Pa ge 1 0 T hu rs da y, O ct ob er 1 5, 2 01 5 - T he IF P - H al to n H ill s - w w w .th ei fp .c a Federal election 2015 Monday, Oct. 19 These are your candidates in the Wellington-Halton Hills riding To help voters get to know their five local federal election candidates better, The Independent & Free Press has asked the five candidates in Wellington- Halton Hills two general questions-- What makes you the best candidate for Wellington-Halton Hills? and What do you think is the biggest issue facing the riding? Each candidate was given a limit of 200 words per question. Please take the time to read their responses and also take the time to vote on Monday, Oct. 19. Brent Bouteiller Green Party Profession: Civil Engineer Political Experience: Candidate in 1999 Provincial; 2000, 2004,2006,2008,2011 Federal Elections, 2003, 2006 Municipal Election. 1. What makes you the best candidate for Wellington-Halton Hills? I have 25 years of experience in civil engineering of infrastructure for governments of Canada including roads, bridges, transit, watermains, sanitary sewers and storm sewers. Therefore, I understand the infrastruc- ture needs of the governments of this country. I have been a parent for 21 years and understand the needs of the family. Between 2003 and 2009, I was on the Board of Directors of the Community Resource Centre of North and Centre Wellington and was President for two of those years and, as a result, I understand the needs and struggles of people in the community. As well, as President of the local chapter of Engineers Without Borders, I have come to understand the complexities of providing international development and addressing poverty. The Green Party policies cover all aspects of the government. Our vi- sion includes a strong economy while addressing climate change and creating jobs. Elizabeth May has provided stellar representation in the House of Commons. This is the type of representation I would work to provide. The combination of my experience and the Green Party's poli- cies make me the best candidate to represent the people of Wellington Halton Hills. 2. What do you think is the biggest issue facing the riding? The biggest issue facing the riding is employment. While Halton Re- gion and Wellington County have lower unemployment rates than the rest of the country, they are still high, while Canada's unemployment rate, at 7%, is very high. Many people have lost full-time jobs. Of those that were lucky to find new work, many have only been able to find part-time work with no benefits. In the meantime, youth unemployment is higher at 14%. We need a more diversified economy. The Green Party has a plan to develop innovation centres (or hubs) through the country. These hubs would bring together businesses, governments and universities/colleges to develop new products, services and technologies. A steady stream of innovation would create a steady stream of new, high quality, high paying jobs for Canadians. The Greens recognize that youth have trouble finding work due to a lack of experience. We have a plan to create a Community and Environmental Youth Corps that would create 40,000 jobs per year for a 4 year span to provide youth with the experience they need to find work. Harvey Anstey Canadian Action Party Profession: International Brother Hood Electrical Workers Electrician Political Experience: Previous candidate in municipal election, volunteer on various political campaigns. 1. What makes you the best candidate for Wellington-Halton Hills? I believe Canada is the greatest country in the world. Over the last sev- eral years I have noticed we are slipping. We are no longer represented by our MPs. They vote party lines not constituents wishes. We are giving away our sovereignty by signing free trade deals that allow companies to sue Canada in SECRET tribunals. We allow companies to lay off CANA- DIANS and replace them with Temporary foreign workers. We have free trade with countries that have no environment or labor laws. We allow foreign lenders to make billions in interest payments instead of using the Bank of Canada. We at the Canadian Action Party have a solid plan to bring back our Sovereignty. We will reinstate the Bank of Canada, reform parliament, allowing MPs to represent the people not the party, stop the Temporary foreign workers program, and renegotiate our trade deals so they work for us not against us. We will work with business to reduce green house gases and punish polluters, not put a system in place that lets you pollute if you have money which cap and trade does. I will represent you and I will work towards making Canada Great again. 2. What do you think is the biggest issue facing the riding? I personally think the biggest issue facing the riding is the loss of good jobs. If a person has a good job they can have a better standard of living. Without good jobs where kind of future will the next generation have? Without quality jobs how can our kids afford homeownership? As we ship good jobs overseas are we just supposed to forget the Canadian dream? It is shameful in this country that we have leaders refusing to address this issue. If we can reinstate the Bank of Canada mandate we can save billions in interest, re investing in our Country and see these good jobs start to return. But if we don't renegotiate our free trade deals you will see infrastructure jobs going to foreign companies that are allowed to bring workers in from overseas while Canadians sit at home. After all Canada should work for all Canadians not just Bay street. We have a plan. For more details go to On October 19 vote ANSTEY. • The riding of Wellington-Halton Hills is comprised of the Wellington County townships of Centre Wellington, Guelph/ Eramosa and Puslinch, and the Town of Erin and the Town of Halton Hills in Hal- ton Region. It encompasses 1,584 square kilometres. • The riding has a population of 115,880 based on the 2011 Census with 89,263 eligible voters on the revised voter's list. • The Returning Officer for this riding is Thomas H.L. Gallagher, 21 Main St. N. in Acton. The toll-free number is 1-866-714- 6728. • Polls are open 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Election Day, Monday, Oct. 19. • In the May 2011 federal election, 55,309 of the 83,499 eligible voters cast a bal- lot. Conservative Michael Chong won with more than 63 per cent of the vote (35,132). His closest rival was Liberal Barry Peters (9,034). • By law, everyone who is eligible to vote must have three consecutive hours to cast their vote on election day. If your hours of work do not allow for three consecutive hours to vote, your employer must give you time off. Your employer has the right to decide when the time off will be given. • An employee must be paid what he or she would have earned during the time allowed off for voting. It is an offence for employers to fail to provide time off for voting if required under the Canada Elections Act. It is also an offence for an employer to reduce an employee's pay • For more details/questions on voting go to Wellington- Halton Hills riding quick facts