THE NEW TANNERTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 01, 2018 3THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 01, 20182 Legion news By: David Maloney P.R.O. ~ Branch 197 The l i s t i s up fo r Winter Horseshoe Tour- nament this Sunday. Check to see who your partner is. Don't forget the Foodbank drive. The popular Elio An- selmini is the DJ booked to play on the night the Legion will be hosting the Ladies Apprecia- tion Dinner and Dance in the Main Hall on February 10. Following the presentations at ap- proximately 9 p.m., the dance will be open to all comers. Ta lk ing abou t the ladies and celebrations, let us congratulate the two LAX teams that took second and third place in last Saturday's Dis t r i c t Qua l i fy ing Darts round played in Georgetown. Placing second were: Lor i Savage , Angie Mowat, Nancy McLel- land and Joan Maloney. Placing third were: Sue Poulson, Peggy Harris, Anne Horne, and Teresa Uiterwyke. Well done, ladies, and good luck in the next round. Cathy Munday and her team are gearing up for this years Family Fun Winter Carnival, which will be on Sun- day, February 18. Frank is pleased with the way members are re- sponding to the sale of tickets for the raffle of two hockey shirts and a hockey stick, signed by Johnny Bower and Dickey Duff. There are lots of tickets available still, and members of the public are welcome to purchase tickets. There are stil l two months remaining before the draw. Look for the list to be posted inviting those members who wish to go on the trip to Sunny- brook Sunday, February 25. More details to fol- low. Check the not ices behind the bar for up- coming events. Ladies Auxiliary: Last Saturday, the Ladies Auxiliary had two teams contending in the qualifying round for district darts in George- town. Both teams are mov- ing on, placing second and third. Congratula- t ions to both teams. I'm sure you will rep- resent the Acton LA in fine fashion on April 7 in Waterdown. Con- g r a t u l a t i o n s t o t h e Georgetown team as well on their first-place finish. D o n ' t f o r g e t o u r Appreciation Dinner coming up on February 10. Get well wishes are going out to our com- rades who are under the weather. Celine Vlarke President, LA BR 197 By: Alex Hilson The Acton Winter Car- nival Breakfast returned to the Acton Town Hall Centre this past Sunday. With a couple of hundred people in attendance, the event was run, and all funds went towards, 197 Typhoon Squadron, the Acton body of the Can- adian Air Cadets. The money raised from the breakfast helps to run the Cadet Program, paying for uniforms, trips, and exchanges, among other things. Cadets served pancakes and sausages with cof- fee, tea or juice. Classic board games and a huge colouring wall had been set up with the intention of being used later in the day, but families took ad- vantage of it early on as well, keeping people at the breakfast longer than in previous years. Supporting the event were representa t ives from the Acton Sea Ca- dets. Both programs are related through the Ca- det Program in general. Most Sea Cadets become Air Cadets when they get older. Paul Simas is a Lieu- tenant with the Acton Sea Cadets, and he will become Commanding Officer on February 4. He came from a Missis- sauga unit to help at the Acton unit. "My goal is to reach out to the community," Simas ex- plained. "I enjoy it. This is something we miss. As cities grow, we tend to lose the sense of com- munity. So here we still have that sense of help- ing each other, and it's wonderful. It's refresh- ing to me." While Simas still lives in Mississauga, he comes to Acton every Wednes- day. "But I love it," he continued. "I love that experience, to be able to say I teach cadets from nine to nineteen. Now, I have cadets who outrank me. I'm a Lieutenant, and I have cadets who are Lieutenant Com- manders and they still call me 'Sir'. They just can't get away from that relationship. It's really rewarding to be able to assist a person be the best they can be." By: Alex Hilson T h e A c t o n H o u s e League Hockey Associa- tion (AHHA) held their Giggles Comedy Night Fundraiser at the Acton Branch of the Royal Can- adian Legion on Saturday, January 20. Representa- tives from the Club were happy with the turn out and the money raised for House League program- ming. Kelly Cordingley, the Fundraising Chair for the Club and one of the Pri- mary Organizers of the Comedy Night, along with Judy Easton, said, "Acton House League is a non-profit organization run by volunteers. I my- self, am a parent of two kids who both play hock- ey and I know it takes a lot to run an organization like AHHA. Giving my time is the least I can do to give back." This was the first time the Acton League had hosted a comedy event as a fundraiser in recent years. The goal was to get parents and the commun- ity involved. The league fundraises mainly to keep costs down for players and to buy new equipment needed to run the different divisions. "We held the comedy night at the Acton Le- gion because they were local and able to accom- modate the 300 people we anticipated," explained Cordingley. "I called a couple different comedy agencies and Giggles Comedy Agency was amazing to deal with and sent us three awesome comedians: Casey Cordin, Michelle Shaughnessy and the headliner Gilson Lubin." Cordingley made sure to point out the event was a team effort. "The even- ing was a success and could not have happened without all the generous donations of prizes from the community. We're very thankful." Giggles Comedy Night a success Acton Winter Carnival Breakfast a hardy fundraiser Kendall (left), Titan, Omni, June, Peter, and Easton Meth enjoyed the pancake breakfast on Sunday.