Halton Hills Newspapers

Independent & Free Press (Georgetown, ON), 20 Mar 2014, p. 4

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•Th e IF P• H al to n H ill s • Th ur sd ay , M ar ch 2 0, 2 01 4 4 Autobahn for All $1,000 Autobahn Cash**Upto Jetta Hybrid and GLI amount shown. $139 $3,920 down payment bi-weekly for 84 months* 2.9%APR 2014 Tiguan Own it from Autobahn Cash**+$500 $139 $2,190 down payment bi-weekly for 84 months* 2.9%APR 2014 Passat Own it from Autobahn Cash**+$500 $84 $2,355 down payment bi-weekly for 84 months* 2.9%APR 2014 Jetta Own it from Autobahn Cash**+$500 Visit georgetownvw.com or call 1-866-877-5285 for more information. Volkswagen Georgetown 203 Guelph Street (Highway 7) Georgetown - 905.877.5285 Georget *L im ite d tim e fin an ce pu rc ha se off er av ai la bl e th ro ug h V ol ks w ag en Fi na nc e, O A C .B as e M SR P of $2 6, 60 0/ $1 6, 38 5/ $2 5, 37 0 fo ra ne w 20 14 Ti gu an 2. 0T / Je tta 2. 0L / Pa ss at 2. 5 ba se m od el w ith 6/ 5/ 5 sp d. m an .t ra ns .I N C LU D IN G $1 ,6 10 /$ 1, 39 5/ $1 ,3 95 fr ei gh t an d PD I, fin an ce d at 2. 9% A PR fo r8 4 m on th s eq ua ls 18 2 bi -w ee kl y pa ym en ts of $1 39 /$ 84 /$ 13 9. $3 ,9 20 /$ 2, 35 5/ $2 ,1 90 do w n pa ym en to re qu iv al en tt ra de -in ,i nc lu di ng $2 9 EH F (ti re s) ,$ 10 0 ai rc on di tio ni ng le vy ,i fa pp lic ab le ,$ 5 O M V IC fe e, $5 8 PP SA fe e an d $4 95 de al er ad m in fe e du e at sig ni ng .C os to fb or ro w in g is $2 ,4 86 /$ 1, 52 5/ $2 ,4 86 fo r a to ta lo bl ig at io n of $2 9, 21 9/ $1 7, 64 3/ $2 7, 48 9. Li ce ns e, in su ra nc e, re gi st ra tio n, op tio ns an d ap pl ic ab le ta xe s ar e ex tra .* *$ 50 0 av ai la bl e on ca sh pu rc ha se ,fi na nc e or le as e (th ro ug h V ol ks w ag en Fi na nc e, O A C )o fa ne w 20 14 Je tta 2. 0L / Ti gu an 2. 0T / Pa ss at 2. 5L ba se m od el ,a nd up to $1 ,0 00 on a ne w 20 14 Je tta 1. 4L H yb rid / 2. 0 TS IG LI .O ffe rs en d M ar ch 31 ,2 01 4, an d ar e su bj ec tt o ch an ge or ca nc el la tio n w ith ou tn ot ic e. M od el s sh ow n: 20 14 Ti gu an 2. 0T H ig hl in e R- Li ne ,$ 40 ,1 90 / 20 14 Je tta 1. 8 TS IH ig hl in e, $2 4, 49 0 / 20 14 Pa ss at 1. 8 TS IH ig hl in e, $3 0, 87 5. V eh ic le s m ay no tb e ex ac tly as sh ow n. V isi tG eo rg et ow n V ol ks w ag en fo rf ul ld et ai ls an d to ns -o -f un .A fte ra ll, w e' re dr iv er s to o! An updated Secondary Plan for Norval was endorsed by Halton Hills council mem- bers Monday evening, but the public still has time to comment before it's official. The plan recognizes exist- ing automotive uses in the hamlet; features updated transportation policies, a reduced size of the Hamlet Community Core Area des- ignation and introduces a Hamlet Residential Office area designation on King, Green and Adamson N. streets. Other highlights are: • new commercial uses are capped at 250 sq. m. • existing commercial uses may expand to 500 sq. m. • updated floodplain map- ping from CVC places a larg- er area of the hamlet in the floodplain. • updated and strength- ened hamlet design and heri- tage protection guidelines to preserve and enhance char- acter of the hamlet • updated environmental protection policies to reflect regional policies and guide- lines. • a tree preservation plan required for new develop- ment. There are two deferrals to the plan-- one at 16 Adam- son St. N., which has been appealed to the OMB, and another on Louisa St. where the owner wants to build a home on vacant property. Kathy Gastle, president of the Norval Community As- sociation, said at the Council meeting that about 220 peo- ple participated in the Norval Secondary Plan review over the past two years. "As the community of Nor- val celebrates over 40 years of continuous dedicated vol- unteerism for the betterment of our community it is fitting that plans be developed that meet the needs of not just the citizens of today, but future citizens," said Gastle. "We have had a healthy diversity of ideas and opinions but we share the common goal; to provide the best solutions to combat problems in the fu- ture." Gastle said the urban separators are going to be of "great importance to the protection of Norval's natu- ral features and community character as transportation projects and residential de- velopment move forward." See TRAFFIC, pg. 5 Norval Secondary Plan approval delayed for 'second sober thought' By LISA TALLYN Staff Writer

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