•T he I FP • H al to n H ill s •T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 7 , 2 01 3 34 Ask the Professionals DIRECTORY "Even if you're on the right track you'll get run over if you just sit there."~ Will Rogers. DENTISTRY New Patients & EmergenciesWelcome! www.georgetowndental.com 905-877-2273 (CARE) Dr. Anoop Sayal & Assoc. Since 1994 Located inside Georgetown Marketplace Mall HOURS: Mon. 9 am - 8 pm; Wed. 8 am - 8 pm; Tues. & Thurs. 9 am - 6 pm; Sat. 8 am - 3 pm • Bonding • Extractions • Wisdom Teeth • Pola Teeth Whitening • Implants • Asleep Dentistry • Emergencies Seen Same Day Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Separation & Divorce mediation accredited mediators georgetown, brampton, bolton, mississauga, orangeville flexible hourswww.pccs.ca 905-567-8858 1-866-506-pccs (7227) reduce cost & conflict divorce with dignitY and Keep Your moneY in Your pocKet! 905-873-7677 318 Guelph St., Georgetown Gerry Ross H.B.Sc. PT, MCPA, res.CAMT COACHING AND COUNSELING SERVICES 905-873-9393 info@coachmanon.com Ph.D. Jeff Johnstone jeff.johnstone@rogers.com jeff.johnstone@rogers.com 38 Oak Street, Georgetown, ON MSW, RSW Individual & Couples Counselling 647-965-3404 BUILDING SELF AWARENESS THOUGH COMPASSIONATE DIRECT DIALOGUE Bring you 30 years experience COuNSEllINg Q:Why is Self-Care Important to My Well-Being? A:If you want to be effective in either your personal orprofessional life, take a look at how you manage your self- care. Most of us lead busy lives and experience the pressure of responsibilities encroaching on every hour of our day. As a result, we often adopt the mindset that "with so much to do, something has to go". For many, it is self-care that loses the battle. What is self-care? It is essentially the conscious effort put forth to actively and purposely do something that energizes you. Self-care means you are making yourself a priority and treating yourself like you have value. Attending to your self-care will likely increase your resilience and give you a position of personal power regardless of the challenges you are facing. There are many ways to enhance your self-care. It can be as simple as getting enough rest/sleep, eating a balanced meal or creating personal time for a favorite activity. Maintaining healthy relationships through clear communication, respect and balanced responsibilities can contribute to self-care. Getting back into a hobby can be wonderful for self-care. Creating art, woodworking, scrapbooking, knitting etc, will make you feel happier. That is because doing things with your hands triggers a pleasure reaction and a feel-good state in your brain. Once involved in a hobby, people lose track of time and purely enjoy the process and the moment. Hobbies induce a stated of relaxation called "flow", even when acquiring new skills or problem solving. Include a dose of self-care to your daily routine and you are likely to notice an improvement to your overall well being and your effectiveness. Q:Can I trust the internet for healthinformation? A:Our cl inic's websi te www.rossphysio.com has a clinical library with hundreds of great articles written by registered physiotherapists (including yours truly) often with the scientific references noted for the article. There is a body map and a folder system so you can find what you are interested in quickly. You can also choose areas that you are interested in and be notified when a new article is added to that section of the site. A word of caution though - partner with a Physiotherapist during your rehab to avoid disappointing results or injury. Please take advantage of this information and stay well. Available in an accessible format. Space provided through a partnership between industry and Ontario municipalities to support waste diversion programs. Recycle empty rigid food, beverage and household plastic containers and packaging. Visit your municipal website for more information. RECYCLE MORECLE YCRE REGION