Halton Hills Newspapers

Independent & Free Press (Georgetown, ON), 1 May 2014, p. 4

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•T h e IF P • H al to n H ill s •T hu rs da y, M ay 1 , 2 01 4 4 Autobahn for All $1,000 Autobahn Cash**Upto $139 $3,920 down payment bi-weekly for 84 months* 2.9%APR 2014 Tiguan Own it from Autobahn Cash**+$1,000 $139 $2,190 down payment bi-weekly for 84 months* 2.9%APR 2014 Passat Own it from Autobahn Cash**+$1,000 $84 $2,355 down payment bi-weekly for 84 months* 2.9%APR 2014 Jetta Own it from Autobahn Cash**+$1,000 Visit georgetownvw.com or call 1-866-877-5285 for more information. Volkswagen Georgetown 203 Guelph Street (Highway 7) Georgetown - 905.877.5285 Georget *L im ite d tim e fin an ce pu rc ha se off er av ai la bl e th ro ug h V ol ks w ag en Fi na nc e, O A C .B as e M SR P of $2 6, 60 0/ $1 6, 38 5/ $2 5, 37 0 fo ra ne w 20 14 Ti gu an 2. 0T / Je tta 2. 0L / Pa ss at 2. 5 ba se m od el w ith 6/ 5/ 5 sp d. m an .t ra ns .I N C LU D IN G $1 ,6 10 /$ 1, 39 5/ $1 ,3 95 fr ei gh t an d PD I, fin an ce d at 2. 9% A PR fo r8 4 m on th s eq ua ls 18 2 bi -w ee kl y pa ym en ts of $1 39 /$ 84 /$ 13 9. $3 ,9 20 /$ 2, 35 5/ $2 ,1 90 do w n pa ym en to re qu iv al en tt ra de -in ,i nc lu di ng $2 9 EH F (ti re s) ,$ 10 0 ai rc on di tio ni ng le vy ,i fa pp lic ab le ,$ 5 O M V IC fe e, $5 8 PP SA fe e an d $4 95 de al er ad m in fe e du e at sig ni ng .C os to fb or ro w in g is $2 ,4 86 /$ 1, 52 5/ $2 ,4 86 fo ra to ta lo bl ig at io n of $2 9, 21 9/ $1 7, 64 3/ $2 7, 48 9. Li ce ns e, in su ra nc e, re gi st ra tio n, op tio ns an d ap pl ic ab le ta xe s ar e ex tra .* *$ 1, 00 0 av ai la bl e on ca sh pu rc ha se ,fi na nc e or le as e (th ro ug h V ol ks w ag en Fi na nc e, O A C )o fa ne w 20 14 Je tta 2. 0L / Ti gu an 2. 0T / Pa ss at 2. 5L ba se m od el ,a nd up to $1 ,0 00 on a ne w 20 14 Je tta 1. 4L H yb rid / 2. 0 TS IG LI .O ffe rs en d A pr il 30 ,2 01 4, an d ar e su bj ec tt o ch an ge or ca nc el la tio n w ith ou tn ot ic e. M od el s sh ow n: 20 14 Ti gu an 2. 0T H ig hl in e R- Li ne ,$ 40 ,1 90 / 20 14 Je tta 1. 8 TS IH ig hl in e, $2 4, 49 0 / 20 14 Pa ss at 1. 8 TS IH ig hl in e, $3 0, 87 5. V eh ic le s m ay no tb e ex ac tly as sh ow n. V isi tG eo rg et ow n V ol ks w ag en fo rf ul ld et ai ls an d to ns -o -f un .A fte ra ll, w e' re dr iv er s to o! GeorGetown's source for new and used sports equipment! S P O R T S E X C H A NG E 68 Main St. N. MOORE PARK PLAZA • 905-873-0176 Your one Stop SportS Store GOLF: - New aNd used sets, drivers, hybrids aNd putters - everything you need for all levels LACroSSe BASeBALL - head to toe... players and team sales SoCCer: -shoes, shins, balls, etc ruGBY&FootBALL -cleats HoCKeY pLAYerS AnD GoALIeS Two Georgetown women are facing charges after Halton Police concluded an ongoing drug investigation in Halton Hills. The investigation led police to two female suspects they believed were traf- ficking cocaine in Georgetown. Police ar- rested both suspects and early Saturday executed a search warrant at a George- town apartment building where they found 25 grams of cocaine, 11 grams of marijuana, 6.5 grams of cannabis resin, $980, digital scales and packaging. Charged with two counts of traffick- ing in a controlled substance (cocaine), and possession of a controlled substance is Catherine Blacklock, 45. Charged with trafficking in a con- trolled substance (cocaine), possession for the purpose of trafficking (cocaine) possession of a controlled substance (marijuana) and possession of a con- trolled substance (cannabis resin) is Krista Smallwood, 36. Two women face drug charges These items were seized by Halton Police during a search of a Georgetown apartment.

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