Pa ge 8 T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 19 , 2 01 5 - T he IF P - H al to n H ill s - w w w .th ei fp .c a 585 Steeles Ave., Milton • 905.878.4137 SAleS DePT. HOURS: Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 9:00 Friday 9:00 - 6:00 Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 NSteeles Th om ps on 401 Main St. Ja me sS no w Pa rk wa y Ma rti nS t/H wy 25Milton Lease of for Nissan Rogue S FWD (Y6RG15 AA00) is plus paint charge if applicable, HST and Lic. Lease rate is 0.99%. Residual based on 20,000 km per year is $12,238.98 plus HST. Total lease obligation is $13,200 plus HST. Excess km charge is 10 cents per km. .99%480 $275 NEWS The United Way of Halton Hills is now at 80 per cent of their goal with only just a few weeks to go before the 2014 campaign wraps up and needs help to reach their goal to serve the needs of our community. Since the United Way Hal- ton Hills announced their 2014 campaign goal of $400,000 this past fall, they have been work- ing hard towards raising it. They have seen some local businesses demonstrate real leadership in making a difference in our com- munity, and the generosity of residents has also been very en- couraging. The United Way is grateful for the results to date but their work is not yet done. "We are reaching out to our caring com- munity for help to b r i d g e t h e g a p a n d r e a c h our goal. T h r o u g h your donations we can make a positive impact on the lives of our residents!" says Susan Ks- iezopolski, United Way Halton Hills Campaign Chair. Ksiezopolski praised local company TD Williamson Canada of Georgetown for its recent do- nation of $7,292 to the United Way. "We would like to thank TD Williamson for their outstanding efforts in supporting our United Way," said Ksiezopolski. "They are an excellent exam- ple of how a caring organization can pull together and create a positive impact in the commu- nity in which they operate. Their generous donations help change lives," she said. United Way Halton Hills has been serving our community for over 28 years, funding a broad network of agencies that provide social services to one in three of our local Halton Hills residents. Be a change hero and help them reach the $400,000 goal! Donations can be made through the United Way Halton Hills website www.unitedwayof- or call the United Way office, 905-877-3066. United Way is at 80% of its 2014 target From left, Paula Zilio and Rae Allison of T.D. Williamson Canada in Georgetown present a cheque for $7,292.50 to Susan Ksiezopolski, Chair of the United Way Halton Hills campaign, and Janet Foster, Executive Director of the United Way. The company raised funds for the United Way campaign from September through December. Employee contributions were matched by the company. Photo by Lisa Tallyn IMPAIRED DRIVING CHARGE A Georgetown woman is fac- ing charges after Halton Police stopped a vehicle on Guelph St. about 3:20 a.m. Saturday. Charged with impaired driving and having over 80 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood is Amanda Tanner, 35. MAILBOX DAMAGED A cast iron mailbox, valued at $500, was damaged at a Credit St. home some time Sunday or early Monday. Police say there were tire tracks on the property's lawn and police believe someone lost control of their vehicle, struck the mailbox, then went up onto the lawn.