Pa ge 4 2 T hu rs da y, O ct ob er 2 9, 2 01 5 - T he IF P - H al to n H ill s - w w w .th ei fp .c a Call 905-864-6888 760 Bronte Street South, Milton Let the Memories and Traditions Continue. A move to Seasons means more time enjoying yourself and less time spent worrying. NOW OPEN! COMMUNITY On Sunday, Nov. 8 at 7:30 p.m., the whole community is invited to attend Sing Out a Song For Peace, a one hour (free) concert to promote world peace. For 22 years now, we have been raising our voices in support of peace and to hon- our veterans from all wars and peacekeeping missions. Branch 120 of the Canadian Le- gion will participate, along with the George- town Choral Society and the Georgetown Children's Chorus. Since 2015 is the 70th anniversary of VE day, we will tell the story of the liberation of Holland, as told through the eyes of a young child, written by Riet Schenk of Georgetown. The other guest speaker will be Georgetown Christian Reformed Church Pastor Tom VanMillegen, who tells the story of his family seeking refuge and opportunity in Canada after the war. We will celebrate the ongoing thanks that our Canadians of Dutch origin still express many generations later. This is also the 100th anniversary of the publication of In Flanders Fields, by Cana- dian John McCrae. The poem will be recited and we will listen to words of interpretation by modern Canadians, such as Lieutenant- General Romeo Dallaire. We will play a mu- sical tribute to "The Fallen": those who have been lost in war, who have fallen in poverty and who been downtrodden in our modern world. As we remember our past, we renew our desire for peace and we pledge to do our part to make our world a better place. It will be a poignant and uplifting evening. The concert will be held at the George- town Christian Reformed Church, 11611 Tr- afalgar Rd. Prior to the concert (please come at 7 p.m.), the choir will host a singalong of old favourites from the Second World War era. We especially welcome veterans and de- scendants of veterans as we join to honour all those who fought for Canada in the past and for those who lost their lives in doing so. Special seating for veterans and their spouses has been arranged. Please call Lois Fraser at 905-877-4411 ext. 253 to reserve a seat or to arrange a ride. Story of the Liberation of Holland told at Sing Out a Song For Peace, Nov. 8 By Lois Fraser Special to The IFP Limitedspacestillavailablefor LocalArtisans,Crafters&Vendors! November28&29,2015 RoyalBotanicalGardens Burlington,ON A DIVISION OF Toapplyorformoreinformation, call 289-293-0710 NE W FE AT UR E: Ma ker 's Ma rke tpl ace