COMMENT The way we were Trudeau and Wynne will spend us to ruin During the last election, Justin Independent figures from the DeTrudeau and the Liberals promised partment of Finance show that Mr. to borrow no more than $25 billion Trudeau and the Liberals were left over the next four years to pay for with a $600 million surplus when their new spending. they were appointed to government Those promises are now out the on November 4, 2015. window. It is also very worrisome that the In their first federal budget last new government has not presented month, the Liberals announced a credible plan to balance the budplans to borrow $100 billion over get. the next four years, four times the During the campaign, the Liberamount promised in the als promised to balance election. And instead of the budget by the next the federal debt-to-GDP election, set for October falling to 27 per cent as 2019. promised during the camThat promise has now paign, it will now increase been abandoned, and reto 32 per cent. placed with some vague This borrowing binge is commitment to balance due to uncontrolled new the budget sometime after spending not accounted 2019. for in the Liberal election As the example of the platform. MICHAEL CHONG province of Ontario demIt is also due to underesonstrates, without a credtimating the costs of their campaign ible plan to balance the books, commitments. governments will tend to delay the For example, Prime Minister tough choices needed to balance Trudeau recently announced an the budget, leading to a deterioratadditional $1 billion for the inter- ing fiscal situation and credit downnational UN climate change fund, grades. spending that had not been includUltimately, we all will be forced ed in their election platform. Anoth- to pay the price of this unnecessary er example? borrowing binge at some future date During the election the Liberals in the form of higher interest costs estimated the cost of admitting and and higher taxes. resettling Syrian refugees at $250 As Phillip Cross, the former Chief million. Economic Analyst at Statistics CanInstead, it will cost closer $1.2 bil- ada, recently wrote, "Trudeau's deflion, almost five times the amount. icits were so not needed." He added, The new government initially "The reality is that the economy was tried to place the fault for this reck- doing well enough on its own and less spending and borrowing by does not need more stimulus or blaming the previous government hand-holding from government." for leaving them with a deficit. Michael Chong is the MP for This is simply not true. Wellington-Halton Hills In this photo from April 22, 1946, flames wrap around the frame structure at the CNR freight yard in Georgetown. This spectacular fire destroyed the 160-by-70 foot freight sheds, three railway cars loaded with freight, the J.B. Mackenzie coal shed, and a home owned by Mackenzie, but occupied by the Tyler family that stood nearby. The blaze resulted in damages of close to $60,000. Text courtesy of Heritage Halton Hills/Photo courtesy of Equesing Historical Society From our readers Thursday, April 21, 2016 - The IFP - Halton Hills - SPRING HAS SPRUNG Rein Pater took this photo of a new baby dove for Spring. Furnace Air Conditioning Gaslines Boilers Water Heaters Radiant Heating Time to Move? Call Derek We handleall handle all insurance work. insuranc e work. New Equipment Precision Maintenance Repair 905-877-8262 Derek Dunphy Sales Representative · Truck Accessories · Upholstery · Heavy Equipment Glass ·Window Tinting 354 Guelph Street, Georgetown 905-873-1655 905-877-3100 Page 7