THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 2012 THE NEW TANNER 19 FIRST AID: Members of the Acton and Georgetown Seniors C e n t re s l e a r n e d a l l about CPR technique at a recent training session at the Gellert Centre in Georgetown South. Maureen Harvey (left) gave instructions under the watchful eye of centre member Eileen Dix. Julie Conroy photo Probiotics Naturally Speaking with Advertorial Louisa McCarley RHN, ROHP/RNCP By Julie Conroy The Centre will be closed for Easter on Friday, April 6 and Monday, April 9. The weekly 50/50 will take place on Thursday, April 5 at 3 p.m. We are into our first week of the electronic signing in. Everything seems to be going well. Who says you can't teach old dogs new tricks? It will certainly simplify keeping track of members visiting the Centre, and especially important, the number of volunteer hours various members contribute. If you have volunteer hours you haven't logged in the book yet, please do so as soon as possible. The book will not be used once we are underway with the electronic system. We need to account for everyone's volunteer hours. Twenty nine ladies went to Mary Maxim in Paris last Monday. I saw lots of large pink bags in the bus, and the general consensus was they would like to return again next year. (Possibly in April.) Now we know how much time it takes to shop and have lunch, we will be able to spend a little time exploring Paris also. Eleven members e n j o y e d t h e C o ff e e , Books and Conversation on Tuesday afternoon. The books being discussed were mystery books. Vicki Firth is a librarian with the Acton Branch of the Halton Hills Public Library. Vicki gave a little insight into some of the authors. The next event is Tuesday, April 24 at 2 p.m., and the subject will be especially interesting to those who enjoy reading biographies. Another busy week next week at the Centre. The Fashion Show takes place on Tuesday, April 10 at 2 p.m., and will feature clothes by Alia of Milton, and as usual the models will be members of the Centre. It's amazing to see people that you see every day dressed very casually, all dressed up and looking very attractive. The clothing is always very wearable, smart and friendly to all ages and sizes. Drop in and spend an hour enjoying the show, a cup of tea or coffee and a piece of cake while renewing old acquaintances. The snow birds will have returned by then. Who knows you might even win a door prize. We w i l l b e h a v i n g our Easter Parade social dinner on Wednesday, April 11. The Friends from the Hills will be entertaining us and Real is hoping that the ladies (and men) will wear Easter bonnets and hats. On the menu is my favourite, ham and scalloped potatoes, with coleslaw, beets and gherkins, and for dessert, pie and ice cream. The last Wednesday of each month is the very popular Rama trip. On March 28, the Rama 50/50 was won by Joan Hayes. There were no birthdays to celebrate, but Joyce and Tony Marrows were celebrating their 50 th anniversary this month. Congratulations Joyce and Tony. Sitting in the lucky seats were Ivan Kilby, Renate Dzieciol, Art Tressel and June Collocci. The next trip is April 25. Shirley Hunter had the only mooner at Bid Euchre last Thursday. It was a very select group of seven players. The weekly 50/50 was won this week by Betty Dunn. She won $166. It seems everywhere you turn these days, people are talking about probiotics. Probiotics are included in many foods and most people are aware that probiotics help with digestion. However, probiotics can help with much more, including building your immune system. Quality probiotic supplements can deliver a wider range of strains of good bacteria in higher strengths, with more benefits than we get from just eating yogurt. It's like giving my immune system a gym membership! Preventative Therapy Acidophilus Ultra by New Roots Herbal delivers 11 billion cells of 11 live probiotic strains to help sustain a healthy colon and protect against colds and flu, diarrhea and pathogens--all while helping maintain regularity and balanced immunity. Proactive Therapy New Roots Herbal's Probiotics Urgency delivers 50 billion cells of 11 live probiotic strains that crowd out harmful bacteria strains from entering the digestive system that can cause traveler's diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. This high-potency formula also reestablishes colonies of beneficial bacteria to protect your entire intestinal system after antibiotic use. All New Roots Herbal probiotics take advantage of an advanced water-based PH5D enteric coating to deliver billions of probiotic cells past stomach acids, unharmed, to the intestines where they work. 80% of immunity originates in the intestines. Probiotic Urgency and Acidophilus Ultra restore and maintain healthy intestines for a properly functioning digestive system. WILLOW LANE NATURAL FOODS 75 Mill St. E., Acton "Serving your health needs, Naturally, since 1977" 519-853-3051