•Th e IF P• H al to n H ill s • Th ur sd ay , M ar ch 2 0, 2 01 4 30 DENTISTRY New Patients & EmergenciesWelcome! www.georgetowndental.com 905-877-2273 (CARE) Dr. Anoop Sayal & Assoc. Since 1994 Located inside Georgetown Marketplace Mall HOURS: Mon. 9 am - 8 pm; Wed. 8 am - 8 pm; Tues. & Thurs. 9 am - 6 pm; Sat. 8 am - 3 pm • Bonding • Extractions • Wisdom Teeth • Pola Teeth Whitening • Implants • Asleep Dentistry • Emergencies Seen Same Day Family & Cosmetic Dentistry COACHING AND COUNSELING SERVICES 905-873-9393 info@coachmanon.com Ph.D. A: The Ontario Child Support Guidelines require theparty who is paying the child support to provide a copy of their entire Income Tax Return for the most recent tax year for as long as they have an obligation to pay support.This includes all attachments such asT4s,T4As, receipts, etc. Upon receiving their Notice of Assessment and/or Reassessments, they must also provide a copy of that document to the person receiving support. If the parent with whom the child resides also incurs special/ extraordinary expenses such as daycare/babysitting, sports activities, tutoring, counseling, out of pocket medical expenses or post secondary expenses, then both parties must exchange their Income Tax Returns as these expenses are paid by both parties proportionate to their incomes. The IncomeTax Returns are to be exchanged within 30 days of the anniversary date of a court order.The date that the Income Tax Returns should be exchanged are usually set out in a Separation Agreement but otherwise you it should be provided on or before May 31st. Once the income has been disclosed, you can then check the Child Support Guidelines Tables online to advise you the amount of child support that you should be receiving. If the amount is different than what you are receiving, you can either amend your Separation Agreement or consent to a new court Order in the new amount.You should consult with a lawyer to make the change. A: When I ask couples what brought them together in theinitial phase of their relationship, they often identify interests such as sports, music, sharing a social network, or common dreams as factors which connected them. After a few years, people often report that they no longer share any common ground as their interests may have changed.That is when I ask people about the values they share.They often are puzzled by this question and name the things they have built together such as their home, family and careers.Values are at the core of all the decisions we make and actions we take.These values assist us in explaining why life feels right or not. In my experience, individuals in new couples rarely take the time to discuss their respective values and how aligned or not they may be in them. For example, Joy values ``security`. This leads her to want to be cautious with the family finance. Tom, her husband, values ``freedom``. Consequently, he would prefer to be spontaneous with spending money and prioritize fun over saving. They have been fighting for years about money and cannot figure out why this is such an issue. Take the time to have a conversation about values with your spouse. You will find the process may assist both of you to understand what drives the other person`s motivation and choices. If you have competing values and needs, consider relationship coaching to assist you with creating a new common ground. Manon Dulude Ph.D, PCC, (C )OACCPP is a counsellor and a certified professional coach. She offers individual and relationship coaching. She can be reached at 905 873 9393. Q: Q:How do I know if the child support I receiveshould be changed this year? While it is similar interests that bring people together, is it their shared values which will keep them together in the long run? SUSAN S. POWELL SUSAN S. POWELL BARRISTER & SOLICITOR FAMILY LAW 350 RUTHERFORD RD. S. (Plaza 2, Suite 320) on the Corner of Steeles & Rutherford 905-455-6677Professionals DIRECTORY Separation & Divorce mediation accredited mediators georgetown, brampton, bolton, mississauga, orangeville flexible hourswww.pccs.ca 905-567-8858 1-866-506-pccs (7227) reduce cost & conflict divorce with dignitY and Keep Your moneY in Your pocKet! Find local professionals here every Thursday! For advertising information please call 905-873-0301 Ask the 2014 SUMMER YOUTH HOCKEY (905) 451.9275 Youth Boys/Girls 7 to 17 years old • 4 on 4 • Registration forms may be printed from our website & dropped off at South Fletchers • No games on long week-ends. • Games are played late Sunday and Monday evenings 4,5 & 6 years old Instructional Our 17th Year! Our 37th Year! www.arenapro.com All Games will be played at South Fletchers Sportsplex in Brampton (519) 622.5710 or (905) 796.7876 Summer Mens Team & Individuals We Play 3 - 20 Min Periods The expansion of the Mold-Masters SportsPlex in Georgetown from two rinks to four this past year has created room to grow for the Halton Hills Minor Ball Hockey League. Local native Donnie Casselman started up the league three years ago with about 150 players as young as four registered, which jumped to 450 in 2012 and 550 last year. Casselman is confident that number will increase again this spring, although he con- ceded that the league may have grown a little too fast for its infrastructure, so he's recruited retired police officers Stephen Boisclair and Mike Jander to serve as directors of game op- erations to ensure things run smoothly. "The way I run this program is that the kids are my customers. I need to see smiles on their faces and if not, something's wrong," said Casselman, who also operates ball hock- ey leagues in Guelph. "I want this to be a part of the culture of the town, where kids have a place to come and play hockey in a fun and safe environ- ment." Boisclair noted that the league has re- ceived interest from a few women who'd like to take up the sport. The league will stage most of its games on Sundays on two pads in Georgetown this spring, with the exception of long weekends when the action moves to Wednesday, likely in Acton. The HHMBHL also runs a youth rep pro- gram with its Georgetown Gladiators' teams. Players will be invited to play in exhibition games beginning in May to prepare for the provincial championships on the Canada Day long weekend. Registration will take place this weekend at the Mold-Masters SportsPlex. For more info visit the website www.hhmbhl.com SportsPlex pad expansion allows minor ball hockey league growth By EAMONN MAHER Staff Writer Continued from pg. 29 The 23-year-old played in the 2011 Memorial Cup as a member of the Ontario Hockey League- champion Owen Sound Attack be- fore taking up his studies with the Axemen in Wolfville, N.B. Heelis attended a prospects camp of the NHL's Florida Pan- thers this past September and was assistant captain of the Canadian entry made up of AUS all-stars who beat Kazakhstan 6-2 for the gold medal at the World Universi- ade Games in Italy in December. Acadia plays its opener of the University Cup Thursday against the third-ranked Windsor Lancers. Saturday's semifinal games and Sunday's final will be broadcast on the Sportsnet TV network. Georgetown's Liam Heelis pictured here in a November reg- ular season contest between his Acadia Axemen at the St. Mary's Huskies. Heelis' prospects A Drop-in Exercise Morning Program is offered at the Dufferin Community Centre in Prospect Park, 30 Park Ave., Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to noon. Come and walk, run or ex- ercise in the indoor sports field. This is also a popular venue for free play space for pre-schoolers. During P.A. days, school-age chil- dren are welcome between 11 a.m. and noon. Only $2 per adult, children are free! Info: 519-853- 9989, info@dufferincentre.com, www.dufferincentre.com. Dufferin Centre open weekdays for morning exercise