Town urged to fund hospital project hospital presentation, and Town TreasurContinued from pg. 1 size. Oliver said theirs and MPP Ted Ar- er Ed DeSousa's suggestions on how the nott's lobbying over the past few years has Town could chip in their share. The pubmade little dent in the 10-year waiting lic would be asked to provide feedback, so council can make an informed decision, queue for money at the Ministry. Compared to similar HHS requests said Bonnette. The Town's website will also include the made to other Halton municipal councils for contributions to their hospitals, Oliver hospital presentation made this week, and possibly a vote button and comcalled this is a "modest" request. ment form. But he added, "This is not my Bonnette said the public is hospital... this is your hospital. I also welcome to e-mail their would estimate 80 to 85 per cent comments to all members of the of your residents would be in council. It's important the puband out of the diagnostic imaglic knows what impact on their ing and emergency departments taxes this could mean, the mayor during the year. They're heavily said. used. ... We could have stayed "I think all of us around quiet and continued to pursue JOHN this table are behind this but it the funding from the Ministry OLIVER would be helpful to have public or we could make this special feedback," said Ward 3 Councilrequest of council." The proposal includes a 14,000 sq. ft. lor Moya Johnson. "We really need a CT addition, housing a new emergency de- scanner in this community." The current diagnostic services are lopartment and a renovated 4,000 sq. ft. section of the current hospital, allowing all cated throughout the Georgetown Hospidiagnostic equipment to be in the same tal. In 2010, approximately 1,500 patients were transferred from Georgetown hospisection. "No longer will people will have to walk tal to other hospitals for CT scans. Over through the bowels of the hospital to have 500 of those were emergency patients who a bone density scan done," said Dr. Jeff required a scan for diagnosis. It does not Sutherland, Associate Chief of Staff. "The include doctor referrals for their patients redevelopment of the emergency depart- in the community, but Oliver said those ment will enable us to deal with an ever- are significant numbers. The Emergency Department is designed increasing volume of emergency patients. to serve 14,000 visits a year, but it is now During my career this volume has doubled seeing 32,800. without significant change in the emer"The Georgetown Emergency Departgency department's layout." To move quicker on this project, the ment is an incredibly efficient operation, hospital wants to go with a joint commu- which sees more patients per ER bed than any hospital in Ontario," said Dr. Justin nity and HHS-funded project: · Town of Halton Hills contributes Busse, Director of the Emergency Department, noting the five physicians are $4.546 million working flat-out. No more efficiencies can · HHS revenue and capital-- $2.4M · Georgetown Hospital Foundation be wrung out of the building and its staff and he fears their current high provincial launches a $5M fundraising campaign · Georgetown Hospital Volunteer Asso- performance on wait times and admission times will begin to deteriorate. ciation-- $250,000. "I implore you for your support," said In order to get things moving in time for a 2012 construction season, Oliver re- Dr. Wei Chu, co-chief of Family Medicine, quested a Town answer before March, but "not because we trying a build a shiny new Mayor Rick Bonnette intimated the CEO waiting room or to show off new technology but because the redevelopment before would have his answer before then. Council approved a motion to host a you tonight will help us provide the essenspecial public meeting in conjunction tial services that the doctors and nurses with the Monday, Jan. 24 council meeting need to treat our most critical and most to allow members of the public to hear the vulnerable patients." 3 Independent & Free Press, Thursday, January 13, 2011 2FC 0CEGML?J +SLGAGN?JGRW MD &?JRML UUU F?JRML A? JOIN THE CONVERSATION ABOUT HALTON REGION! 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