Pa ge 2 T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 5 , 2 01 5 - H ea lth S ec tio n - w w w .th ei fp .c a 333 Mountainview Road South, Georgetown 905-873-3103 Low back pain is the most common complaint of all musculoskeletal problems, affecting up to approximately 80% of people in their lifetime. o learn more about treatment options for common complaints like sciatica, a pinched nerve, bulging discs, degenerative disc disease and WHEN and IF surgery is an option, you are welcome to attend our Knowledge Building Seminar. Limited seating is available, and registration is required. Low back pain is the most common complaint ?• Are you living in Painor Discomfort• Are you wondering what treatmentoptions are available• Do you think you need surgery How healthy is your back? Low back pain is the most common complaint of all musculoskeletal problems, affecting up to approximately 80% of people in their lifetime. To learn more about treatment options for common complaints and registration is required. Low back pain is the most common complaint Georgetown Location Noon - December 9, 2015 with Physiotherapist Jenny Telfer-Crum HEALTH It's time to revert back to Standard Time af- ter eight months on Daylight Savings Time. Most of us think that we will be getting an extra hour of sleep! Those of us with young children however, dread the early morning wakes at this time of year. Daylight Savings really does have an ef- fect on all of us, especially in toddlers and children who tend to be much more struc- tured with going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning. That is usually why people notice it the most in young children. For 'Fall Back' my recommendation is to split the difference. By this I mean if your lit- tle one usually takes a morning nap around 9:30, you will adjust this to 9 a.m. for the first three days after the time change. It will be a bit of a push for your child, but not so much it will completely disrupt their routine. Do the same for all subsequent naps that day. For bedtime, if your child usually goes to bed at 7 p.m., I recommend an earlier bed- time, 6:30 p.m. for the first three days to give your child time to adjust to the time change (this will feel like 7:30 p.m.). Keep up with your routine and you will get them back on track. It usually takes about a week or two for their body to adjust to any changes to their sleeping habits. Camille Gemmell is a Certified Infant + Toddler Sleep Consultant, 1.844.WEE.1210 ext.102 Tips to ease your child back into standard time If you are like other people who suffer from dizziness or vertigo you may be having dif- ficulty getting a diagnosis. Your doctor may have sent you for tests, referred you to spe- cialists or given you medication without any success in determining the cause of your symptoms. Many different disorders can cause dizzi- ness and each case is unique, which makes a diagnosis difficult. If your doctor can deter- mine that the cause of your dizziness is the inner ear, Vestibular Rehabilitation is likely appropriate for you. Vestibular Rehabilitation is non-invasive and uses simple exercises to allow the brain to compensate for the inner ear. The exer- cises should be prescribed by a Registered Physiotherapist who is trained specifically in Vestibular Rehabilitation. The program can be done at home with follow up visits to progress the exercise program as appropri- ate. Vestibular Rehabilitation is highly effec- tive if the exercises are done as prescribed. Improvement of symptoms is usually no- ticed within the first couple of weeks. Many people who have vestibular prob- lems become fearful of going out of their house, driving and doing normal daily ac- tivities. Vestibular Rehab will help to restore your confidence and gradually return you to the things you enjoy. For more information please contact: Jenni Veneruz at (905) 702-7891 or visit the InFocus Rehabilitation Centre Inc. website at Experiencing dizziness?