Clear out your book shelves and toy boxes, CFUW book/toy sale set for April 28 The Georgetown University Women's 41st Annual Used Book and Toy Sale will take place on Saturday April 28, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Christ the King School. For 35 years the club has used the proceeds from the sale to give scholarships to excelling high school graduates going on to university or college. Last year eight students received scholarships ranging from $600 to $750 each. Interested students can apply at the CFUW website, www. The growing success of this bargain hunter's sale can be attributed to the strong support of the Halton Hills community. Georgetown CFUW members volunteer to organize the sale. They rely on community members to donate their used books and gentlyused toys and DVDs. The club is grateful to the service clubs such as Rotary, Lions, Optimists, Kinsmen, Kiwanis, Masons, Knights of Columbus and the local schools for helping to advertise this event. It is very grateful to the many businesses that have made space for drop-off boxes on their premises. They are also grateful to Emerald Isle Decor for the annual use of its delivery truck to move the books from the sorting site, and the Georgetown Garden Centre that has provided us with sorting space this year. People may leave their donations at Curves on Main St., Georgetown, Herbal Magic in Acton, The Georgetown Independent & Free Press in the Georgetown Market Place, and the Metro Store in Georgetown South starting Monday, April 9 and ending April 25. High school students may earn community hours by helping out to move books on the evening of Friday April 27. To volunteer, contact Info: www.cfuw-georgetown. ca 17 The IFP · Halton Hills, Thursday, April 5, 2012 · Royal Canin World of Dogs, Championship Cat Show & Parade of Breeds · Pet Valu Dog Demonstration Ring featuring K9 Performers, Cottage Dog Ruff'N-It Sport & more · DoggieQ Fashion Show, World of Birds, Exotic Animals... · Ask-the-Experts: trainers, vets, grooming & wellness professionals · Kids' Play & Learn Zone featuring "Tumblebus" FEATURE ATTRACTIONS Over 150 SPECIALTY PET EXHIBITORS with great show specials! ADMISSION Adults: $14 Seniors (60+) Youth (6-17): $10 Kids under 5: Free Family Pass (2 Adults & 2 Youths): $40 Youth Free Sunday only 10-1pm *$2 off adult admission PHOTOS: HENRY LIN & LAWRENCE HO FREE PARKING! Fri/Sat: 10am-6pm Sun: 10am-5pm FREE PET COUPON BOOK TO FIRST 1,000 VISITORS EACH DAY SHOW HOURS REGRETTABLY, VISITORS ARE NOT PERMITTEDTO BRING THEIR PETS TO THE SHOW 63(&,$/6 )520 April 5th to April 19th )UHQFK 2QLRQ 6RXS UHJ 6WUDLJKW )URP 4XHEHF VRXSV IRU 6DYLQJV :KROH 2UJDQLF &KLFNHQV &RPSDUHG DW SHU NJ OE %R[ 2U 1RYD 6FRWLD :LOG %OXHEHUULHV UHJ OEV IRU $ *UHDW :D\ WR 6WDUW <RXU 'D 3URGXFW RI 2QWDULR 6FDOORS DQG &UDE 0HDW 6ROH 6WXIIHG ZLWK 5HJ SRUWLRQV %UHDGHG 6DOPRQ )LOOHWV [R] UHJ 3HUIHFW IRU %XUJHUV 0RQGD\ )ULGD\ $0 30 6DWXUGD\ $0 30 6XQGD\ $0 30 SHU NJ 2II 23(1 '$<6 $ :((. 6(59,1* $&721 $5($ )25 29(5 <($56