th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, A pr il 5, 20 18 | 30 We all want the best quality of life during our retirement years. Wheth- er you're planning for your own future or for your parents', making wise choices is essential for enjoying this life stage. As older adults stay ac- tive and healthier longer, a popular option for a place to live is a retire- ment home. There are many important factors to consider when research- ing a home. Here are some tips that make the process easier, recommended by the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority. They license and regulate retirement homes on be- half of the government of Ontario. Plan. Make a list of the care services you need now or may need in the fu- ture. This can include anything from help with bathing to meal prepara- tion and medication ad- ministration. Consider. Now is also the time to think about what you would want in an ideal living environment. Be sure to think about the community, the size and type of building you want to live in, the accommoda- tions you would prefer, and how far family or friends would be able to travel to visit. Can the home accom- modate independent liv- ing and what does it offers residents in the way of events and community ac- tivities in addition to care services? Research. You can find out about the homes in- spections reports, servic- es offered and more for the more than 700 retirement homes in Ontario through the RHRA's public regis- ter. Look up homes by name, license status, city or even postal code. Make note of any questions you would like to follow up on with your preferred resi- dences. Tour. Visit your top op- tions in person. Many of- fer tours, meetings with staff, and even the oppor- tunity to enjoy an activity or a meal. This will give you a better idea of wheth- er the home is the right fit. Be sure to bring along your list of questions to make the most of your time. Find more information at SENIORS Picking a retirement home requires checking the facts CHRIS VERNON Picking the right retirement home takes a bit of work. Metroland file photo Please keep our community clean! Please call for a tour 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Accredited by: R.R. 2, Guelph 519-856-4622 130 Mill Street East, Acton 519-853-0079 Full & Partial Dentures Implant Retained Dentures Precision Dentures (BPS® Certified) Relines, Additions & Repairs Dental Lab On Site No Referrals Needed To advertise on this page call Kelli: 905-234-1018 or email