th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, A pr il 5, 20 18 | 4 The Halton Hills Cam- era Club (HHCC) has spon- sored the annual PhotoArt 2018 contest for the past three decades and this year's edition culminated recently at the awards cer- emony held at the John El- liott Theatre. The competition is open to both amateur and pro- fessional photographers who are either local resi- dents or members of the HHCC, but submitted im- ages can be taken any- where in the world. Special awards handed out included Best in Show - Karin McDonald, Mas- querade; Mayor's Choice - Norm Pietila, Determina- tion at the 18th Hole; Peo- ple's Choice - Morgan Har- ris, Out of the Darkness. All children and youth entrants received a compli- mentary ticket to see Cana- dian photographer and conservationist Neil Ever Osborne this Friday (March 23) at the John El- liott Theatre. Tickets are still available at the JET box office for $15 each. Top-three results in each category from PhotoArt 2018: People 1. Lori Metcalfe, Covert Agent. 2. Paul Skeels, Money to Burn. 3. Nathan Hiller, Singing in the Rain. Critters & Creatures 1. Dave Welfare, Thoughtful. 2. Sheri Binsell, Spiritual Reflection. 3. Ralph Van Haeren, Foxy. Flowers & Foliage 1. Karin McDonald, Magneta and Cream. 2. Karin McDonald, Burst of Orange. 3. Nathan Hiller, Rose of Sharon. Objects & Abstracts 1. Doris Burfind, Step it Up. 2. Steve Williams, 1957 Local. 3. Doris Burfind, Deflated. Scenery 1. Barb Redford, Along the Coast. 2. Michael Kenny, Tide on a Black Beach. 3. Ross Pezzack, Geothermal Colours. Architecture 1. Doris Burfind, Churchill Church. 2. Carol-Ann Michaelson, Tranquility. 3. Ross Pezzack, Auschwitz Latrine. Creative 1. Karin McDonald, Masquerade. 2. Norm Pietila, Newsstand Winter Edition. 3. Sheri Binsell, Owl Canada. Open Monochrome 1. Nathan Hiller, Lady in Black. 2. Lori Metcalfe, East Coast Fisherman. 3. Ross Pezzack, Under the Eiffel Tower. Open Youth 1. Sidney Hagg, Solitude. 2. Emma McInnes, Countryside Sights. 3. Jack Hunter-Buffington, Frigid Air. Three of a Kind (nine-12 years) 1. Caelan McDonald, Colours of Costa Rica. 2. Danielle Sauve, Animals. 3. Hilary Fry, Is it Breakfast Yet? COMMUNITY Hotshots in Halton Hills PhotoArt competition From left, some of the winners in the child and youth categories of the PhotoArt 2018 contest posed for a photo after the awards ceremony: Caelan McDonald, Avery Lake, Hilary Fry, Brody Miller, William Oesch, Audrey Fry, Simoni Parikh, Rylee Rawn. Greg Coman photo A new cemetery for the general public is taking shape for residents in Halton Hills and their families. Devereaux Cemetery is located in a quiet country setting on the 17th Side Road, just west of Trafalgar Road. It's adjacent to the Holy Redeemer Cemetery and open to people of all religious faiths. Contact us for information about available interment options, either at time of need or in advance. 905-877-8500 l Owned and operated by The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of the Diocese of Hamilton Don't miss out! Visit website for details and to register! SUMMER CAMP and PARENT AND TOT PROGRAM registration also available Sign up now for the world's most popular game. Soccer is affordable, a great team sport, builds social skills, provides excellent exercise and is fun! LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER FOR HOUSE LEAGUE Registration: Call or Pick Up at 479 Guelph Street, Norval Georgetown Daycare Centre 90 5-877-4376 georgetownsummercamp@gma Licensed with Ministry of Educ ation Registration now open for Sept 2018 Daycare & Before/ After School Programs. Transportation to and from local schools. Providing Care for Infants - 11yrs 483 GUELPH STREET, NORVAL 905-877-4376 905-877-4375 Pricing - $184.00 (Week 1 only) $230.00 all other weeks We Provide: All Snacks, PLUS Subs on Thursday AND Pizza on Friday New & Exciting Weekly Field Trips & Outings WEEK THEME JULY 3-6 Anything Goes!1 Y 16-20 Creative Campers3 JULY 3-6 Anything Goes!1 JULY 16-20 Creative Campers3 JULY 9-13 Nature Explorer s 2 NeNew & Exciting Ww & Exciting Ww & Exciting Ww & Exciting Ww & Exciting W Y 16-20 Creative Campers JULY 23-27 Wet n' Wild4 JUL 30 - AUG 3 Inventor's Workshop5 AUGUST 13-17 Fun & F7 eekly Feekly Field Tield Tield Trips & Outingsrips & Outings ventor's Workshop AUGUST 13-17 Fun & Fitne ss7 AUGUST 6-10 Let's go Green!6 AUGUST 13-17 Fun & F7 AUG 27-31 Bon Voyage Summer!9 AUGUST 20-24 Symphony of the Senses8 GEORGETOWNDAYCARE CENTRE 184 Guelph Street, Georgetown ON. L7G 4A7 • Open 7 days a week! Guelph Street Animal Hospital 8 3 8 7 905-702-VETS • Exam+ DHPP + Rabie s - $69 • Exam+ FVRCP + Rabie s -$69 OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT Monday - Friday Monday - Friday: 8am-Midnight Sat - Sun: 10am-5pmHours Spays / Neuters Vaccinations Medicine Surgery / Orthopedics Digital X-Ray House Call Service Dental Surgery / Cleaning Emergencies Prescription Food In-house Lab Behavioural Counseling