13| The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,D ecem ber 14,2017 theifp.ca • Change engine oil & filter, lubricate (5L max., excluding synthetic) • Rotate & balance tires as necessary • Install snow tires that are on rims • Check all fluid levels • Check brakes, steering, suspension, exhaust & fuel system • Check vehicle for tune-up • Scan computer for codes As our thank-you to all of our great customers, regulars and new, please accept from us: • $5. TimHorton's Gift Card • 12-pack of Pop • Jug ofWindshieldWasher Fluid Our 18th An nual $59.95plus HST 45 Mountainview Road North, Georgetown, Ontario 905.877.7958 e-mail: hassellsauto@bellnet.ca • www.hassellautomotive.comSALES & SERVICE Super FALL Special HASSELL AUTOMOTIVE FINAL WEEK! GIFT-WRAPPING SERVICE FOR GOOD CAUSES Members of the Georgetown Christian Reformed Church have set up shop in front of Bergsma's Paint & Decor in the Georgetown Market Place and are more than happy to wrap your gifts in exchange for a free-will donation. Proceeds from the wrapping will go to a number of charitable organizations, including the Bennett Centre Angel Fund, the Georgetown Bread Basket food bank and the church's own Serve projects in underdeveloped countries. Eamonn Maher/Metroland Three out-of-town drivers were charged with alcohol-relat- ed charges in Halton Hills during a busy weekend for Halton re- gional police officers. Eleven people were charged between Friday and Sunday on Halton-area roads after allegedly drinking and getting behind the wheel of a vehicle. On Friday morning just after 2:30 a.m., a traffic stop was initi- ated near the intersection of Guelph and Adamson streets in Norval. Following an investigation, Codie Dodgson, 22, of Brampton was charged with impaired oper- ation of a motor vehicle and ex- ceeding the blood-alcohol limit. Another Brampton man faces the charge of refusing or failing to provide a breath sample after police pulled over a vehicle in the area of the Nashville North Party Bar in Norval. Parminder Singh, 22, was charged. At around 1:30 a.m. on Sunday, a vehicle was stopped just east of Norval on Guelph Street. Fabian Avella, 26, of Woodstock has been charged with having more than 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. Man charged with impaired driving twice within a week Halton Regional Police charged a local man with im- paired driving Thursday morn- ing, just six days after he was ar- rested for the same offence about a kilometre away. Police reported that on Dec. 7 at around 2 a.m., a traffic stop was initiated in the area of Guelph Street and Delrex Boule- vard. Robert Wight, 20, of Halton Hills was charged with impaired operation of a motor vehicle and exceeding the blood alcohol limit (80 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood). On Friday, Dec. 1, just after 2:30 a.m., an officer pulled over a vehi- cle near Guelph Street and Adam- son Street in Norval. Wight, a Brampton native, was charged with impaired operation of a mo- tor vehicle and driving over 80 mil- ligrams. Trio of motorists facing alcohol charges POLICE BRIEFS