9 Real Estate Leader, Thursday, December 30, 2010 from the entire HaltonHomes Team! Thank you for making this year such a great one! We look forward to working with you in 2011. *,9(6 %$&. THANK YOU!!!! FULFILL A WISH 0HUU\ The Team at Johnson Associates Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage ...or &KULVWPDV would like to give a SINCERE THANK YOU forTWO all of the people who offered generous support to our "Johnson :Z Z :ZZgift Z Z Z Gives Back" Christmas giving campaign this year!! Georgetown 905-877-5165 Erin 519-833-1246 Acton 519-853-0692 Z Z 'ZZ Z ZZ The campaign was a tremendous success, and the response was overwhelming; our office overfl owed with the community's big-heartedness, as the gifts piled up. The gestures of kindness helped ensure that dozens more local families were and happy Christmas. Z Z Z Z Z warm ' ^this ZZ like to Z thank Z Z Z Z We would also send out a special you to The Sign Shoppe and United Lumber - Home Hardware for their donations. Z > Z Z Z ZZ Z Happy and Happy New Year from The Johnson Associates Team Holidays Z Z ^ ^Z ,Z , Z Z &Z Z