•Th e IFP• H alton H ills, Thursday, M arch 20, 2014 7 WWW.BROOKS HEATING AND AIR.CA905-877-3100 HEATING AIR CONDITIONING FIREPLACE DUCT CLEANING WATER HEATERS INFLOOR HEATING Spring Cleaning? we offer professional quality AIR DUCT CLEANING Local experts you know and trust • Truck Accessories • Upholstery • Heavy Equipment Glass •Window Tinting 354 Guelph Street, Georgetown 905-873-1655 We handle all insurance work. www.georgetownrealty.ca edimou@georgetownrealty.ca EFFIE DIMOU Sales Representative Thinking of buying or selling? Call Effie Dimou for all your real estate needs. 905-877-5211 Dir: 416-991-4247 Real Estate Centre Inc., Brokerage COMMENT Town's residents busy with impressive tasks On behalf of council and the entire community, I would like to thank Ward 2 councillor Joan Rob- son for her 14 years of dedicated, selfless service. Joan has decided not to run in the upcoming munici- pal election. Joan brought a strong passion for the environment, se- niors and was very conscientious during budget deliberations. Joan's energy and humour will be missed at the Town Hall. We wish Joan all the best. **** Have you heard of Congenital Diaphrag- matic Hernia (CDH)? A young family in Georgetown has a little girl (Macey) who was born with this condi- tion. It is a life-threat- ening condition where the diaphragm does not close allowing the abdominal organs to enter the chest. It re- quires skillful surgery to repair. Fortunately, Macey had a successful surgery at Sick Kids and spent five weeks in the hospital. You can read more about it at CHERUBS.com. Thank you Rob, Annelies and Colton for informing me about CDH and that little Macey is fully recovered. On April 19, think about those who had to battle this devastating birth de- fect and those who lost their new- born babies. **** Congratulations to the North Halton Autism Chapter that has re- cently been formed. There is a fund raiser on April 5 at Ares Restaurant and tickets are $35. It promises to be a great evening. **** Good news for our seniors 80+ who need to renew their driver's li- cence. Licence renewal sessions are now being held at the Georgetown Branch of the Halton Hills Public Li- brary, located at 9 Church St. When you receive your renewal notice in the mail, follow the directions in the notice and call the Ministry of Transportation at 1-800-396-4233 (toll free) to book your session. Ses- sions are currently being held on March 26, April 9 and 23, May 7 and 21, June 4 and 18. **** Congratulations to Brenda Sisnett who has been named the Citi- zen of the Year by the Georgetown Lions Club. **** Star Gazing Event: Saturday March 29, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Bring the family to an exciting, fun and free star gaz- ing event hosted by the Town of Halton Hills and St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School, 147 Mill St. West Acton. Due to limited space pre-registra- tion is required. Please contact 905- 873-2601 ext. 2290 or jennifers@ haltonhills.ca **** Celebrate Earth Hour on Satur- day March 29, from 8:30-9:30 p.m. The global Earth Hour event high- lights the need to conserve energy and take action on climate change. Everyone is encouraged to take simple steps to reduce energy use, including turning off any unneces- sary lights, while staying safe. -- Rick Bonnette is the mayor of Halton Hills RICK BONNETTE The way we were Mail's glory days 'The care has not changed, but there's a peacefulness in that unit...' --Shirley Andrechek... see story pg. 8 & 10 'Quote unquote' Acton had its own impressive post office at the corner of Mill and Willow streets on the south-east corner. The building was erected in 1913 and opened in 1914. Photo courtesy of Esquesing Historical Society; Content Heritage Halton Hills