 14 15 LIVING LIGHTING GEORGETOWN 4168732996