Pa ge 3 4 T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 4, 2 01 6 - T he IF P - H al to n H ill s - w w w .th ei fp .c a P H O TO s : ju P iT e r im a g e s / r ya n m c va y / TH O m a s n O r TH c u T / s TO c k b y Te / iT s TO c k fr e e / TH in k s TO c k Five tips for a memorable Big Game Day party 171 Guelph St., Georgetown 905.877.5393 Pick up your Game Day Snacks and Drinks Here! Enjoy the Game! Available for Company & Private BBQ Events Hot Dog Cart at the Canadian Tire Location ™Chico's 905-838-3647 905-877-3000 72 Main St. N (Moore Park Plaza) Georgetown JOE'S GREAT PIZZA 2 Large Pizzas (3Toppings Each) $19.99 * Add 20 wings $11.99 280 Guelph St. Georgetown 905-877-7719 CAFE • BAKERY • CATERING PREPARED MEALS DINE IN Deli Meats & Cheeses TAKE OUT *Beer *Wine *Spirits Licensed by AGCO "FOOTBALL SPE CIAL" Big CrispyWings O nly $9.49 per lb from now until Gam e Kickoff Feb 7th. FREE delivery, in G eorgetown (on orders over $2 5.00) "order in advance" p lease CATERING & PLATTERS also available ! The long awaited moment has finally arrived for diehard fans as well as for the simply curious. It's time for some football, people! Are you ready to celebrate? Here are some tips to help you have a great evening. 1. Invite over your friends. The more, the merrier! Even people who only get excited about the half-time show will get caught up in the electrifying atmosphere of game night. But before you invite the whole town over, be sure to calculate the number of seats you have room for in front of the TV. 2. Decorate. Bring the feel of the football stadium to your living room by decorating it in the colours of the two teams competing in this important game. That is, unless all your friends support the same side, in which case you can focus on decorating according to your allegiance. 3. Plan a feast for kings (and queens). Think appetizers, chicken wings, pizza, hamburgers, chips and cookies. Prepare everything yourself or turn it into a potluck meal; just don't forget the paper plates and napkins. Game night is the perfect time to pig out without guilt, so go ahead and have fun. 4. Drinks for everyone. Make sure there's beer, soft drinks and ice. You could even plan to make cocktails in the colours of the two teams. Just make sure there's something for everyone, teetotalers included. 5. Organize activities. A little friendly competition could liven up the evening. Try some party games or karaoke with a victory theme. A football trivia quiz might be just the thing for commercials and those dull moments between plays. Now you're ready for the party -- enjoy the game! P H O TO : s e a n m u r P H y / TH in k s TO c k