•T he IFP• H alton H ills, Thursday, O ctober 17, 2013 7 HEATING AIR CONDITIONING BOILERS RADIANT HEAT GAS LINES WATER HEATERS W W W . B R O O K S H E A T I N G A N D A I R . C A FREE Furnace Tune-up & Cleaning when you join our Preventative Maintenance Plan• Truck Accessories • Upholstery• Heavy Equipment Glass •Window Tinting 354 Guelph Street, Georgetown 905-873-1655 We handle all insurance work. Quality & Service You Can Count On! www.bathstudio .ca 905-702-0885 332 Guelph Street, Georgetown (Across from Canadian Tire) COMMENT Small Business Centre there to aid entrepreneurs October is Small Business Month, a time of year when we recognize the important contributions entre- preneurs make to the economy and our community. And the third week of the month, October 20-26, is Small Business Week. This week includes many free local events and ac- tivities such as workshops, seminars and conferences hosted by our Chambers of Commerce and others in the community offering support and resources to encourage the growth of small businesses in Halton. Attracting and retaining jobs in Halton is one of the priorities in Halton's Citi- zens' Priorities 2011-2014 Action Plan. That's why Halton Region's Small Business Centre works year-round to sup- port the small business community, including prospective and existing businesses, young entrepreneurs and new Canadians. We know that starting and run- ning a small business requires plan- ning and a great deal of effort. The Centre provides entrepreneurs and small business owners with the tools and resources to start and continue to grow their business ventures. Over the past 10 years, staff have responded tomore than 86,000 in- quiries and met with more than 9,300 clients in one-on-one consul- tations and hosted numerous events and seminars. They also connect with the community through an active social media campaign that includes YouTube, Face- book, Twitter and a blog. These initiatives are proving successful as more and more businesses are choosing to locate here. Halton is truly is an eco- nomic hotspot and a de- sirable place for people to live and start a business. Thanks to your efforts, Halton is a great place to live, work, raise a family and retire. As always, if you have any Re- gional concerns or comments you would like to share, please feel free to email me at gary.carr@halton.ca. You can also find me on Twitter @ garycarrhalton, LinkedIn or Face- book. To receive further updates on Regional issues, please subscribe to my quarterly e-newsletter, The Carr Report. --Gary Carr is the chair of Halton Region The way we were A more recent image from the Georgetown Herald in the summer of 1964. As part of a strike over wages, employees at Smith and Stone Limited are seen blocking a rail siding to prevent the CNR from picking up boxcars at the plant. The company manufactured electrical wiring devices and was a major employer in Georgetown, eventually closing in 1992. Photo: Courtesy of Esquesing Historical Society Content: Heritage Halton Hills Smith and Stone protest 'I consider it a slap in the face really.' --Winston Marshall, see story pg. 3 Laurie Mawlam, executive di- rector of Autism Canada, re- ceives a cheque for $1,062 from David Galvao and family, of Georgetown, the proceeds from Toby & Luke's (Galvao) Garage Sale held Sept. 22. All proceeds went to Autism Can- ada which will help families liv- ing with autism. One out of 88 children, including one of 54 boys, are now being diagnosed with autism. Submitted photo Got a photo you want to share? Email: jmcghie@theifp.ca. Autism Aid From our readers 'Quote unquote' GARY CARR Dear editor, I just had a Halton Police officer at the front door, on a rainy evening, re- turn my business cellphone. A few boys had found it at the TD Bank at Argyll and Mountainview Roads earlier this afternoon. They called the police to try and track the owner. This all happened within a few hours of me having gone to the bank and without having yet found out that I had misplaced it. I can't track down the boys, but I really appreciate the effort that every- one made. It's wonderful to live in a commu- nity where people still go out of their way to be helpful. Melissa VanBerkum, Georgetown Letter: Effort to return phone appreciated