Herta Hajek's impressionistic portraits George Perdue's oil paintings Meet the artists Eileen Simpson After putting her art on the backburner to raise a family, Eileen Simpson couldn't wait to jump back in. "I just had to do it again. It was now or never," says Simpson, an art school grad. "I jumped right into non-objective art." Simpson is Innerscapes' resident printmaker and mixed-media artist. For her, art is all about the process. She enjoys taking cloth and old patterns, tearing them up and rearranging them in new and unexpected ways. "Patterns are like life: you start out with a formed pattern of where you're going and then you go a different way by tearing it up," she says. Jan Zimmerman If you had to put Jan Zimmerman's paintings under a single heading, they would probably fall under folk art. Her whimsical paintings feature magical, ideaized landscapes from a simpler time. "My work is mainly from my imagination and memories," Zimmerman says. "When I start a new painting, I only have a small idea of where and how it will end up. For me, the fun is in the decision-making as I go along." Lately, Zimmerman has been working mostly in acrylics, but has also done watercolour and abstract work as well. "I don't like staying with the same thing for too long," she says. "I get bored." SPRING · 2010 18 S I D E R O A D S H A LT O N H I L L S This coupon entitles you to $ 50 OFF (Coupon expires May 31, 2010 and cannot be combined with any other offer.) an initial consultation on any one of our services.