Pa ge 8 T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 1 2, 2 01 5 - T he IF P - H al to n H ill s - w w w .th ei fp .c a DEKER eLectric ltd. SALES SErVicE iNStALLAtiONSESA #7003060 905-702-0515 DEKER ELECTRIC This is not only the right time of year to change your tires, it's a GREAT time to change your FUSEBOX! CALL US TODAY! NEWS Georgetown Lions' Santa Claus Parade needs at least 30 volunteers The Georgetown Santa Claus Parade has been an annual hit for over 80 years, thanks to the help of local volunteers. But every year, the Georgetown Lions Club, which hosts the annual parade, is finding it harder and harder to get people to lend a helping hand. Lion Louie Violo, chair of the event, said in past years, Halton Regional Police have volunteered officers to stand with barri- cades at major intersections. But this year, no one could be made available to do the job. "In the past, they've supplied auxiliary officers for no charge to man some of the barricades at the main intersections, but that's not going to be the case this year," Vio- lo explained. "They just don't have the staff." Organizers are looking for 25-30 people to man the barricades during the event. If no one is able, the parade will continue, but with a slight safety risk. "If we don't get them, we have to take our chanc- es with the barricades be- ing there on their own," Vi- olo said. "We need people there to help keep the traf- fic flowing." The parade is taking place Nov. 21 at 5 p.m. and will take its usual route from the corner of Guelph St. and Sinclair Ave., down Guelph St. to Mill St., through the downtown to Charles St., then arriving at Park Ave. and conclud- ing at the Fairgrounds. There are currently 65 floats confirmed for the Miracle On Guelph Street-themed parade and Violo estimates as many as 80 will attend the event. "It's getting bigger and bigger every year," Violo said. "Obviously requiring more and more help each year." If anyone is interested in volunteering for the event, please contact Violo at louie@ or Kevin Robinson at By Kathryn Boyle Georgetown Lions Club has been organizing a nighttime parade for several years. This year's parade is set for Nov. 21.