Halton Hills Newspapers

Independent & Free Press (Georgetown, ON), 5 Dec 2013, 60 36 V1 GEO DEC05.pdf

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•Th e IF P• H al to n H ill s • Th ur sd ay , D ec em be r 5 , 2 01 3 36 Real Estate Misc./ Services CANCEL YOUR TIME- SHARE. NO RISK pro- gram. STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Free Consul tat ion. Cal l us N o w. We c a n H e l p ! 1-888-356-5248 Apartments for Rent 1-BEDROOM APART- MENT, ideal for mature adults, in clean, quiet Georgetown bui lding. Available February 1st. $900/month plus hydro. I n c l u d e s h e a t , fridge/stove and parking. 905-455-4766. 1-BEDROOM , close to Georgetown GO Train. Available immediately. Just renovated. ALSO 2- BEDROOM, ava i l ab le J a n u a r y 1 s t . $925/month inc ludes heat and 2-appliances. C a l l 9 0 5 - 7 0 2 - 3 0 7 0 , 905-877-1010. APARTMENTS FOR Rent Georgetown 1 to 3 Bed- r o o m s . R e n o v a t e d Suites. Move-In Immedi- a te ly. $800- $1 ,395 . Strategic Property Man- a g e m e n t J e f f : 905-699-8112 GEORGETOWN 1 Bed- room Apartment. $800/ month. Includes Utilities, 1 P a r k i n g S p o t a n d Laundry. Non-smoking/ Pets. Available Immedi- ately. 905-703-4618. GEORGETOWN NEW- LY renovated Country apartments. $1050 all inclusive. Lots of na- ture. Available imme- d i a t e l y . C a l l : 905-877-7720 GEORGETOWN very pri- vate. Includes applianc- es, heat and parking. 1 bedroom $825/month plus hydro. References required. No pets. Good C r e d i t r e q u i r e d 647-280-4415. LARGE 1 bedroom in country estate home. R e c e n t l y r e n o v a t e d , large windows through- out. Gas fireplace, Sep. walkout entrance, 2 acre ya rd . S to rage room, parking. $1200 inclusive. No smoking. Dec. 16. 905-876-6631. NEWLY BUILT, legal 2 b e d r o o m b a s e m e n t apartment, in quiet ma- ture neighbourhood, pri- vate laundry, parking, $1100 utilities included. December/ January. No s m o k i n g / p e t s . 416-824-8380 Townhouses for Rent GEORGETOWN 3 bed- room, beautifully done, on the edge of Glen Wil- l i a ms , b a c k i ng on to green space and Credit River. Finished base- ment, Garage, tons of storage, 6 appliances. January 1st. Non-smok- ing. long or short-term $ 1 7 0 0 + u t i l i t i e s . 416-523-0096 Houses for Rent 3 BEDROOMS, newly renovated. Large lot . $2000 utilities included. Call: 905-702-0290 or 416-459-3096 3-BEDROOM UPPER level detached bunga- low. Ensui te laundry, parking. $1,650/month a l l inc lus ive . Centra l Georgetown, Close to schools. Available imme- d i a t e l y . C a l l D a v e Krause 905-702-3771. 4 BEDROOMS, 4 wash- rooms, huge kitchen, hardwood, Semi de- tached, 5 appliances, includes walkout base- ment apartment, dou- b l e d r i v e w a y , Chinguacousy/ Bovaird, December 1st, $1800+ utilities. negotiable. 647-376-8633 BEAUTIFUL ENERGY ef- f icient 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, hardwood/ ceramic throughout, double garage, fenced yard, laundr y. Near Credit Meadows P.S.. N o n - s m o k i n g / p e t s . $1550+ part utilities. 905-757-0187 GEORGETOWN COUNTRY home for rent. Newly renovated 5 Bedroom, $1550. Available immediately. Call: 905-877-7720 Rooms for Rent and Wanted F U R N I S H E D r o o m i n Georgetown, use of kitch- en, cable. Suit working non-smoking gentleman. 9 0 5 - 4 5 7 - 0 2 6 2 o r 416-985-7985. Retirement Living RETIREMENT APART- MENTS, All Inclusive. Meals, transportation, act iv i t ies dai ly. Short Leases. Monthly Spe- cials! Call 877-210-4130 Industrial/Commercial for Rent/ Wanted 4796 SQ.FT. of recrea- tional space for lease. Ideal for use as gymnas- tic studio, martial arts studio, athletic gym or training facility. Please contact 905-877-0202 for more information. Articles Wanted LOOKING FOR ANTIQUES Q u a l i t y A n t i q u e Furniture, Canadiana, Sterling Silver, Lighting, F i n e C h i n a , G l a s s , M e m o r a b i l i a , a n d Complete Collections. For confidential service call Norm's Antiques at 905-703-1107. Articles for Sale 6 PIECE Yamaha Stage Custom Drum Kit with 7 Symbols, Stands and G i g b a g s . $ 1 3 0 0 . 905-877-1331 BUTCHER SUPPLIES, Leather + Craft Supplies a n d A n i m a l C o n t r o l P r o d u c t s . G e t y o u r H a l f o r d s 1 3 6 p a g e F R E E C A T A L O G . 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 5 3 - 7 8 6 4 o r Email: order@halfordhide.com Visit our Web Store: www.halfordsmailorder.com Carpet I have several 1000 yds. of new Stainmaster and 100% Nylon carpet. Will do living room and hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad and installation (25 sq. yards) Steve 905-890-5552 CarpetDeals.ca FRENCH PROVINCIAL diningroom table, buffet and 4 chairs $300 Good condition 905-877-8584 HOT TUB (SPA) COV- ERS. Best Price, Best Qual i ty. Al l Shapes & Colors Avai lable. Cal l 1-866-652-6837, www.thecover- guy.com/newspaper HOT TUB (SPA) Covers Best Price, Best Quality. Al l shapes & Colours Available. Call 1-866-652-6837. www.thecover- guy.com/sale PIANO KINCAID. 56 " long X 39" high. Oak fin- ish. Excellent condition. $550. Call 519-853-0403 NURSELAND FARM CHRISTMAS TREES Select and Cut Your Own. Spruce, Pine, Balsam Fir Free Hay Rides. Visit our Farm Animals in the Christmas Barn Open Weekends starting November 30th till December 15th from 10:00am to 4:00pm. The weekend of December 21st and 22nd please call for availability. 9536 TRAFALGAR ROAD, Georgetown 5kms north of the 401 Call: 905-877-0537 JP TREE FARM Cut your own Christmas Tree. 11389 5th Line, Nassagaweya, Milton, ON. Spruce, Pine, Balsam, Silver Fir, 1000's of trees from 8-10 feet at $30. Wreaths for $10. Wagon rides to the field on weekends. December 1 - December 24 Articles for Sale S T E E L B U I L D I N G S / METAL BUILDINGS. UP TO 60% OFF! 30x40, 40x60, 50x80, 60x100, 80x100 sell for balance o w e d ! C a l l : 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca UNIQUE SOLID Cherry Wood Dinning Room Set (Victorian Style) $3500- 3dr wall unit, hutch, 2pc. curial cabinet, table & 6 chairs. Extra large pic- ture frame (approx. 3' x 3') for living room area $200 . 905-799-4711 Carmela Christmas Tree & Items Firewood FIREWOOD FOR sale. 12" and 16". $280 per bushcord. Please cal l 905-877-7931. FIREWOOD Seasoned hardwood - STORED INDOORS. 12" or 16" lengths 1-888-856-8696 519-763-2223 www.northernhardwood.ca WOOD FOR Sale. Guar- anteed dry hardwood. $200 a pickup truck load (2 facecord) for pickup o r d e l i v e r y C a l l 519-853-3862 or 905-703-4357 Medical/Health Needs VIAGRA 100mg or CIAL- IS 20mg. Generic. 40 tabs + 10 FREE all for $99 . i nc lud ing FREE SHIPPING. Discreet, Fast Shipping. 888-836-0780 or metromeds.net Cars 2001 FORD FOCUS ZTS 4 door, 150,000kms. Great winter car or starter car. $2,390. Cer t i f ied , e- tested. Little rust, very small dent driver side, runs great, no problems! I f you want to test d r i v e , p l e a s e c a l l 647-999-1483 Christmas Tree & Items Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking "A1 CASH". $190 and up cars and trucks wanted. Free towing. Flat bed se r v i ce . Sc rap T i r es Wanted. 905-843-9332 or 416-356-9430. ALL VEHICLES wanted Dead or Alive. Free Tow- ing Best Prices Paid. We sell quality used parts. Erin Auto Recyclers. 905-459-4741 519-833-9775 FREE FREE FREE Pick up o f a l l i t ems made out of metal or steel. Old appliances, ex- ercise equipment, lawn- mowers, snowmobiles, ATV's, motorcycles, bi- cyc les , BBQ's , scrap metal. We pick for FREE! We also buy old cars, trucks, vans, farm equip- ment - Big or Small! Call T h e J u n k b o y s a t 9 0 5 - 8 7 7 - 7 2 5 7 o r 416-576-5776. Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking midwestmetals.ca CA$H! For Scrap Vehicles. FREE pick up! 1-705-466-5227, 1-866-586-5685 TURN YOUR RUST INTO GOLD TOP PRICE paid for cars, trucks, vans. Free tow- i n g . C a l l S t e v e 519-853-5543 Loca l . 7-Days/Week. $ WANTED $ Truck - Auto Machinery Running or Not! WE PAY YOU $260 and up to $5,000 Fast Free Pick-up Flatbed Carrier We also take old tires. Sell new and used parts. Custom exhaust shop (new cats $240 installed). 519-833-1150 c 647-403-1020 22 years in service Garages/Parking/ Storage LOCKED INDOOR STOR- AGE for vehicles: cars, boats , campers f rom $60/mo. 20 min. from Georgetown. 519-855-6880. Astrology/ Psychics TRUE PSYCHICS . For Answers , CALL NOW 2 4 / 7 . T o l l F R E E 1-877-342-3032 Mobile: #4486 www.truepsychics.ca Child Care Available INFANT CPR t ra ined mom of 2 year old twins w i l l baby s i t i n my home. Monday to Fri- day. Hours negotiable. Before and afterschool care provided. Sargent/ Delrex. Meals, snacks p r o v i d e d . C a l l 905-702-9535 ECE Teacher has ful l- t i m e a n d p a r t - t i m e spaces available. Shift- work parents welcome. Educa t i ona l and fun e n v i r o n m e n t . F i r s t Aid/CPR certified. Call 905-873-8451, 647-455-5871 Domestic Help Available C L E A N I N G S E R V I C E available. Reliable. Free e s t i m a t e . C a l l 905-702-3764. Health & Home Care NEW Shiatsu Massage 4 3 G u e l p h S t r e e t Georgetown across from Carpet Barn, Mil l and Gue lph S t ree ts . Ce l l 647-282-7698. Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don't let your past limit your career plans! Since 1989 Confidential, Fast Affordable - A+ BBB rat- ing. Employment & Trav- e l F reedom. Ca l l fo r FREE info booklet 1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366) www. RemoveYourRecord.com Doors & Windows G A R A G E D O O R S Broken spring special $89 ins ta l l ed w i th warranty. Repairs to broken rollers, hinges, cables,etc. Balancing and levelling also in- cluded Ful ly in- sured, 416-841-3808 Electrical 1 A. A Master Electri- cian. 25yrs Canadian Exper ience. Ser v ice upgrades, panel chang- es, fixtures, aluminum wi r ing, Chande l ie rs Guarantee. Fully l i- censed & ensured. Li- c e n c e # 7007437 905-866-8201 Handy Person ALL TYPE of wood floor- ing installation, sand- i ng , re f i n i sh ing f o r hardwood floors, tile work. 905-901-4664 GARBAGE, JUNK, reno- vation and construction waste removal. Base- ment , garage , house clean-outs. Small repairs in the home or business. Ray's Property Services s i n c e 1 9 9 4 . C a l l 9 0 5 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 7 4 o r 905-703-0243 cell. www. rayspropertyservices.ca Home Renovations All types of wood floor- ing installation, sanding, staining, ceramic tile in- stallation, new stairs in- stallation. Please Call: 905-266-0465 MASTER OF PLASTER Drywall taping, repairs, t r i m a n d p a i n t . Basements our specialty. C a l l R o b e r t 416-669-7616. www. masterofplaster.ca POLISH CONTRACTOR. Ba th rooms , Shower, Kitchen. Basement reno- vation specialist. Plumb- ing, Electrical, Ceramics, Drywall, Licensed, In- s u r e d . P r o f e s s i o n a l work. Reasonable rates. Satisfaction. 416-939-5600. LOST CAT - REWARD! Male , named Bo l ek 1 -yea r old, long hair, b l a c k w i t h wh i te on the neck and white tip on the tail. L o s t A u g u s t 7 th . George- t o w n , M o o r Park area. If found, call 647-866-4314. Supplement your income while helping our communitycommunityhelping our while Now Hiring in Georgetown and Milton. Ask about our $1,000 hiring incentive for B Class licensed drivers. FREE TRAINING. CALL TODAY! 1-877-914-KIDS www.firststudentcanada.com We are an equal opportunity employer. Y!AALL TOD CFREE TRAINING. 1-877-914-KIDS studentcanada.com .yere are an equal opportunity emploW Moving & Storage WWW.ALEKSMOVING.CA Flat rate/ free estimates. Local and long distance. Family owned business. Student and Senior dis- counts. 416-889-5167. USERS SELF STORAGE Serving Acton, George- town, Milton since 1995. Safe/ heated, 24/7 ac- cess, lowest prices in Ontario. Outdoor stor- age- boats, cars, RV's etc. 519-835-9638 Snow Removal SNOW REMOVAL. Resi- dential driveway snow removal. Book for the winter. Extremely re- l i a b l e . C a l l K y l e 647-444-5417. Waste Removal A1-JUNK RUBBISH re- moval, old furniture / ap- p l i ances / unwan ted items. Garage/basement clean-outs / renovation and yard waste. We load, we haul. Call The Junk Boys 905-877-7257 or cell 416-576-5776. WE RECYCLE! Careers Waste Removal BENNETT'S WASTE Dis- posal. Local Family Busi- n e s s . R e s i d e n t i a l - Commercial - Bins for R e n o v a t i o n s . C a l l 905-873-4808. Lost & Found Careers Lost & Found Careers Adjustments: Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad on the first insertion. For multiple insertions of the same ad, credit will be made only for the first insertion/ Credit given for errors in connection with production on ads is limited to the printed space involved. Cancellations must be made by 2 p.m. one business day prior to publication date. Cancellations must be made by telephone. Do not fax or e-mail cancellations. Business Hours: Monday to Friday 9 am - 5 pm Telephone Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm Cash & Interac Transactions: 9 am - 5 pm Call 1-855-415-8237 Fax: 1-855-515-4991 280 Guelph St, Unit #29, Georgetown, ON L7G 4B1 www.independentfreepress.com haltonhillsclassads@metroland.com Circulation 905-873-0301 ext 228 Your career is waiting for you. Hummingbird BASEMENT WATERPROOFING 20 years experience WE FIX WET BASEMENTS! 905-781-7013 25 year guarantee Inside or outside 24 hour service • Free Estimates Waterproofing Waterproofing Painting & Decorating N E E D A q u i c k c o s t effective change.....Let a F r e s h C o a t o f P a i n t Brighten up your home. C a l l S c o t t 416-702-0733.

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