THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2017 9THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 20178 1000's of New & Used sNows iN stock Tel: 519-853-8530 12865, Hwy 25 Acton, ON. Over 30 years experience The Crew at Acton Tire Stop wish everyone a Merry Christmas and All the Best in 2018 We are going to be on holidays from Dec. 23 returning Jan. 2 SCOTTISH IRISH ENGLISH 352 QUEEN ST. E, UNIT 4, ACT ON 519-853-0100 sweetmollys2010@hotmail.c om OPEN: CHRISTMAS EVE 10 AM-4 PM CLOSED: DEC 25, 26, 27 OPEN: THUR -SAT 10 AM-7 PM SUN 10 AM-4 PM CLOSED: JAN 1 re-opening JAN 16 10 AM MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM ALL OF US AT SWEET MOLLY'S SWEET MOLLY'S Christmas Memorial Dove Tree Once again, you, your family and friends are invited to take a complimentary dove from our Memorial Dove Tree in memory of your loved ones. The Dove Tree will be available in the funeral home from December 1st to December 23rd weekdays from 9 - 3 p.m. or evenings and weekends by appointment only. MacKinnon Family Funeral Home 55 Mill Street East, Acton 519-853-0350 By: Harry Rudolfs Keeping Halton Hills roads clear of ice and snow is a big job. The Town maintains 900 km of town roads and 125 km of regional roads, 125 km of sidewalks, about 80 school crossings and bus loading areas, 55 GO stops, 23 municipal parking lots, 10 parks and three cemeteries. The Town does a l l this on a budget of $2.2 million, of which $1.5 million is dedicated to Town roads, while the rest is designated for regional roads in the area. According to Dick Spear, Superintendent of Public Works, "The annual snow clearing budget is based on a five year average, but this can be compromised by the number and type of weather events. But we never compromise on safety. Budget deficits are covered by a severe weather reserve if neces- sary." Halton Hills does all its snow clearing "in-house" and does not use outside contractors. 44 full-time employees and four sea- sonal employees work three shifts from De- cember 1 to March 31, working around the clock from Monday to Friday. Weekend work is covered by overtime. D u r i n g t h e w i n t e r months, Town staff will go through 7,000 tonnes of salt, 6,000 tonnes of sand and 20,000 litres of brine on local roads-- with the exception of Hwy 7 which is covered by the MTO outside of urban areas. In terms of specialized equipment, Halton Hills uses some 17 tandem dump trucks, six five- tons, eight three-tons, five sidewalk tractors, four loaders and two graders. "Everything around here is multi-purpose," added Matthew Lynch, Fleet Coordinator for the Town of Halton Hills. "The rule is, if you can throw a plow on it, do it." Clearing Halton Hills' snow by the numbers