Halton Hills Newspapers

Independent & Free Press (Georgetown, ON), 3 Apr 2014, p. 4

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•Th e IF P• H al to n H ill s • Th ur sd ay , A p ril 3 , 2 01 4 4 Autobahn for All $1,000 Autobahn Cash**Upto Jetta Hybrid and GLI amount shown. $139 $3,920 down payment bi-weekly for 84 months* 2.9%APR 2014 Tiguan Own it from Autobahn Cash**+$500 $139 $2,190 down payment bi-weekly for 84 months* 2.9%APR 2014 Passat Own it from Autobahn Cash**+$500 $84 $2,355 down payment bi-weekly for 84 months* 2.9%APR 2014 Jetta Own it from Autobahn Cash**+$500 Visit georgetownvw.com or call 1-866-877-5285 for more information. Volkswagen Georgetown 203 Guelph Street (Highway 7) Georgetown - 905.877.5285 Georget *L im ite d tim e fin an ce pu rc ha se off er av ai la bl e th ro ug h V ol ks w ag en Fi na nc e, O A C .B as e M SR P of $2 6, 60 0/ $1 6, 38 5/ $2 5, 37 0 fo ra ne w 20 14 Ti gu an 2. 0T / Je tta 2. 0L / Pa ss at 2. 5 ba se m od el w ith 6/ 5/ 5 sp d. m an .t ra ns .I N C LU D IN G $1 ,6 10 /$ 1, 39 5/ $1 ,3 95 fr ei gh t an d PD I, fin an ce d at 2. 9% A PR fo r8 4 m on th s eq ua ls 18 2 bi -w ee kl y pa ym en ts of $1 39 /$ 84 /$ 13 9. $3 ,9 20 /$ 2, 35 5/ $2 ,1 90 do w n pa ym en to re qu iv al en tt ra de -in ,i nc lu di ng $2 9 EH F (ti re s) ,$ 10 0 ai rc on di tio ni ng le vy ,i fa pp lic ab le ,$ 5 O M V IC fe e, $5 8 PP SA fe e an d $4 95 de al er ad m in fe e du e at sig ni ng .C os to fb or ro w in g is $2 ,4 86 /$ 1, 52 5/ $2 ,4 86 fo r a to ta lo bl ig at io n of $2 9, 21 9/ $1 7, 64 3/ $2 7, 48 9. Li ce ns e, in su ra nc e, re gi st ra tio n, op tio ns an d ap pl ic ab le ta xe s ar e ex tra .* *$ 50 0 av ai la bl e on ca sh pu rc ha se ,fi na nc e or le as e (th ro ug h V ol ks w ag en Fi na nc e, O A C )o fa ne w 20 14 Je tta 2. 0L / Ti gu an 2. 0T / Pa ss at 2. 5L ba se m od el ,a nd up to $1 ,0 00 on a ne w 20 14 Je tta 1. 4L H yb rid / 2. 0 TS IG LI .O ffe rs en d M ar ch 31 ,2 01 4, an d ar e su bj ec tt o ch an ge or ca nc el la tio n w ith ou tn ot ic e. M od el s sh ow n: 20 14 Ti gu an 2. 0T H ig hl in e R- Li ne ,$ 40 ,1 90 / 20 14 Je tta 1. 8 TS IH ig hl in e, $2 4, 49 0 / 20 14 Pa ss at 1. 8 TS IH ig hl in e, $3 0, 87 5. V eh ic le s m ay no tb e ex ac tly as sh ow n. V isi tG eo rg et ow n V ol ks w ag en fo rf ul ld et ai ls an d to ns -o -f un .A fte ra ll, w e' re dr iv er s to o! Tattoo parlour clients asked to visit doctor The Halton Region Health Department has been made aware of an uninspected tattoo business at a private home at 23 Arletta St. in Georgetown, operated by Christopher Dayfoot. Proper infection control procedures were not being followed. Clients may be at risk of hepatitis B and C, HIV, and skin infections. The Health Department is asking anyone who has had services to contact a health care professional for assess- ment. At this site the Health De- partment inspection found serious deficiencies in: · running water and disin- fection agents; · environment hygiene; · equipment records and client records. The Health Department recommends anyone inter- ested in receiving a tattoo, a body piercing, or a skin pigmentation to first ask the operator for inspection re- cords. A list of inspected premis- es is also available at www. halton.ca. Search "inspect- ed premises." The Health Department inspects tattoo or body piercing artist services of which it has been made aware. Public health inspectors monitor the services regu- larly to ensure the operator complies with the applica- ble infection prevention and control procedures. Halton Region makes the inspection records available to the public. For more information, call the Halton Region Health Department. Dial 311 or 905-825-6000. More information about proper infection prevention and control is also posted on the Health Department web- site: www.halton.ca/ipac.

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