•T he IFP• H alton H ills, T hursday, A ugust 15, 2013 23 HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING • FIREPLACES • 905-877-8023 SPOTLIGHT... on Leathertown Festival The 22nd Leathertown Festival was held Sunday in downtown Acton and drew a record crowd of between 7-8,000 people who were treated to a wide array of vendor participants showcasing their food, crafts, clothes and other merchan- dise. As well, there was plenty of entertainment for participants to enjoy. Above: Kyra Bingham, 6, and her broth- er Sean, 4, are all grins as they show off their face paint at the Leathertown Fes- tival. Below: Crooner Johnny Scat entertains the crowds with his take on the classics. Above: Jake and Elroy the "Blus Bros" flank Leath- ertown Festival volunteer Amy McBride during Sun- day's event. Left: Kylie Mitchell 18, and Maddison Hurrell,17, from Total Dance Innovations show their moves at the Main Street stage. Photos by Ray Lavender Above: Henry Sanderson, 2, of Georgetown stretch- es on his tip toes to get a balloon animal from Bogle the Magic Clown. Below: Two-year-old Henry Sanderson of George- town takes the wheel of the heritage fire truck while his sister Grace, 5, keeps an eye on him.