2 Rural garbage debate THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2011 At first blush, more rural six-bag limit, bulk waste payment method angered residents want garbage, collection eight times a several at the Limehouse bulk waste and metal and year, and metal and appli- meeting, including Simon appliance collection than ance on a call-in basis. Franks. those who responded to a Want it or not, there "This is going to cost 2003 Halton survey, when was one point of consen- me twice what I pay now 65 per cent said they did sus at a public meeting to take my couple of bags not want the every two service and into "This is going to cost me twice what I pay weeks cost, and 35 Georgetown per cent said now to take my couple of bags every two to Leferink they did. weeks into Georgetown to Leferink (transfer (transfer staWi t h o n l y station). Just because I have a higher valued tion)," Franks approximately said, un600 surveys re- property doesn't mean I generate more gar- happy when turned to date, bage, so why should I pay more for it?" told that if slightly more Simon Franks waste collecresidents are tion service in favour of the is expanded, expanded service than in on the issue last Monday no one can opt out. "Just surveys conducted both at Limehouse Memorial because I have a higher in 2006 and 1996. Cur- Hall, and again at a "less valued property doesn't rently, rural Halton Hills heated" meeting the next mean I generate more residents have weekly night in Hornby. All agree garbage, so why should I Blue Box and GreenCart they key is to get as many pay more for it?" Franks pickup. Halton's Manager of the 2,700 surveys asked, suggesting if garof Waste Planning and mailed to rural residents bage pickup is approved, Collection, David Miles, by Halton returned by the the cost be determined by said Halton agreed to sur- June 10 (Friday) dead - the latest census figures, vey the rural areas, again, line. not property values. on the issue of expanding The cost for the Ballinafad resident Bill services after several rural additional services, if ap- Taylor said he is "strongcouncillors said constitu- proved by Halton Council ly opposed" to expanded ents asked for another this fall, would be added waste pickup. "With my look at the issue. The ex- to the property tax bill assessment, I would be panded services would an additional $95.69 paying over twice as include garbage collection annually for a property much for this, plus I'm every other week, with a assessed at $350,000. The not in favour of the con- It 's wor th the call...905-873-6111 Helen Ltd. Brokerage * Ltd. Brokerage McLean * Sales Representatives Lindsay Arlene * OPEN CONCEPT WITH LOFT! 3 bedroom, 4 bath. $344,900 Your Hometown Realtors... 3 + 1 bedroom bungalow. No neighbours behind, granite in kitchen, finished basement. PRISTINE AT $274,800 3 + 1 bedroom backing onto park. Updated kitchen, bathrooms, in-ground pool. AFFORDABLE OAKVILLE!!! S D L O $497,800 GREAT STARTER! 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fenced yard Townhouse GARBAGE COLLECTION YES OR NO: Rural residents Lloyd McIntyre (right) and Bill Taylor of Ballinafad listened as Halton's manager of Waste collection Services, David Miles, explained the survey that the Region sent to 2,700 rural residents asking them, again, if they would like every other week garbage collection, in addition to the Blue Box and GreenCart services they now receive. Frances Niblock photo cept of it I don't like along rural roads. McIn- having garbage collec the way the fee schedule tyre currently takes his tion, he just doesn't like is set up...I would like to garbage to Georgetown the way it is to be paid see some type of a user- for disposal and pays a for because it is unfair to pay format once it hits $2 per bag fee. He did seniors. "This is just anyour pocketbook, you not want the service when other money grab. I have become an environment- asked in 2007, but has one bag (of garbage) alist," Taylor said. now changed his mind. every two months and it Rural Acton resident "I've had a chance to see costs me $2 to get rid of Lloyd McIntyre, noting how well the GreenCart it. Why would I want to that adjacent Milton and and Blue Box (programs) pay any more than that?" Wellington rural residents work and really like the Clow asked. have waste pickup, ques- idea of (pickup) right at Several people sug tioned if officials believe the end of the driveway," gested a user-pay or the service would stop he said. per-bag system, but Miles people from illegally Rural resident Ron told them that even munidumping their garbage Clow, said he's not against cipalities that have some type of user-pay system still have a portion of the collection costs on their tax bills. Following the public meetings, Rob Rivers, Halton's Director of Waste Management Services, said they hope to $ have at least a 40 to 50 per cent survey return rate to back up a staff recom$ mendation. Halton staff will take the comments from the open houses and surveys into consideration when reporting to Halton Council for debate and a 128 Guelph St. Georgetown 905-702-7990 vote this fall. 13 x13 Tiles...............................89¢ sq ft. 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