Thursday, February 12, 2015 - The IFP - H alton H ills - w w w Page 7WWW.BROOKS HEATING AND AIR.CA Thank you for voting Brooks #1 again!no cash value expires Feb 28/15 • Truck Accessories • Upholstery • Heavy Equipment Glass •Window Tinting 354 Guelph Street, Georgetown 905-873-1655 We handle all insurance work. COMMENT The way we were Fifty years ago this week Glen Williams was hit with "the worst fl ood in memory, the result of weather conditions, which the village residents had been hoping wouldn't come about. Rain culminated in the sudden breakup of the ice that had blocked the river channel solid. The worst jam was in the centre of the village where the pressure of acres of ice chunks four and fi ve feet thick tested the stability of the main bridge." Images courtesy of Esquesing Historical Society/text Halton Hills Herald 50 years ago this week 'Ideally it would be best to stop spending so much on rent...' -- HALC president John Lescoe, pg. 3 Chris Cizmar took this photo of a deer, taking a rest. Cizmar has been noticing a number of deer in the Hungry Hol- low area this winter. Got a photo you want to share? Send to photo with details to RELAXING IN THE HOLLOW From our readers 'Quote unquote' Christine is the best choice � e Ontario Progressive Conservative Party is engaged in a leadership race, which is getting more interesting by the day. In my considered opinion, Whitby- Oshawa MPP Christine Elliott is best suited and quali� ed to be our next leader, and eventually, Premier of On- tario. It has been my plea- sure to have worked with Christine for the past nine years, and I supported her when she ran for Leader in 2009. Christine is a profes- sional, who had a distin- guished career as a law- yer before she was � rst elected to the Ontario Legislature. She has been a strong leader in her riding, within our caucus, and in the House. While she is a reso- lute defender of con- servative principles, in- cluding the need to balance the budget and ensure a competitive business cli- mate, she is not a rigid ideologue. She is sensible, she is practical, and she looks for what works. In the Legislature, she has always been prepared to reach across party lines, if that is what it takes to get the job done. By taking that approach, you can get a lot accomplished, even if you are in Opposition. Christine showed the way, with her work on all-Party Select Committees of the Legislature that she pushed to establish. � ese Committees engaged in exhaustive consultations and devel- oped thoughtful recommendations on addictions and mental health, and later on improving developmental services in Ontario. She showed her compas- sion, her sense of responsibility that we all have to those less fortunate, and she showed her heart. In a recent speech, she summarized her political philosophy. "Good economic policy enables good social policy," she said. "And, � s- cal responsibility and social compas- sion can, and must, go hand in hand." � at, to me, is what it means to be a Progressive Conservative. All of us in provincial politics need to show On- tarians that we are listen- ing, that we understand their concerns, and that we are speaking for them in the Legislature. � ey need to see that we are worthy of their trust, and that we have the best ideas to lead this province back to great- ness. To be e� ective in the House, we need to be sen- sible, credible and truthful. And for our Party to suc- ceed in the next election, we must be able to e� ectively reach out to voters across the province, not only rural and small town Ontario, but also urban On- tario and the GTA. We will need to show that we have lived, we have learned, and we are ready to govern again. Christine Elliott is respected and her integrity and ability have been proven. She wants to move Ontario forward while working with everyone, and in doing so make our province stronger and more prosperous. She is the leader that Ontario needs. ***** Wellington-Halton Hills MPP Ted Arnott welcomes your comments. He can be reached at 1-800-265-2366. His website address is www.tedarnottmpp. com. TED ARNOTT Time to Move? Call Derek 905-877-8262 Derek Dunphy Sales Representative