13 ·The IFP· Halton Hills, Thursday, August 9, 2012 FROM: Brian Bahm, Owner & Operator TO: Our valued guests, members, and customers, and all of our friends and allies throughout Georgetown REGARDING: * Recent incidents at Atlantis Athletics * The very latest on Sheri Pare and her recovery * The truth about The BAO Institute For Healthy Living * Dates for our re-opening, fund-raiser, and member-appreciation events First, some good news: We'll be open for business no later than Monday, the \P±WN )]O][\ I\ ")5 ?M¼ZM looking forward to seeing you! Now let's talk about what happened last _MMS .WZ \PW[M WN aW] _PW LWV\ already know, Sheri Pare is a full-time employee here; a part-time master'sdegree student at the University of Toronto; and a 36-year-old single UW\PMZ _Q\P \_W LI]OP\MZ[ On Tuesday, the 31st of July, at approxiUI\MTa "85 ;PMZQ _I[ PQ\ Ja IV SUV as it plowed through our front _QVLW_ ;MMUQVOTa ]V[\WXXIJTM Q\ destroyed everything in its wake, including the walls of the room where [PM _I[ MI\QVO T]VKP Sheri was pinned between the vehicle and a brick wall for 45 minutes before NQZM NQOP\MZ[ _MZM IJTM \W OM\ PMZ W]\ Once they did, they brought her to Sunny Brook Hospital, one of the nation's greatest trauma centres, _PMZM [PM K]ZZMV\Ta ZMUIQV[ )KKWZLQVO \W LWK\WZ[ ;PMZQ¼[ QVR]ZQM[ IZM [M^MZM J]\ [PMTT ZMKW^MZ NZWU \PQ[ 1\[ R][\ OWQVO \W \ISM I ^MZa TWVO \QUM Meanwhile, we want to help ease the financial burden now falling upon her [PW]TLMZ[ ;W _MZM M[\IJTQ[PQVO I \Z][\ N]VL <W SQKS[\IZ\± The Sheri Pare Family Trust Fund, we're organizing a very [XMKQIT N]VLZIQ[MZ AW]Z WNNQKQIT QV^Q\M can be found in the blue box to your ZQOP\ 8TMI[M KWUM RWQV ][ I[ _M celebrate Sheri's humour, passion, and WN KW]Z[M [\ZMVO\P Moving forward, after the dust settled and Sheri stabilized, our thoughts ZM\]ZVML \W W]Z J][QVM[[ 0W_ JIL Q[ the damage? When will we be able to re-open? Will we survive this? Do we even want to? )N\MZ LQ[K][[QVO \PM UI\\MZ _Q\P Ua team (and, of course, my wife), I decided to get our doors back open as Y]QKSTa I[ XW[[QJTM *]\ VW\ I[ Atlantis Athletics 6W\ _PMV [W UIVa XMWXTM including myself, were shaken by what PIXXMVML 1 LQLV\ _IV\ \W JZQVO JIKS IVa JIL UMUWZQM[ Fortunately, for the past couple of months, I'd been working with consultants, inventing and imagining ways to offer members even more--the very best in healthy living--from lots of different IVOTM[ 6W\ R][\ M`MZKQ[M J]\ W\PMZ LQ[KQXTQVM[ I[ _MTT ,Q[KQXTQVM[ TQSM V]\ZQ\QWV supplements, massage, bodycare, even IK\Q^M IXXIZMT It felt, to me at least, like what George\W_V VMMLML ;W 1 LMKQLML \W UW^M NWZ_IZL <PQ[ UMIV\ XPI[QVO W]Z WTL JZIVL W]\ _PQTM XPI[QVO W]Z VM_ WVM QV The idea was to do this slowly but surely, over the course of a year, more than enough time for everyone to get ][ML \W \PQVO[ ?MTT \PI\ _I[ \PM QLMI *]\ Q\¼[ KTMIZ \W me, maybe to you as well, that we need a fresh start today, not six months from VW_ ;W _MZM ZMTI]VKPQVO MIZTa -^MZathing's still a little rough around the MLOM[IVL _QTT ^MZa TQSMTa JM ILR][\ML and refined over the next few months-but I'm confident you'll fall in love with W]Z VM_ JZIVL \PM [IUM _Ia 1 LQL So, at this time, please allow me to introduce Georgetown's best place to get fit, fueled, and fashioned: The BAO Institute For Healthy Living! <W KMTMJZI\M \PQ[ ;I\]ZLIa \PM \P±WN )]O][\ _MTT JM PW[\QVO IV M^MV\ 7]Z mission? To acknowledge, appreciate, and thank you--our valued guests, members, and customers--for your unwavering love, support, patience, and positivity throughout this experiMVKM AW]Z WNNQKQIT QV^Q\M KIV JM NW]VL QV \PM aMTTW_ JW` \W \PM ZQOP bao INSTITUTE FOR HEALTHY LIVING formerly known as 9 0 5 - 87 7 - 07 71 THE B AO i n s t i t u t e . c o m 2 3 2 G u e l p h S t re e t A very special event in acknowledgement and appreciation of our valued guests, members, and customers T I M E TO TA K E A BAO Saturday, the 11th of August, 2012 12:00PM through 4:00PM @ The BAO Institute FEATURING: Exclusive offers! Promotional specials! Tours through what's new! All your questions answered! Free supplement consultations! ...and much more to be announced! PLUS: Free BAO Fit YOGA Stretch 30 at 12:30PM, 1:30PM, 2:30PM, and 3:30PM A very special event to benefit The Sheri Pare Family Trust Fund WE CAN BE HEROES Saturday, the 18th of August, 2012 12:00PM through 4:00PM @ The BAO Institute FEATURING: Silent auctions! Valuable raffles! Live entertainment! Food and beverage! ... and much more to be announced! PLUS: Prizes for... Most tire flips! Most super burpees! Most swings and snatches! ..and other tests of strength and endurance!