10 THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, MAY 03, 2012 Trail Riders Rockwood Trail Riders the oldest continuously run local horse club in Ontario recently celebrated its 50th season, and preparations are almost complete for the kick-off of this year's show season on May 13. Founded by two childhood friends who were raising families and horses in Rockwood, the Riders developed local trail rides and family-oriented fun events they could enjoy with and without their horses. Horse shows and gymkhanas developed and the riders found a permanent home on donated land on the north end of Rockwood. Riders hosts horse shows on the second Sundays of May, June, July and August with Trail Horse Trials and a Poker Run in September. At the shows we host both English and Western events, flat classes, showmanship and games. There's an annual Youth team tournament, and the Riders boast that many accomplished, and Olympic riders, coaches and judges started their show experience at Rockwood. For details visit www.rock woodtrailriders.ca Bolivia build Tw o R o c k w o o d brothers, Gavin and Fraser Anderson, will lead a team of volunteers building homes with Habitat for Humanity in Bolivia in August, part of Habitat's Global Village program which has thousands of volunteers building homes all over the world. Volunteers either fundraise or pay their own way to the build site where costs are kept low through their unpaid labour and donated materials. The families who receive homes are expected to pay for them through no-interest mortgages. For more information contact team leader Gavin at gavin.anderson@uky.edu Art show and sale Local artist and men tal health advocate Kellie JOYce (her spelling) is staging a photo art show and sale on Saturday at the Rockwood Public Library. Billed as "I Have PTSD (people talking sharing dreaming). JOYce invites people out for light snacks and conversation and her work to help stop the stigma attached to mental health issues. BUSY BIDDING: The annual auction at Jim's Repair in Rockwood on Saturday was busy with a good turnout of people looking for deals from auctioneer Brian Kurtz (right). Ted Tyler photo Township Digest Round about resolution? Provincial plans to improve safety at two Guelph/Eramosa intersections were unveiled at a public meeting in Eden Mills last Tuesday by Ministry of Transportation (MTO) officials looking for input to plans for two sections of Highway 7, west of Rockwood. The novelty of a proposed round-about on Highway 7 at Jones Baseline Road surprised several residents, and G uelph/Eramo s a Township Mayor Chris White who said the intersection, the scene of several fatal accidents, is "horrible" and "scary," mainly because of the steep hill just north of Highway 7. White said he likes the concept of a roundabout, but has concerns it could accommodate farm machinery, busses and transport trucks. "I think roundabouts work fairly well. I just don't know the dynamics on a highway where the speed limit is 80 (kilometres/hour)," White said on Saturday, adding "we're just happy they are looking at it," even though there is no money attached to the project, or MTO plans to widen the intersection and install left-hand turn lanes at Highway 7 and Wellington Road 44, known as Guelph Line south of Highway 7, and Fourth Line north of the highway. Trail network Thanks to a developer's donation, Rockwood The ICE Wednesday, May 09 CREAM IS BACK!!! but we have MOVED UP the STREET to the ROSE GARDEN (next to the Royal Bank) The Village Sweet Shop in Rockwood Your Amazing Fudge Frozen Yogurt Hand Scooped Ice Cream and More!!! #1 Stop for: will now have an urban trail an 80-foot wide, horseshoe shaped swath of land running behind Cobblestone Place residences. The private land has been used by hikers, dog walkers and for other recreational uses for years, and now becomes part of the Township's trail network. Charleston Homes Ltd. and Scattered Lotco Ltd. donated nine-hectares of land to the Township a move Guelph-Eramosa Township Mayor Chris White called a "good will gesture" as Charleston began construction of its final subdivision in Rockwood. "It's a gorgeous trail its got flora and fauna and geological stuff there's bits of an old dam up there, I'm told so it's a beautiful addition to the Township's trail system," White said, adding the area has been used as an informal trail for years. Dust fighting The Township will hire Miller Paving to fight dust the bane of many rural residents this year with a tender price of $294.58 per tonne equivalent for 30 per cent liquid magnesium chloride. Staff recommended not to accept the low bid because of previous problems with their dust suppression in the Township. The budget to apply magnesium chloride, at three tonnes per mile, on all gravel To w n s h i p r o a d s i s $46,000. Cox Construction was the only company to bid on a contract to supply maintenance gravel to the Township and was awarded the quote at $9.52 delivered for 7,300-tonnes of gravel. The Township's budget for maintenance gravel and shoulder maintenance is $122,802. The Cox Construction cost is $91,971.