THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16 2012 THE NEW TANNER 7 IT'S TAX TIME CALL ME!! Robert Dimech DRYWALL WORK Commercial, Industrial) CMA, MBA (Residential, Installation · Finishing 519-853-1197 Good Rates by a Professional Drywall Company. Free Estimates COMMUNITY CORNER CONSTRUCTION LIMITED LOCAL INDEPENDENT SHOPS INVEST MORE IN OUR COMMUNITIES. Local business is proportionally more generous in their support for local charities, carnivals, schools and community events. Supporting local shops means a financial return in our community. NELLIS Textured Ceilings R.R. #1 Acton 853-0960 ROAD BUILDING EARTH MOVING Advertise in this space for only A division of Tyler Transport Ltd. CALL TO RESERVE (519) 853-1550 or toll free 1-800-73TYLER Providing Businesses and COOPS CONSTRUCTION Individuals in Halton Hills with Rockwood, ON expert accounting and tax services. `TURNING YOUR PROJECT INTO A REALITY' 519-806-7735 Call Marie 519-853-0051 for details per week $15 Carin Pelka Licenced Paralegal Specializing in Workplace Safety & Insurance Board - Claims/Revenue 69 Mill Street East Acton, ON By appointment only 519-853-2091 We handle all insurance work · Truck Accessories · Upholstery · Heavy Equipment Glass · Window Tinting 354 Guelph Street, Georgetown (905)873-1655 Ron Henry BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Serving the Community for over 30 Years 67 Mill Street East, Acton & 27 Cork St. Guelph 853-1160 TOTAL TECH AND HANDYMAN For all your Interior Design, Renovations & Maintenance Phone: 519-856-0020 Mobile: 905-467-3011 Fax: 519-856-0053 e-mail: Heart disease doesn't discriminate, affecting men and women regardless of their age or where they live. One Canadian dies from heart disease or stroke every seven minutes according to the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada, a charity that annually spends millions of dollars researching heart disease and promoting healthier lifestyles. For most men and women, the prevalence of heart disease is no great surprise. Nearly every adult has a loved one who has dealt with heart disease. Many men and women have had a friend or family member who lost their battle with heart disease. That familiarity should make people even more willing to adopt a heart-healthy lifestyle, something the AHA admits is the best defence against heart disease and stroke. Though not all risk factors for heart disease can be controlled, there are ways to reduce that risk considerably. Control your blood pressure High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for stroke and a major risk for heart disease. Blood pressure measures the pressure or force of blood against the walls if your blood vessels, also known as arteries. Having your blood pressure taken is a routine on most doctor visits, but many people are unaware what the number actually measures. The top number measures the pressure when the heart contracts and pushes blood out, while the bottom number is the lowest pressure when the heart relaxes and beats. Blood pressure that is consistently above 140/90 is considered high. A normal blood pressure is one Reducing risk for heart disease could save your life between 120/80 and 129/84. Because of the relation between blood pressure and heart disease and stroke, men and women must take steps to control their blood pressure. Having your blood pressure checked regularly is a good start. Once you get checked, reduce the amount of sodium in your diet, replacing high-sodium snacks with healthier fare and monitoring sodium intake during the day. The Heart & Stroke Foundation recommends eating less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day, and that includes salt added when making meals or eating at the table. Maintaining a healthy body weight and successfully managing stress are additional ways to control blood pressure. Limit alcohol consumption Excessive consumption of alcohol can contribute to high triglycerides, produce irregular heartbeats and eventually lead to heart failure or stroke. There is some evidence that people who drink moderately have a lower risk of heart disease than non-drinkers. But it's also important to note that people who drink moderately also have a lower risk of heart disease than people who drink excessively. So when it comes to alcohol, moderation reigns supreme. One or two standard drinks per day are enough depending on gender. The Heart & Stroke Foundation suggests that women who drink should not drink more than nine drinks a week, while men should not exceed 14 drinks in a single week. Quit smoking The decision to smoke tobacco is the decision to invite a host of potential physical ailments, not the least of which is heart disease. Smoking contributes to the build-up of plaque in the arteries, increases the risk of blood clots, reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood and increases blood pressure. As if that's not enough, smoking also harms those around you. In Canada, nearly 8,000 non-smokers lose their lives each year from exposure to second-hand smoke. What might surprise some people, however, is how quickly quitting smoking can reduce a person's risk for heart disease. According to the Heart & Stroke Foundation, within 48 hours of quitting a person's chances of having heart disease have already started to go down. For those who successfully avoid smoking for one year, the risk of a suffering a smoking-related heart attack has been cut in half. After 15 years, the risk of heart attack is the same as someone who never smoked at all. Embrace physical activity People who are physically inactive are twice as likely to be at risk for heart disease or stroke as people who are physically active. Research has shown that getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity five or more times weekly can help lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol while helping to maintain a healthy weight. If starting from scratch, even light physical activity can provide some health benefits. Gradually work your way up to more demanding activities, and make physical activity a routine part of your daily life. Aldo Braida Barrister & Solicitor 69 Mill St. E Acton 28 Paisley St. Guelph Phone: 519-824-2242 Fax :519-824-3049 B.A. L.L.B. Bistro & pub 519-856-2693 Enjoy a bit of Heaven SaleS, Service & repairS to all MakeS call dave the `door gUy' 1-866-919-9945 1-866-919-9945 BalliNaFaD ServiciNg actoN & SurrouNDiNg areaS residential garage doors · electric openers commercial overhead doors · dock systems preventative maintenance programs Small engine parts, sales & service SERVICE & PARTS FOR ALL SNOWBLOWERS 21" to 45" 105 Alma St. Rockwood ON NOB 2K0 LAWN & GARDEN SALES & SERVICE AUTHORIZED WARRANTY DEALER FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON · KOHLER · HONDA · TECUMSEH MTD · NOMA/MURRAY · JONSERED · HYDRO-GEAR · SCAGG 's R Jim epair Sho p Garage Door Works Ken Marttala Free Estimates Sales, Service & Installation Residential, Commercial Overhead Doors & Openers EXCHANGE McISAAC CYLINDERS Septic Pumping & Drain Service 781588 Ont. Ltd. Pick up & Delivery Available 519-843-7024 Propane Supplied By A Division of Vomar Industries Inc. 519-853-5615 Telephone/Fax Email: TEL: 519-856-2564 FAX: 519-856-9657 1-888-537-7953 (519) 856-9955 Toll Free (877) 856-9955 100% Canadian Owned 379 Queen St. East Acton, ON L7J 2N2 Radio dispatched trucks Call Don or Mac · Septic & Holding Tanks · Rejuvenation of leaching field · Baffle inspection & repairs · High-pressure drain cleaning (519) 853-1550 519-853-2790 Licensed by M.O.E. RR#4, Acton